OH... I see news of the direct already hit this place.. lol am i slow ^^;
Maybe a bit of a cruel question, but if you had to choose between Ashley getting her own game within the next year or her being in Smash Ultimate, which would you pick?
In Smash definitely. That would just lead her to getting her own game all the more quickly! Maybe next year perhaps?
Question! All of you are going to main Ashley?
Absolutely! She'll be right up there with my BOI Link~
Link has never had the best track record when came to tier listings in Smash (unlike Mario and Pika

) But I've always been loyal to him and I will remain loyal to Ashley!
I'm a big Rosalina fan and I was hyped for her in Smash 4, but I was not a fan of her play style (and I personally felt dirty when I would get those janky Luma kills when my opponent was only at 35%...)
I'm sorry you felt that way; no one should be made to feel ashamed of their character choice, not even Bayo mains, who let's be honest here is 10 times more jank than Rosy ever will be lol
I never saw Rosy as OP as the other top tiers, I think she's pretty fair actually- it's really Luma you gotta watch out for. Some people like to compalin about her, but she's only ever good to the point of OP good while Luma is out, but all the other top tiers get to be OP 100% of the time so I don't see it as her broken. I play Rosy on the side; she's awesome!
You know, if Ashley is a sort of character that debuffs the opponent, like a lot of us are thinking, how strong would that be? We have had those who can buff themselves, but that typically came at a cost, like with Shulk's trade offs or Lucario's damage to itself.
Ashley's cost/draw back of her debuffing is that she's still considered a 'mediocre magician', so i expect her spells to have a randomized aspect to them similar to Game & Watch's hammer move. Sometimes they will be incredibly powerful, and other times they will 'misfire' and she will suffer the effects instead.
Sakurai puts a great amount of research and detail into the chosen characters Smash, so i see him incorporating this quirk of hers into her moveset somehow.
Here is a beautiful fanart by Bellhenge you may want to see.
There was a problem fetching the tweet
Ashley's in the very front, sweeet~
Let's all try and predict how Ashley's reveal trailer is going to go.
I could see some kind of psyche out trailer where we're shown Simon Belmont traversing through a haunted mansion looking for Dracula, and when he finally finds Dracula's throne Ashley is sitting there instead- the camera zooms in on her face and she gives that little smirk of hers! x'D
Something I wanna ask though, and please don't take this for hate, but I'm wondering why so many of y'all love Ashley so much?
What can we say? She's cast a serious spell on us~<3 @_@
I'm under the idea that it'd be fitting for Ashley and Geno to be revealed in the same trailer, starting with Ashley up until it comes to the line "She doesn't play with dolls and she never combs her hair." in which it'll turn the trailer into a hybridized reveal, showcasing both Geno and Ashley together
So instead of playing with dolls she fights with them instead? XD
Kyon9898, aren't you Ashley Channel on Youtube? If you are then I subscribed!
I subbed too :3