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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.

Absolut Zero

Smash Rookie
Mar 15, 2009
You guys r still playing this game.... This is a bigger life sucker than wow... It's like crack.... I've been fighting urges to play it again, but I've been off it for so long I dunno if wanna relapse

I just had to do a search on Wikipedia with woman as the search criteria....for reals

Absolut Zero

Smash Rookie
Mar 15, 2009
That would be cool if I posted how long do u think it would take me to remember how to play this game again, and some one commented u never new how to play this game ooooooooo pwnd...lol

Deleted member

well the first time was the dibbs tourney and we did, then i went with kyle to go diving and we werent in town long, although we did think about stopping by dibbs on the way back but i didnt think anyone would be there on a wednesday. then me and my new lady friend went to new orleans all day yesterday. xD

Absolut Zero

Smash Rookie
Mar 15, 2009
Yaa I probly wouldve kept playing doc if psyfish didn't main him. I liked learning to play Mario though even though he's not as creative as doc can be I like learning to uair with the cstick while going down, I like fire ball surprise attack and how to back air 10 times off the edge, and how to chain throw somebody but *** up and accidentally turn it into a cool combo.

I already remember how to play in a few mintutes it just depends on if I care or not.

Absolut Zero

Smash Rookie
Mar 15, 2009
Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time(says in an obi wan kenobi voice)

Youll get into trouble comin all the way out here kid, this little mother ***er in a hood just shot me in *** a
few days a go. Let's go back

You have to go help me fight this guy I watched burn in a fire along time a go. Indeed I was a Jedi the only problem was I could never get Any *** not even this little green thing would give me a suck. Hey wait a mintute we're these androids there? Any ways ur comin with me. Ur aunt and uncle die in a fire. How? Read scene 2 *******... Jeezzzz. *** I have the worst part in this movie who let's themselves be killed? I killed that little ****er in episode 3 I couldve roasted marshmallows over his burning ***. Then they make me wait in this desert all alone when do I get to *** god dammit Im the hero not this punk *** *****.... There's more than one way to use the force though ;) Then I'll finally be able to use my "lightsaber". Haha. Ohhh Wtf there's somebody inside this gold suit. Lmao wtf is he doing in there... What a *******.....

Absolut Zero

Smash Rookie
Mar 15, 2009
Is anybody going to dibbz today? I might go over there if someone wants to play MELEE Mostly I wanna play with gregory serio IV, but I'll play with anyone except people that r too good nvm, I'll play anyone in good fun. I don't like going places though my anxiety is really bad but it's cool.

Well I mean it's not cool my anxiety is gonna still be with me and I might have a panic attack but it's cool... No wait it's not everyone just stay away give me a mintute owww it hurts too much stuff stupid brain what the hell is wrong with u, u better get in control of my body..... Cmon ugh. Wtf is going on, y won't u just let me go in here and play this game.... Anyways that was just added for dramatic affect tell me if ur goin to Dibz. And don't let this post scare u away.... So u be there and u play this game with me alright.

Ok I'm probly just gonna go over there my self and play the computer until someone shows up I guess. It's probly to early though I dunno


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
i will travel across the lands, searching far and wide, These(?) pokemon to understand the power thats inside?

i always thought it 'Teach pokemon to understand'..hm

Absolut Zero

Smash Rookie
Mar 15, 2009
Wtf happend to me

I was gonna try to and explain how I feel to a normal person but was having trouble but this song pretty much covers it:

crawling in my skin
these wounds they will not heal
fear is how I fall
confusing what is real

there's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface
this lack of self-control I fear is never ending
controlling/I can't seem

to find myself again
my walls are closing in
(without a sense of confidence and I'm convinced that there's just too much pressure to take)
I've felt this way before
so insecure

crawling in my skin
these wounds they will not heal
fear is how I fall
confusing what is real

discomfort, endlessly has pulled itself upon me
against my will I stand beside my own reflection
it's haunting how I can't seem...

to find myself again
my walls are closing in
(without a sense of confidence and I'm convinced that there's just too much pressure to take)
I've felt this way before
so insecure

crawling in my skin
these wounds they will not heal
fear is how I fall
confusing what is real

