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The Jamaican smash thread


Smash Ace
Oct 6, 2007
The Bahamas
Shin and jpobs. We're all actually at a good level. Top are Shin,jpobs,me and shounenkel. Everyone is good, but needs more execution. Now shin has got good execution and mindgames. Honestly from what i saw yea. I could read alot of things u guys would do or approach with. Besides we have been playing since 06 so i guess we got exp and time on our side, but we wouldn't win by a large margine. In all honesty you can't judge by vids, because when playing that person it's a different story, Hence why i used exp as our main reason.

Do i disagree. Yes!! lol Not because i don't hear what you be saying, but because of the lack of tourneys and reasoning for ppl to wanna push to be the best. In the usa you have money,pride,bragging rights and so many factors that play into why they try so hard, but like here and in ja. We only have gatherings and friendlies. So That is why i said not to compare. Now imagine if you guys had sponsors and they told u that u were gonna come to the bahamas in 2-3 weeks to play in a caribbean tourney, Do you think you, sinji and co wouldn't be trying very hard to be decent enough to compete?


Smash Ace
Mar 21, 2008
Kingston, Jamaica
but the thing is i already try hard to improve as hard as i can

an its interesting u say u would beat us cuz alot of people around here are saying how we are better which i have always disagreed with jus cuz of the fact that u hav exp on ur side. i hope when they see the videos and see how we really look they open there eyes and realize we have to practice much harder. an u think pride an **** doesnt matter around here? of course it does. that is probably the main driving reason for even practicing. anyways u guys are probably better as u said, u hav more players and hav been playin longer than we hav but jus like u said vids cant prove who is better we jus hav to play an really see who comes out on top. oh an im not sure if any american players have sponsers ive never heard of anything like that oustside of mlg which is brawl.


Smash Ace
Oct 6, 2007
The Bahamas
This is what i am trying to say. I know you guys are techincal and so on. We used to be that way in like 07, but then Shin got alot smarter and started just baiting me ALL the time. I used to be like sinji fox and do alot of things, ledge tech and all, but then i got ***** because ppl started to outhink me. Noticed how i watched the match and said what u were doing wrong and what sinji was great at doing, really i could have gone into more details. But the point of the matter is. I know when i can shield stab and which areas of your shield to attack how much range on my moves and how to egdeguard pretty well. Players here have things they excel at and that is why our metagame evolved slightly, but shin knows which area of you shield to nair and apply pressure to and if you don't rotate your shield then u are in for a big suprise.

Overall smash is more than what meets the eye and jpobs plays canadian pros and always gives us crazy tips when he comes back. Although i talk directly to hugs on facebook for help, since i main samus and second fox and marth.

Edit: Did you ever watch tru life i am a professional gamer? MLG and big name companies sponsor players, back when melee was in mlg that happened. Even outside of that. m2k was looking for a sponsor for him and was about to ask a certain company. Mcdonalds sponsered one of the tournies iori went to aswell. In the caribbean gaming on that level hasn't happened yet, so it's much more difficult to ask anyone to do so..


Smash Ace
Mar 21, 2008
Kingston, Jamaica
well as i said we are inexperienced and pretty much this is all we know how to do i could tell from the videos that u guys play smart and safe around here players dont try that esspecially sinji who seems to only be thinkin bout "rawr rushdown rawr" all the time which is why the the metagame hasnt evolved much in the past few months. alot of players dont try to play smart. as i said before i played the match way too auto pilot an i doubt it will go that way again(not to take anything from sinji tho he definitely out played me this time good **** to him). I honestly feel we could be much better but oh well. I definitley respect u guys alot and hav always said u are better than us but the players around here jus dont seem to see it they watch videos yeah but they dont see the finer things in the vids like spacing, momentum, and subtle traps i watch pretty much evry smash video from everywhere i can from even the less known players an i try to see these things this is why i was considered the best and was pretty far above everyone else at a time not too long ago(around july i was way better than everyone but then sinji put loads of time into the game) which is why people considered me the favorite to win the tourney but i slacked off big time an payed the price for it(notice that the consequence for not putting time into the game is getting 2nd place LOL). and to be honest we arent even that technical. we could be way better. overall tho dudes jus dont seem to play smart around here and i kno its a bold statement to make but really i dont feel like anyone plays that smart only players i would say do are me and tossy but he doesnt even care about the game anymore so that doesnt even matter. Lots of people dont even try to see why they lost, they jus rite it off as "messing up execution" or that the player they are playing is jus better than them but what they dont seem to realize is that there is more to it than that. even if u ask sinji why he did what he did he will jus say he doesnt kno and to me something like that is weak as hell but he is not pushed to change cuz he can compete an beat pretty much all of us only me and tossy give him a fight and only i beat him it seems. before he could not beat me or tossy to save his life but he stepped it up an started beating tossy regularly an since then he hasnt really gotten any better.

anyways i hope when they actually see how the play looks they will be inspired to get better cuz even yesterday sinji and me sat down and watched them and sinji was like wow these look bad. so yeah. anyways abcool dont rite off the idea of a tournament where we all can compete in cuz i would be willing to travel lol, i dont kno abt the rest but i kno i would if i could and compete in our region.


Smash Ace
Oct 6, 2007
The Bahamas
Man. trust me i got your back anytime you wanna come here. I'll even give u a tour of the island and so on. We had a brawler here from the states and We helped him out alot with everything. I just hope when i hold another tourney you guys can make a date.

