Well, I have been unable to access a computer for quite some time, and it appears there has been no shortage of things to say in my absence, so I'd best get started.
First of all, smilingmadman, be careful; I'm the evil clone...
Secondly, just to respond to reactions on what I have said about Wind Waker, agree that graphics are arguably an art form. However, there is such a thing as good art, and poor art. I would classify Wind Waker graphics under the latter. I understand that most people here would disagree with me. Good for you. Let's throw an 'I disagree with The rAt' party and celebrate. My issues aren't just with the graphics, though, more so with the overall tone of the game. Link has been pre-established to have a certain, epic tone. The dangers are real, the problems are serious, and the world is in danger. Link falling on his face or flying in the air clutching his burning posterior at what would otherwise be very serious points in the game completely offset this. Of course I'm all for the occasional comic relief, but it has to be well placed. Its very distracting from the awe of a giant flaming millipede when I accidentally step in the lava and Link does his little but bouncing dance. This sort of thing turns Zelda into a Saturday morning cartoon, and while I have no problem with Saturday morning cartoons (actually, I grew up on them), they are not what Zelda has been about. I guess what I am saying is that I have no problem with cartoony, goofy games. That's why I play Mario. That's NOT why I play Zelda. If you disagree with me, good for you. But my oppinion on the topic isn't going to change, and yours probably won't either, so lest we digress into the 'Why Wind Waker is the best' or 'Why Wind Waker isn't the best' topic, lets just agree to disagree, eh?
Thirdly, on more recent discusions, it has been said that this game takes place between OoT and WW. I see a problem with this. Why don't we hear about him in WW? I mean, it was directly stated in the intro that when Ganon showed up, Link didn't. I would think that even if Link failed, they'd still notice him running around TRYING to stop Ganon. And beyond that, why would they hear about OoT Link, which comes before this Link, and seems to have less connection to the Hyrule of WW than TP Link, but not the more relevant of the two? Now, this got me thinking, is it possible that WW was actually refering to TP Link? Let's look at the references; statue of adult Link holding master sword and hylian shield, drawing in intro of Link riding epona, connection to the Triforce, mention of time-travel. Aside from the time-travel thing, we could make the connection to TP Link (assuming he uses the Master Sword at some point, as he already uses the Hylian shield {which btw is different from the Hero's shield, and hasn't been seen since OoT}). It would be possible for a single time traveling incident to take place during the plot, possibly something minor, in which case Wind Waker could refer to TP Link. Now, of course to expect this would be to severely overestimate Nintendo. I just brought it up to see what is thought of the idea.
No, the true solution is this... OoT Link, or The Hero of Time, is obviously associated with Ganon. You can see that in the way the intro to WW is handled. People are plagued by Ganon, they expect OoT Link to show up and save them. It makes no sense why they would forget about another, more recent TP Link who has saved them from Ganon and expect the old OoT Link to show up instead. One would think he would at least merit a mention, right? Well, not if TP Link didn't fight Ganon. I mean, think about it, in their eyes Ganon is this all-powerful super-being, and they would need someone of equal status to destroy him, someone who has already fought him. Of course they wouldn't look to for someone who has no association with his name, because he hasn't fought Ganon. Sure he may have taken out whatever big scary villan he fought, but not Ganon, but that's not Ganon.
Okay, that was very fragmented, so let me summarize it. For the timeline to make sense, it is arguably necessary that TP Link does NOT fight Ganon.
I had more to say, but my little bro has a basketball game, so maybe later. Take it easy all.