That's a big honking sword, it looks as tall as Link. I was considering trying to switch hands, even though I'm severely right-handed, but now I won't need to. That's actually a bit of a let down, I was looking forward to testing out how switching hands would work with this new controller, but since I'm not ambidextrous it's better on the whole. But now I'm wondering, if you start spazzing out, like during a boss battle, and swing the sword wildly, will that still translate all right on screen? I don't spaz out like that, but my brother always does, I want to see what will happen when he does. That does suck for the people who don't/can't buy a Wii at launch, they've only been waiting for it on GC for what, three years now? I suppose if they've waited that long, they can hold out another month, it'll just suck if any of the story gets spoiled by then.
I think Nin is releasing the GC version later exactly because they want people to try out the controls, because of the Wii's backwards compatibiltiy. I've seen several people say they'll only be getting TP at launch, and Nin wants to prevent any naysayers from playing the GC version on the Wii with GC controllers, forcing them to play with Wii controls unless they want to wait longer. Not to mention, younger kids who don't have the money for a Wii at launch will have to wait to get one, or might not even be real aware of everything, so instead their parents can just get them TP for the GC at Xmas instead of the Wii, which will cost five times as much.
EDIT: I just noticed that the sword that Darknut is holding is the same one Ganon holds up when you win with him in Smash. I wonder if that's really just a plain old Darknut... it could even be Ganon in disguise, or Phantom Ganon, or plenty of other things, actually...