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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
*still taylor o rly?*

i said u could mm if u wanted to because ur throwing them out there like a hot shot. but you ofcourse dont have to mm any of us; the only problem is cyphus's car is full, meaning theres no more room and we want the best players to attend so if u can beat any of us you could take our spot so i was saying u needed to challenge one of us but obviously you cant beat us so theres rly no point.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
Taylor, im callin you out.

what do you say... a MM the amout is up to you

your falcon vs my falco.

what do you say?

Im not trying to act like a "hot shot"

im simply trying to prove something to myself, and no one else, so dont get the wrong idea that i think im better than you or anything.


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
*is actually cyphus*

setsuma, i really like u how u handled all that really cool just there. iunno..i think taylor was being a little harsh, but i don't live in BR...so maybe i don't know how it all is, but anyway...i love everyone.

EDITING AROUND starts now...

So yea, i just had to vent a little bit here, about the smash experience i have as a doc main.
doc edgeguards w/ cape and b.air. which seems to be the logic as to why doc can beat anyone: " he can chainthrow" and "he can d.throw to f.air" as well.
Edgeguarding is cool and all (although easier said than done) but capt has something better than edgeguarding. Its called not having to edgeguard. His knee shares this trait w/ fox's upsmash/upair, falcos spike, and marth's tipper.
And truth be told, doc is able to edgeguard some characters, but they still have tricky recoveries. any character can edgeguard Doc by simply edgehogging. So as far as the edge-argument goes, Doc's advantages are a double edged sword.

Combos, KO moves, and edgeguarding are one thing, but speed and maneuverability, and reach and priority are pretty ****ing important too, that doc lacks.
Doc is a mid tier character for a reason, and its pretty annoying to hear people complain about him or think he goes even and god-forbid have an ADVANTAGE over a high/top tier character.

but this isn't really an argument about skill. its about effectiveness as a player; by any means.

So i 2nd IceClimbers. their "cheap" and "annoying". With all things considered IceClimbers are STILL not top tier because they can be countered with characters, stages, and playstyles. (something not possible against a pro fox/falco/sheik/marth)
But like..anyway, people lose to my ice usually twice and then don't wanna play it anymore. I call that sweet justice, my friends. Hows it feel to have that sensation i experience when i get rushed down by a space animal as doc??!
I can't complain while i'm doc..but its OK to complain about my Iceclimbers?
So doc goes even with everyone (meaning he's top tier, since noone counters him) and IceClimbers take no skill, since anyone can constantly desynch intelligently through battles.

But i'll break it down from here.
Taylor, you're an awesome player. We went pretty much even in frinedlies this time.
Me and lee both think u've deffinately sharpened ur pro-game since last couple times we've played, and i think it'd be cool to have u on the crew battles at INN5. It would max out our crew count at 6 people ( Lee, Cyph, John, Ricky, Ray, Taylor) and best represent LA by hosting its best players over different regions.
We'd all get 3 stock except 2 players (who get 4). I'm all about Lee and John whoring fox/marth, so they should get the 4 stocks.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005

Even if it's warranted . . . ego much?

Whatever, not my business anyway so I'll just leave it to yall to resolve (while secretly rooting for Sets).

<_< Tony and I need to go back to BR for a tourney.

Lee Martin

Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2005
Baton Rouge, LA
the difference is just. you can play whoever you want. its just not "fun" to play against ice climbers. i can have fun playing against any character but playing against ic just gets aggrevating because i guess your fighting two people at the same time and you feel like if you get grabbed once its over. which makes you play in a style that just isn't you. when i fight ic i have to play GAY and run and laser, get stupid hits in, and be gay and idk like i said its just that ic isn't fun to fight but you can play who you want im just saying as to why i dont like to play them.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Battle Rouge
This isn't the special olympics. Everyone's not a winner, so everyone won't have fun, unless you can have fun while losing (then you probably should be in the special olympics). You can either be satisfied having fun and losing, or you can win, which is fun for me. I don't play Luigi because he's fun, I play him because he's the only character I know (I use that loosely) and I can win sometimes with. If I woulda known he would cause me all this grief, I woulda never started him. Ask Nyte. I've been trying with a multitude of other characters, because having fun and winning aren't two different things, to me they are synonomous (spelling?). I'm a big supporter of all johns (I don't know if you've ever seen or heard me play) because if you're losing you have a right to let the world know you're pissed.