This song is actually about me, I actually know linkin park and they just asked me how I feel and I explained it to them and they came up with this.... Then they got a ****load of emo kids all pumped up they don't really care what they're saying, this wasnt the song that made them popular that was...takes me one step closer to the edge.... And I'm about to break. Then teens every where were like" **** YA ***** IM ABOUT TO BREAK TOO AHHHHH!!!!!
It's like they're talking to us let's go to their concert and beat the shut out of eachother and that gave them a place in the world and sumthing to identify with.... Yes this tradition is still going on in today's world why u ask I dunno because people are weak they need to feel like there apart of sumthing or else theyre a loser...there's strength in numbers and other kids can bond with eachother..... These kids usually hate their parents cuz they probly did suck at parenting cuz parenting is a tricky business.... Kids need they're parents
But they hate that they need them and then they have to grow up or go in denial...and these are the good parents. Then there's parents that are *******s and think the children are better and these kids have it better off they usually just feed off their parents and then go off successfully. I mean some don't they cant live up to the expectations and these kids get all ****ed up... And these are still good parents... Then theres parents that don't care about their kids and set no foundation for them which leaves the kids off to find their own way... These kids are probly best off when they get older but it's hard for them without support. I dunno theirs alot of different ways to parent and kids then respond in different ways. My parents overprotected me and my brother but it was a good setting and they let us go are own way,when I was younger the 4 of us were all pretty close my brother never rebelled or anything he actually likes doing with my parents which is very ***ed up... Then there was me the observer and "kid" I loved being a kid I didn't have to do anything when I was a teen I started to pull away but my parents were like ok just as long as ur with us so I'd go out do stuff with friends and then come back home and tell my parents stuff... My parents must have been perplexed when I started to want to go my own way they knew I never did anything as a kid besides get babied and lay around when I got older it was harder to do this I had to pretend like I had it rough at home but it wasnt. So when it came time to be on my own I was like ok I have a friend and I'll do it whatever, my parents were basically still in control of me waiting for me two fail and even though my brother was a good brother it still felt like it was 3 against 1, my brother would say u gotta learn responsibilities and I was like ok... I've Seen u do everything I can do it. I didn't think of it when i was away but I was the one that gave the 3 of them entertainment when we were together I made that family what it is.... I struggled on my own I tried to do it but I just didn't even my roomate knew it then I started playing smash and doing drugs and pretty much forgot about my family during this period in the beginning I had no idea what I was doing, then I came up with a plan I'll do this and in the meantime try to get a girlfriend or sumthing to make me wanna take control well that failed even though I'd say I was a good potential bf I was to afraid to do it I can't even take care of my self.... So the drugs ***ed me up and my parents knowing I couldn't pay rent were coming to get me this all happened At once like an explosion.... When I got back home it was like wtf do I do.... I couldn't act like a kid i was to old and my brother was gone. Even still I don't do anything here my parents do... So I was trapped in my room inside their house... I was like ***... They knew I wasn't acting like I normally do I tried to make it as if was there renting a room... I'd do some thing around the house... But I just hated it i hated being their I hating living I was so miserable I didn't go out I didnt have any friends my parents were all like ya we knew couldn't do it.... So I broke the family "bond" And quickly made it apparent that I hated living their and they hated it equally as much, my dad started clinging to me as if this was still the family that he knew. But it wasnt and my dad whose a cancer did not like it... It got to the point where he threw me up against the wall by my neck.... I didn't care we fought till my mom calmed him down but he was ready to call the police. But then things just got worse at first I was trying to cut the house in half mentally where I could live in my half and they could have theirs... It's sumthing I don't think my dad understood, so he started acting like we were all a big happy family he was trying to live my life and At the same time didn't want me there.... So it became like a crisis situation. I started to get ***ed up mentally I was just hiding... I already had depression and anxiety but now i had no life my life was hiding trying to live in my parents house when they went to work. I thought things had gotten to their worst but they hadn't. Eventually I started to feel ok I think I even went back up to baton rouge. I still had my brother when he came home things were manageable but at the same time he was like wtf is this this isn't the family, I knew that,i held back everything I used to do and say, my brother was like u gotta get outta here I wad like I know. My brother new I was capable of living on my own I just didn't show it. Thats when I told my dad he ***ed up the day he came and got me I said I knew what I was doing that I knew inwas in a ba place but I was gonna get there I just needed time. Their argument was i wad on drugs/couldn't take care of my self and would have died and I said that would have been better than this. Keep in mind things weren't at their worst yet.

