Interestingly I believe I see LoZ's dungeon music called "underworld" most frequently, I shall have to reference this
I totally forgot about that! We may have to play off this semblance.
Understatement, there's creatures that can survive on little water and food and then there's creatures that can survive They're like the anti-Zora in that the Zora keep evolving to better fit the current environment where the Gorons just stay the same and survive everything(except Volvagia in the Din/ToP split...)
I like most of these, what if Gerudo Desert itself became a swamp? Dunno what kind of explanation you could use, maybe there was some kind of perfect storm in the climate as a result of the eruption that causes an eternal raincloud to form over the desert that simultaneously deprives most of the rest of Hyrule of water? Don't think I agree with Lake Hylia being an oasis but I also don't really have any better ideas for it, idk
If you want to get into religious semantics, you could say that the Gorons were the new people chosen by the gods because of their nigh perfect habitation of said environment. The Hylia were once known as the people 'closest to the gods' but that status could be transfered to the Gorons given the radical environmental departure. Of course there's no proof of this godly connection, it's more or less metaphor.
Gerudo Desert as a swamp would be very acceptable. Perhaps the imbalance of water in this dried land has pushed intense storm clouds to the east, constantly circling the once-desert. The constant rain has carved away the dunes, creating a monsoon thwarted land with intense vegetation. An interesting idea, really. Hyrule proper and Gerudo Desert trade roles.
Heh, I wasn't actually thinking of the music when I posted that but I like how many different directions these concepts lend themselves to. Kind of reminds me more of LTTP, LA, or even Forest of Illusion from SMW, I feel like the woods got a lot less weird with OoT for Nintendo...
We're bringing the weird back
I love this idea but with the exception that this is never made an issue in game, I like the idea of the player being aware of this piece of history even as it slides into complete obscurity in the actual game world
The weird has got to come back. I want the Hyrule Underground to be particularly bizarre. It's the underworld to the already quirky Hyrule. I'm not fond of typical sword and sorcery elements, so embellishing all things odd will lend a fantastical edge I think we need.
And as for that second part, of course. It's just acceptable lore in this age, nothing to take hold of the story.
Personally I like the idea of the Master Sword being in the game but never actually being a weapon, ever. It'd be neat if it had some other function like controlling technology or as a key to sacred areas or something
As far as being a weapon, not only does it feel played out within the series, more than ever recently since at least you had more upgrades after in LTTP and OoT, but it also doesn't mesh with our Link design. We also haven't defined the threat to the world at all, maybe "the blade of evils bane" isn't even what's required.
I like the idea of there being a lot of text in the ruins of Hyrule that you can't read until like halfway through the game or later(maybe even on replay like WW)
I like this. My other idea would've been for him to use a small shield mounted on his forearm but this is even better. Fast agile Link that use a lot of magic? Very fun
I think we're all on to something with the repurposing of the Master Sword. It has always been a sort of key, locking the door to the Sacred Realm and such, though that role is downplayed by its use as an actual sword. It'd be interesting to see it stripped of its sword usage altogether, becoming just an ancient key. The Master Sword appears in games starring Ganon/Demise and I'd really love if they had nothing to do with this. With that being said, we need an entirely new antagonist. No Ganon, no Majora, no Ghirahim, no Vaati, no Veran, no Onox, no Bellum, no nothing. A threat unlike any of the past villains.
I've drawn Link with Hylian Shield-styled gauntlets before, which I think is still a viable option. Between that and the Sheikah spellshield, we've a couple good candidates for defense.
I like this but other than the Zora's and maybe some humans(whatever few are left) I'm not sure where this would go. The Gerudo are most likely extinct by this point in both of the relevant timelines and the Goron's are so chill it's hard to imagine them being at war with each other...and they should be the one race set up to prosper in this environment to begin with
I'd like the Gerudo to be largely assimilated into the underground remnant culture. There may be some inhabiting the swampland that Gerudo Desert becomes as Amazonian-like women, a natural evolution of their culture.
From what we've seen of the Sheikah thus far I would say
Throwing knives
Claws(think Wolverine)
Would be good candidates. Sheikah seem to favor speed, agility, and stealth over brute force so things like a long sword would be out
Mini wrist crossbow sounds pretty awesome, there was a weapon like that in Perfect Dark
Half of Link's inventory needs to be relative to items from the past for continuity's sake. He needs a new form of bombs (if this game is to be more stealthy, perhaps proximity-mine like bombs?), bow (mini wrist crossbow is perfect), claws (like the mole mitts, but used for climbing instead?), whip (ST and SS, it's here to stay), double hook/clawshot evolution... okay wait. I need to draw this, but maybe I can explain for the time being: on each arm, Link should have specialized gauntlets that serve different purposes, incorporating all the 'items' he finds in his quest. Since we're not developing this for the Wii, I'd like if Link was ambidextrous. What if each gauntlet could be customized with x amount of installable items? Assume that everything listed can be upgraded as well:
- Extensive Blade (juts out of the gauntlet, becomes a sword built into his arm)
- Armbow (built in crossbow; can launch bolts or bombs)
- Protective guard (shield)
- Clawshots
The master sword as an activator of sorts but not an actual weapon is intruiging. Perhaps the blade is needed to access new worlds?
As for my reforge the blade thing, maybe you can merely have different types of blades for however the user plays? Ex-a katana like MS for a faster spell crafting link, the usualsword for a more balanced link, and maybe a two handed broadsword for people who want to tank?