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2005
Gonzales, Louisiana
But with Ganon you have work all his blatent dissadvantages, and try to turn them in your favor. That or u-tilt people as they come back to the stage. That is satisfactory even when I lose. So anyway, I have nothing to brag about cause I haven't played in 2 monthes, and when I start practiceing I count on the CPU screw ups, so I am terrible right now. Not to mention some people I found up here are actually below my level, which is weird cause I have fallen down the totem pole. I am going to Bake's tourny, and hopefully I won't be horrible. Well, there's my long paragraph, who's next?


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ

I will be taking a hiatus from smash because I am going on my week long filming extravaganza called: Nytetime in Qatar.

Because there is no smash in Qatar I will be filming the malls and the seas and the desert and I will put it on youtube for everyone to see. I hope yall do well in Inn5. I leave March 29 :D

But um. Yea. Taylor is not.....gaylor...he's really good. I only beat him twice the other day.....And like....Team Rocket cards are ******ty.

BTW on Icee's post, I spent a couple hours at his house without picking up a single gamecube controller. I didnt pressure him to play either, I respect Icee's decision to not to play what makes him mad and I think that what makes him a great smasher :D

So um, Im getting drunkin in a week. Awesome ^^ 18 drinking law ahoy O_O

Nyte yikes!


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2004
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
i gladly accept freddy.
i really like the way you handle that also.
any amount you want but i suggest you keep it under 20$; even if you were more skilled mistakes always happen so i wouldnt chance too much money if i were you.
not only fd also; same rules apply but only falco will be used; random of the 6 stages then slob picks.
i didnt read everything brandon said but im about to go back and read it so i'll probably edit this later but just from what i did read of it; i could point out my mistakes in the matches too and say "thats why i lost" but infact; duh. u make no mistakes and you win; being able to point them out just means maybe ull be better next time; but you kn0w. thanks for having me stay with you cyph. and thanks for letting me help you with algebra lee lol

and when nyte says twice he means like 2 times out of like 25 smash matches; 2 or 3 pkmn battles; and like 15 naruto games. lol


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
hmm.. i think 5$ is an alright ammount seening as though im poor.. : /

but yeah, anytime you see fit, just call me.

Im busy from after i post this probobly until 6:30-7:00 so anytime after that is fine for me.


Smash Cadet
Oct 21, 2006

So um, Im getting drunkin in a week. Awesome ^^ 18 drinking law ahoy O_O

quoted from nicknyte

WHAT NICKNYTE GETTING DRUNK THAT LIKE SAYING WELL........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

something that unbelivable but any way i wanna see u drunk so make a movie since i dont think you'll get drunk in LA


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2004
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
5$ sounds good to me too; and no eric, he beat me 2 times in smash (i dont remember the matchups, maybe he does) he beat me 0 in naruto and 0 in pkmn lol
sry i worked 3-11 tonight but i work 10-5 tomorrow and that girl i like has something ******** to do with school or boys or something all day and night tomorrow so im down for dibbs. hopefully freddy you can come with me to n.o if u want, and maybe we can get bossman, kyle, or young dylan to go too. but that girl is also not busy at all sat night so my attention will be there then, so if yall are going to dibbs it should def. be friday night otherwise i wont be attending. (and talk to jon and ricky too.)

and im not saying im better than lee at all in any way (if he cares to win vs me with fox, he wins) but i did beat him 2 falco dittos in a row and he gave up trying to win it. just felt that was fair warning.

