Um, maybe because that would be *gasp* different?
I mean, for Din's sake, have you seen her art? She has a SWORD. Now, why would Zelda have a sword if she wasn't going to DO anything with it?
She actually looks COOL, not fairy-princess.
Besides, can you imagine how cool it would be if she combined her magic with some sword-fighting? Or just magic, even, I think I'd have a blast beating on people with Zelda's magic alone.
I really WANT to play as Zelda, that would be amazing, and you KNOW Nintendo has at least considered it, even if they're not doing it in TP.
Geez, frankly, I just want them to go out and take RISKS with the series, do some crazy stuff like that. Wind Waker took some risks, and it turned out to be an amazing game, and so did Majora's Mask, and THAT was an amazing game, too.
And they were both still definitely Zelda games.
So here's hoping that Nintendo knows that this game can't just be 'another Zelda' it needs to be, as I believe Iwata put it, "120%."
We've got TWO amazing-looking adventure games coming out this fall--Okami and Twilight Princess. Coincidentally, they both star wolves.
I wonder which one will be looked at as a better game by the gaming populace?
I mean, no offense to TP, but Okami's wolf mechanics look better than Link's did way back a year and a half ago.
Of course, that was a year and a half ago, so I'm sure by now they're smooth and awesome. I'm hoping they did that with Epona, as well.
The funny thing is we've known about this game for over a couple years now, but really, what do we actually KNOW about it? We've seen maybe 1% of the game in these past years. Imagine what it'll be like when the game comes out anfd everyone starts discovering everything.
Okami will have to keep me occupied until then, as I'm sure it will.
Ala Wiki:
"Zelda is the cloaked figure that is seen in some trailers. She can be found within the Twilight Realm, but is unable to stop it spreading across Hyrule. It is unknown whether she is the Twilight Princess of the game's title. In an earlier piece of artwork, she is depicted wearing a dress and holding a sword. Whether or not she will fight in the game has not been confirmed since then. She will not be taking up her traditional role according to Aonuma."
It doesn't say where Aonuma said that, but I definitely remember him saying that (or something similar) at some point. I'd imagine that Ganon will have a different role of some type as well, what-not with the "[we are] preparing more than you could possibly ever, ever, ever expect" quote regarding him.
All I can say is I'm actually HAPPY that I hardly know a thing about this game, and I hope to hardly learn a thing until I get to play it.
I just hope I'll be able to get a copy of it when it releases--I still don't know which version I want, as I haven't been able to pick up a Wii-mote and test it out myself, etc.
Oh, wow, I can't believe I didn't notice that...
The people of Link's home village...aren't Hylian. They have round ears. But Link and Zelda definitely still have pointy ears. Interesting.
(There's also a Bullet Bill on the shirt of one of those freaky clown dudes)