I'm keen on the Master Sword being used to unlock new areas, but Link cannot be carrying it around on his whole journey or else people will question why he's not using it as a sword. If the Master Sword is going to be in this tale, it must not be functional until the end of the game where even still, it may not be used as a weapon.
I like red, it also corroborates how unusual this Link is where Nintendo has gradually really restricted the use of other tunics to drive home the "LINK = GREEN" point over time
Magic arrows are cool, a lot of times I skip using projectiles because I don't like the idea of running out of ammo, rechargeable magic meter also solves this
I do kind of like the idea of it being reforged in the form of whatever weapon class you've predominantly used to that point
As far as factions, we'd probably also create a race or two I'd think for the underworld...
I want Link to wear green, but his scarfcape
must be red.
Magic Arrows hmm? Incorporate those into the Armbow and you've got a semi-laser gun
The Master Sword being reforged into a customized weapon form would be really sweet. I've drawn a couple alternative forms before, namely the "Master Bow" and "Master Rapier". Not suggesting we use either, but it's still an interesting path to take the blade of evil's bane.
There will definitely be new races. We kind of already have one: the Maro. To refresh on that, the Maro are the spiritual successors to the Deku: skeletal instead of wooden, fungal instead of shrubby. Kind of a hybrid between bone and mushrooms. They inhabit the Maro Woods though, so the underground will be new. As I previously mentioned as well, I would like to revive the Geozards from PH and ST to combat the Cave Zoras—which I imagine will resemble our sleek blue Zoras but perhaps characterized with glowing eyes or other distinguishable features apart from their past renditions. Oh, and I want to expand on the ever-evolving dominant "blin" race. Rather than reusing Moblins, Bulblins, Miniblins, Bokoblins, etc. I'd like to have a flying blin race, derivative of bats. They could be related to Keese. Keeblin? Since the Hyrule Underground involves a lot of verticality, they'd fit in just perfectly.
Any other new race ideas?
The idea of Sheikah being a lifestyle more than a tribe really appeals to me too. Would make it all more livelier.
And I also still like the idea of small costume changes depending on where he is. The scarfcape for overworld, have him take it off in the underworld. Stuff like that.
Considering the Sheikah themselves should be dead by this time, having but a few actual Sheikah sharing their knowledge and culture with the remaining Hyruleans would at the very least provide a sense of kinship between people of all races, as opposed to the racism prevalent in so many other fantasy games, even as seen in the Hyrulean Civil War that preceded the events of Ocarina of Time. This is a different age altogether. The turmoil of Hyrule's past has long since been settled—a totally new kind of threat is at stake now.
And I too would prefer small costume changes over the course of the game versus entirely new outfits. I enjoy the consistency of Link's green tunic, but it will definitely stand out from all those of yore. Link will don the red Sheikah scarfcape for his overworld venturing and I'm sure we'll devise some other great costume additions.
Sheikah being a lifestyle would enable us to have non-(presumably)hylian sheikah.goron/zoran/gerudo sheikah would be interesting.
Also,i think spire mentioned the ancient machinery being power by energy from the sacred realm? that implys there was an open connection, but now that connection has been broken,implying major event?
Goron Sheikah would be weird.
I can see Mogma Sheikah, Gerudo Sheikah, Zora Sheikah, Hylian Sheikah, Kokiri Sheikah and even just Sheikah-Sheikah (yes, they can be considered a seperate race).
Different races will have different qualities. Gorons are not capable of that which Zoras are, but raised as Sheikah, they'll share a similar set of beliefs. It's the mind the binds these people.
I could see Labrynna and Holodrum, Termina is really an entirely different kind of reality, I believe I read that Hyrule Historia made it official that it was another dimension...
Speaking of the sacred realm...what exactly would it be? I don't think this has ever really been cleared in the series and for that matter I think "the sacred realm" may actually refer to several different places that have changed throughout history. LTTP's manual almost seems to imply that it's Skyloft but then in the actual game it's a whole other dimension that seems linked to Hyrule in some twisted way, and also shows no signs of being a sky realm. The green lights of the siren realm in SS remind me a bit of the end of LTTP when you meet the essence of the triforce but that may actually be more of an internal thing than another world...TP shows that the temple of time itself is a time vessel so it could be that the triforce resides in a different era rather than a different world, so many different ways you can go with it
I don't think we should venture into any other lands. In all fan projects I've seen that send Link to those bounds, I sense a lack of creativity with the potential of Hyrule. If we really want to send Link to another land we should invent one. Hyrule is the only land I feel we have the right to appropriate because of its mainstay. All other lands are one shot ventures in single games. We never revisit these foreign lands because the return is Hyrule. Since this is a fan project, I think it's crucial that we focus on Hyrule, retaining enough elements so not to alienate our audience from the land they hold so many expectations of while still exploring our own vision of this fabled country.
I don't think we've ever been allowed to see the Sacred Realm from Link's perspective because Link's is supposed to be our own. If the Sacred Realm reflects the heart of the contender, then it should reflect the ambitions and interests of the player, not Link. Hence why its only true appearance was that of Ganon's Dark World. The Sacred Realm can reflect any character in the series except Link. It would sever our connection to him. I devised the Sacred Realm as a source of empowerment for the centralized technology because I thought it'd be a nice hidden element, something only revealed by exploring all the ruins of Hyrule. More or less an easter egg than a benefactor to the story.