Lee Martin

Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2005
Baton Rouge, LA
yeah taylor definetely beat me more in the falco ditto's idk if i'm just bad at them or just against taylor's falco. but regardless (**** i love that word) he won nonetheless and i really dont like making excuses, which is what im probably doing. but taylor beat me up in falco like two stocking me. =[ good smashing btw. i'm really glad you came down and helped me in algebra. if it were my choice i'd consider you Pro. ;]

Fox Ftw.


Smash Cadet
Dec 3, 2006
All right, I'm down for riding down to NO for Dibbz if the Houma crew can make it Friday.


Smash Rookie
May 25, 2006
F*ck. Ive been wanting to go to dibbz but i work all day friday saturday and sunday. 1030am-11pm. ive still been playing though. about a week ago i went to kyles and beat him about 60 percent of the time and falco only got beat once. i will try and get off of work.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Battle Rouge
Ska, when are you coming down again? And when/if you do, how long will you be down here? And who likes/dislikes my sig?


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
lol..sirska is still using that sig

iceman, however, i approve =)

but yea..i'll be at dibbz at 7 or 8 or something. Lee most likely will be coming w/ me.
Ricky, Ray, John will be there as usual.
Taylor said he'd show if he can get eet or sumfin to go w/ him.
Eet's not answering though..so he's prolly working..hopefully his shift is almost up, instead of just starting.

This is THE LAST WEEKEND before the Tenneesse Tournament. Our FINAL HARDCORE SHOWDOWN of PRACTICE before we represent LA in one of the biggest South/East smahfests yet. =)
Lets do this ****.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2004
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
i found out eric left his phone at freddy's so boss if you read this you should call my phone 892-4778. the only reason (other than the 2+ hour total drive) that i dont want to go to dibbs is we'll have like 9+ good players all wanting to play on 2 tvs :/ it seems it might be more fun to have kyle/freddy/boss/elvis/and vaughn over to my house.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
well, my father is out of town for the weekend, so like the people you mentioned in your post, want to come to my house for no reason at all thats cool. but like yeah can i borrow boss's naruto game from you taylor? he told me you had it and to ask you for it so.. thats what im doing lol.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2004
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
yeah u can borrow it but u need like a freeloader or action replay too.
me and kyle had fun by ourselves playing naruto tcg and smash. he beat me both naruto games (which take like a freaking hour btw) but it was fun. thx to boss for being a noob and going to tims to see grace instead of coming to my house where the pros were at. im glad i didnt go to n.o., im tired as hell and going to sleep now so later


Smash Ace
Oct 9, 2004
lol i never get to hang out with those guys any more cause of work, and i go to your house like...twice a week. all and all tho im really tired of playin smash lately...inn5 will be my last non-br tourny for awhile...ill proly head over to freddys or taylors tom night after work, so everyone should come and lose?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
yeah im totally having a smash-fest tomorrow so call me for the details



Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
Sudai: good stuff. just lemme know when u ready! B)

baton rouge guys: ya'll don't wanna meet up at dibbz tonight instead and get to play N.O. and houma?

N.O. is now taking 2(TWO) cars to INN5..and they have room for 2 more people (me and lee). there leaving thursday evening, and gonna crash at the holiday inn of the tournament thursday night, to wake up for the first tournament 2vs2, and so on.

this is a really good deal for houma, since my car does suck (its been totalled twice), and i need new tires that i can't afford atm...so i really feel this is the best choice.

BatonRouge has taylor and eet, both of whom drive and have cars..as well as freddy, kyle, nicknyte, etc...all who i'm sure would wanna go as well...so i encourage ya'll to carpool together as a sole B.R. unit and make it.

iuno if this makes me selfish to make this decision from the original idea of me carpooling w/ BR, but the way i see it is- it benefits me, and BR can add more of their own to their own car and have the same effect as if houma had joined them.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Metairie LA
yay for anti-deppresents, they got me so dosed up on prozac that im skipping through fields, i might even wanna play some smash again

cyphus knows about it he saw the dr. jeckl and mr. hyde of me after a tourny
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