Threw all of this my 2 cousins always looked up to me they use to copy me they loved being with me I was their idol. So when they saw me it wad like wtf happened ...


Smash Ace
Oct 9, 2004
and yeah its not like I made that gif I just jacked it from reddit and posted it; if I made something that elaborate I would at least get my lyrics right lol but theyre prolly jus trollin anyway


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
Tier Divisions (Based off of attendance and performance):

S - Lee Martin, Entreri, TaylorHJ
A - RSIA, Setsuma, Avery, EET, ISBS
B - Cyphus, V, Patrick, Pierre
C - RunFast, Nick, Zakosai, Austin, Zyfor, Candul, Mura, Ricky, Wiggins
D - ShyGuy, Hyro, Everpower, Kalzar, Battousai
E - Jiovanni, Turok, BSL

we could probably update this, since its been at least half a year now lol
or if it doesn't really matter, we should just get rid of it.

Absolut Zero

Smash Rookie
Mar 15, 2009
well from how far down i was it looks like this story will end up good considering i just had the best conversation of my life>

ok so it was over the phone text messaging to a 18yrs old girl that lives in pittsburg that ive never met and only seen one picture of and just have talked to over the phone but still ill type out the conversation :

ok i havemt talked to her in a few days but she really likes me and illl pick it it up after weve talked for a bit

me "Holy Crap im so happy that u exsist and that ur real and u dont know it yet but ur saving my life"

me"i know its alot for u to take on but ur strong enough theres no one on this earth as strong as u"

her"Awe I love u :)"

me"I love u so much *cry face* i have to get out there and be myself im tired of hiding"

me"but i wont let this world brimg me down anymore"

her"Awe i love u babe so much"

me"And ur gonna love the real me cuz its tha same person ur talking to except hes not afraid to move forward......hes not afraid of the things that bring him down"

me"im free to do what i want im a good person who had to deal with so much **** it steals away my very self. But im comin back cuz i deserve another chance ive learned from my mistakes and i will flourish with u by my side i can do anything "strait face" "wink" "love"

me" i love u our life is going to be so amazing now that im free to use my own ideas to make everthing better i can do anything with ur protection support and love"

me" I need to know 100% that i will be with u can u give me that "

me "i know u cant but as long as u are going to be and arent gonna change thats enough"

hER"no i love u to much to ever let u go"

me" I already feel less depressed just knowing i get with the best woman on this earth"

her" awe :)"

me "ur so awesome i hope ur as happy as me"

her "I am babe"

me" i never thought id find what i was looking for. It turns out wasnt impossible or only one girl i just had to make myself good enough so that i had to find someone cuz there are good people out there ive found u and i wouldnt trade u for anyone ever......Never ur with me no one else deserves u"

her"awe babe i love u so so much"

me "u give me so much strength"

her "awe i love u"

me "i love u more"

at first i was just going to say hi but me being the thinker i am i said sumthin like i know u grew up without ur parents and i have so much too give u cuz i have to make up for all the love u missed and ur the only person strong enough in the world that can protect me cuz ur a frickin lion(shes a leo), i mean protect my feelings, and ill protect u from danger,with ur protection i can do anything i want.....

then she said i love u and i was like yes awesome oops wait i have to say i love u too then i said i feel so much passion for u..... i said we have so much to laern from eachother except for the fact that we want to **** the crap out of eachother and love eachother

the way i met her was on some stupid app where people rate u, then she left her number at first it was really akward then i sent her a picture of my **** and she was like wow its really good then we kept talkin about stuff. i was like do women really talk about guys ****s?" and she was like "yes" like the fatest she ever replied......also i said do girls get wet on accident like guys get boners. and then i sent her another picture of my **** and she was lik wow and i was like r u wet and she was like no, so u can control it

as for her looks shes like 4'11 cute face like 38 d boobs and a little chubby

so ya it was pretty awesome as far as my other story i end up goin to a mental hospital for 8 days where this dude ****s with my head and i cant explain it but it was so bad that this black dude that was there notices and punches him in the face

