Chill, have you heard that the Wii version will NOT be compatible with the GCN controller?
Someone officially stated that recently...
This strategy consists of creating an idea, then announcing it to the whole world, without considering the feasability of the idea, or the time frame it may take to develop such an idea/product.
What? Super Smash Brothers 3 announced at E3 05? What? It wasn't in development until months after? Huh? Wait, they said they were planning on releasing it this holiday season BEFORE the development even started?
Naw, they wouldn't do THAT...
You make a very good point, and Nintendo does seem to be improving on this.
After all, look at the games that have just sort of popped up out of nowhere.
Anyway, I'm pleased about the story being tight-lipped, I want that, too, that's fine, great.
What's NOT great?
The details that warrant purchase.
I don't know which version of the game I want! Sorry, but that's not good when Nintendo is confusing its customers by not providing enough details. And I can't even base my decision on what they showed at E3 because they're changing it!
Basically, I think they're cutting it a bit short. I really hope reviewers get the game early enough to do some deep comparison so I know which version is best for me.
I'm a Nintendo fan at heart, and I expect the best from Nintendo, especially with a game like this. If they muck that experience up with wonky controls, I'm sorry, but I'm gonna be irritated.
And for the 10th time, wake up, folks--Twilight Princess is a PORT on Wii. At least, that's how it looks as of now.
Ya know what a port is, correct? You know, when they take a game and copy it over to another system and adjust the input so it works for the other controller.
Twilight Princess was designed from the ground up with the GCN in mind. It's a standard-control game.
Maybe Nintendo has done some massive changes since E3, I don't know.
And maybe the game will be more enjoyable for me on the Wii.
But how can I know that if they don't show us?
Nintendo still has time to unleash their expected-masterpiece, so here's hoping it's all they have promised it to be.