and i dunno i dont think ive recovered from that but when i got out i saw a doctor called chester who wanted to send me back to the hodpital and said i had schitzophrenia and eventually i got llike 8 other doctors to say i dont, i finnally fired his *** a week ago...... i was seeing this therrapist that i liked and i couldnt get over her so finaaly i went in drunk and said i cant keep seeing u if i know i cant be with u and i took back the picture i painted for her. and slammed the door, the next friday she filled my appointment with someone else and i had to talk to her supervisor who said that i was getting to close to her which isnt true cuz i never said i wanted to stop seeing and and i never made any advances towards her etc.. so she said shell call my cell phone later, then about 5 hours later i called and left a message with her that wasnt very nice.

So her Supervisor called my parents on my home and tried to go behind my back fortunately i was listening on the other line and then i cursed the **** out of her.... then she said i needed needed confirmatrion from dr chester. anyways when i get to him hes bring up the schitzophrenia and says ill make the call if u start taking these anti psychotics then we'll see in a month and i said no i neeed to se her right now he said ur stalking her then picked up the phone and left the message if i go anywhere near her to call the police.... so i i was ur done dude ur the only person that thinks this weve been playin u.... i finnaly say another doctor and am strait again

so ya i dunno i guess im gonna get a movie made about me or sumthing i dunno


Smash Cadet
May 16, 2009
Been foreva since i posted on here.... I=Mark. I just want to give mad props to kyle for being so awsome that he devestated me with roy. Grats also to taylor for slaying the player of too many games in the last 3 melee tourneys.

Absolut Zero

Smash Rookie
Mar 15, 2009
Hey here's another long *** post from me sorry but this is where I go to post this s

Yes , life is so awesome now... Well not really but I dunno I just feel a ****load better.like I don't even care Mainly cuz this girl http://m1210.photobucket.com/albumv...y9dLzfuy3oGg1lvmRFZY5wGRQHxgBRqH8BaQhVD+dkz8=
loves me and is coming all the way down from pensylevania to go to college and come be with me.... She was raised by her grandmother which I can't imagine she's got to be like already knowing what to do in the world cuz she didn't have to worry about family well Im just what she's needs she has what I need I need to be with someone who's been ready to ***in start livin since she was born and I don't know what the **** I'm doing being an adult.... I just wanna have fun again like when I was a kid except I don't have to worry about all this ****.... I just wanna do stuff with her and play poker and I dunno I guess other stuff too I dunno with her I'll probly wanna do everything Ive missed since I was a kid like going out and doing ****. And Its all thanks to my penis. if I wouldnt have showed her that then we probly wouldn't have started talking like we did. And it's funny as hell cuz I get to tell that like when people ask how we got together. I dunno she probly won't like me saying that I dunno maybe. All I know is I've been looking for an answer to my problems and nothing worked except showing my junk to a random girl... Who would have thought I have all these complex things going on in my mind about what I have to do to make things better and why can't I figure it out and all I had to do was send a picture of my wang to girl and no I didnt know what she looked like till later I was just gonna be nice to her when she turned out to be fat and gross or weird whatever but then I got the pic and was like holy **** there is a God.

I asked her once if she ever caught guys looking at her chest and she was like all the time and i was like ***in right. I get those lips and that chest I don't care that she's a little chubby. She said she use to be skinny and I was like *** she mustve been so ****ing hot. Don't wory she's gonna be burnin off that weight after daily sessions with me as her personal trainer and I'll get the job done( were going to be ***ing alot if u haven't caught on). u can tell how hot she would be if u look at the picture upside down and at an angle and kind of squint. And she's only 4'11 and I'm only 5'8 not a big guy but around her I'm gonna feel like all manly and ****. Ok now I think I'm just basically talking to a bunch of people I don't know or haven't seen in awhile.... Ehhh so what alot of my life is in this thread and I'm like the main character. when put all together it's gonna be like an epic bible... I dunno maybe I'm gonna be like the next Jesus except in modern day and it's like me sucking at life so bad that I keep going down further and further but eventually make it all the way back up and then further and to the top. It would be inspiring story for kids to learn about never giving up and holy crap this is an awesome story that really happened so i mean it won't be totally ilthe same as the bible(Naa I dunno maybe it's true it's just hard to believe though cuz they're haven't been any noted miracles since.except like the miracle on ice. I dunno Ive had to use every bit of knowledge,tactics and willpower I have just to make it.. Had to like ***in crawl though 3 football fields of **** to come out clean on the other side. It's like poker I see everything happening I know what every player does every hand and it's like putting together a really big complex puzzle and Ican see where the pieces fit in my mind and that's when I make my moves, everyone has there own take on the game bur I Garunteed u no one has sumthing as complex and detailed as me know body knows everything I know and I know alot of **** I think about things no one will ever think about in my lifetime because it's so complex sure maybe someones thought of sumthing similar but not as clearly as I see it... I have perfect pattern recognizing skills always score perfect on that part that's y people get mad when my opinion is also the majority opinion cuz I dunno that's how I think but I don't force it on anyone. I dunno I've listened to so many other people talk while being their not saying anything but hearing everything and people are like what the he'll r u doing. I dunno sometimes I have to stop and remember that I have to talk sometimes buts its never really free, I guess it's cuz I keep so much info bottled up inside and I know to much about stuff I shouldn't but is that wrong? I don't think so that's the way I chose to live to hear everthing and give little back I know this is what limits me from getting people to fully accept me but some people like me anyways, I dunno I guess whatever I'm listening to gets plugged up in my brain objectively for me to use later on... I don't know y I mean it makes me amazing at poker but I had no idea that's what i was gonna want to do, I dunno it's like I was sent down from somewhere to gather all this information and then put it all together... I dunno if it's for me or for someone else or if it's for everyone else.... I do it instinctively I don't know y... I remember being an all around guy in highscool I had friends from all different types of people but chose to stay alone I dunno I'd kind of visit in with all the different stereotypes of people the jocks, preppys,nerds,drug heads,music people,acting people. I guess they were propairing for life after highschool and trying to find them selves. And I was like what the he'll do u mean find urselves? I did that when I was like 1... I guess I just added on all my friends in with me in my kingdom at home. I don't know what the he'll I'm doing now it's Like dammit when ur young u can go places and adults don't pay any attention to u now everyone does... Im am one of them wtf I've studied these people and I don't like them very much why the he'll are they all doing the same things... Why do they just sit around and talk for no reason, i dunno the only thing better about getting older is I get to *** these hot girls that I couldn't before when i was a boy. I like hot girls not even talking to them just looking at them and thinking to myself hey were like big people now my **** got huge and I really wanna **** u so let's do that.
I didn't ever think of relationships or anything and I was just like a playboy I guess just get drunk and hook up with girls just cuz we can, I dunno I guess those days are over I need a real relationship AHHHHH crap I'm Turing into one of those adults ewww but I'll always be a kid at heart....let's just have fun. The only difference is I've got to do all the other **** too... Ok well that's not so bad... I guess I'll get to go back to my family and it'll be cool cuz I have a girl with me and I'm a grown up but I don't intend on do any boring crap.... Well u only get to *** one girl again for the rest of ur life... And I like have to cuz incould never cheat I'm very loyal but man nature tells meother wise and that o should go around ***ing every girl i see and I should... Dmmit cuz I'm only young once and everygirl is different I want to please them all....oh well atleast I know i could. Now I have to go take people's money away so I can live cuz I ****in learned how and started at a young age and gave up most of my youth in creating this master brain... Its depth is endless and u only know what I want u to know.... Then I get to go home and finally talk to a person for reals about everything I know and it's gonna take awhile... Then I dunno we use that knowledge make us a stronger couple... I dunno i guess that's what I meant by she's the the only person strong enough to handle everything and she knows about the adult stuff that i don't really like.... Oh I guess thats why I'm learning all this stuff maybe.... I guess why that's y my parents made me feel so comfortable at home so I would go out and try to find one girl to give all my information to cuz I only can with some when it's safe and it's only safe when I know everything about the person.... Ya that makes sense





Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2009
I think LAST might be my last tournament. School's kept me away from practicing the way I wanted the past year, so I don't think that I can play at the level that I think I should be reaching by now.

I'll still chill and try to keep up with the metagame and **** lol. I'll just be done playing.
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