I hope tossy and everyone gets better, because i would hold a tourney for sure. Cross i don't disagree with u at all man. I just feel like the mindset of the ppl is where everything falls apart, but basically 90% of the time you are right. I only disagree because i use the typical caribbean mindset type of arguement.


Smash Ace
Mar 21, 2008
Kingston, Jamaica
man i really want everyone to get better too but it jus doesnt seem to me that the players are willing to do what it takes to get better than they already are. which is sitting down and realizing why they lose, and using the resources that they hav(smashboards, youtube and the few dedicated players we have) to make a solid gameplan and step there mental game up on top of havin good execution. its really a bad thing to say about my friends but this is how i feel rite now and esspecially when sinji says things like he doesnt kno why he does things or what hes always sayin about how he doesnt kno how to fight falco despite havin a falco player live down the road from him(me) it jus makes me think wow this ***** is jus random as hell an doin **** an hopin it works without any reason an that discourages me alot esspecially when 95% of the players here are like that. they jus try to X copy what they see the americans do without understanding why it worked an that even if 1 single thing is different it may not work again an this is why i stopped playing the game seriously around july cuz i jus felt discouraged. the only player that seemed to be getting any where was tossy but he seems to have gave up after me and sinji started beating him consistently(he claims this aint why but it really seems so). so yeh. the level of everyones spacing game around here really shows that 95% of the players really have no idea what they are doing and are jus bankin on herp derp l cancel shine(if u notice i tried to space all my nairs and dair, tossy also does this but as i said he seems to be a lost cause).

anyways im sure they will be upset at me after readin this convo but i hope they atleast see what im saying and try to get better. hopefully the next set of vids will be better.

oh and abcool sorry about forcing u to read my horrible grammer and spelling i am a very very lazy person and cant be bothered to care about stuff like that lol i dont even really like to type long gay **** like what i hav been typing but this time i feel it was necessary.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 13, 2007
I agree fully with you cross, except for the whole tossy is a lost cause thing >.> I'm revitalizing myself! *casts raise 2*


Smash Ace
Oct 6, 2007
The Bahamas
Nah, Don't worry it's the internet. If you see how we bahamians really type lmao you wouldn't feel so bad. I just type str8 english because i tend to get used to things, so i don't wanna get used to using the ebonic stuff. Yeah, trust me you're not the only person in that boat...especially when it comes to players being lazy, there is a reason i always say 06 and now. Back then we had the most laziest smashers ever, only me and shin were good. I would even have arguements with my friends and stuff because i felt the game could be somewhere and they choose to not wanna get better. I soon realised though?...They didn't have one good reason in the world to pour the amount of hours into the game that i say they should have from the get go. This is why when i talk to u and i tell u certain things, it's not to discourage it's to show u the mindset of the typical underdeveloped community...toppled with the fact that we live in the caribbean and most of the things here is club,dance,drink and fu8k. It's hard to make someone that can enjoy a saturday night doing that, sit down and put time into smash without some sort of benefit from it.

You and me, we have a natural love for the game so yes, we don't need money to make us wanna try hard, but sometimes when u want a crowd behind you, you gotta give them there reason to play? idk if that made sense, but make them feel they have a reason or try to rekindle that spark. Now me and u been through this before lol and i know you're gonna say that is not your problem, but believe it or not your the head of the jamaican smash community and if they see a leader that doesn't care what do u think the rest will do? They will follow. I kept my head up and that is why and how i found the ppl i did and how we all got to be on the same level. All n all give it time and be patient, the world wasn't made in a day.


Smash Ace
Mar 21, 2008
Kingston, Jamaica
man i kno for a fact that is the mindset of lots of players but why in the world would they hav that mindset if they truly want to get better? i cant understand it at all an what u said is true jamaica is mostly abt club girls etc etc but these gatherings that we hav been havin on friday nights are truly enjoyable to lots of dudes so that really isnt the issue cus lots of dudes hav fun an look forwad to it as bein what they do on friday nights. esspecially since we have street fighter 4 as well everyone met lots of people, made new friends, forged rivalries etc. but the problem is they arent willing to do what they hav to do to become really solid players which is cut the crap and beef up there execution, start havin a gameplan for matchups, hav a reason for doin everything they do an above all else analyze why it is they lose an dont jus rite it off as losing. lots of dudes take there *** kickings every week an come back the next week exactly the same tryin the same things an losin to the same things an it really makes me wonder wdf are they doing playin the game. when i was losing to tossy consistently a little over a year ago i made sure to see why i was losin an come back with a new strat for it. and really im not the leader of anything an i dont think they consider me as the leader and even if they did i hav no influence on them cuz even when i was trying my heart out to get better they were still doin the same **** so me not carin means nothin this is why i was so against posting vids cuz i knew they wouldnt be anything worthwhile in the least

anyways they say we are goin to start havin tourneys every month so hopefully everyone sees my posts and sees what im saying and really trys to get better. im goin to start practicing again so lets see what happens.

I agree fully with you cross, except for the whole tossy is a lost cause thing >.> I'm revitalizing myself! *casts raise 2*
good to hear man


Smash Ace
Oct 6, 2007
The Bahamas
Well said man. When i called you a leader i wasn't meaning they follow you and be like cross what to do now..I was meaning you hold these gatherings, you remind everyone and tell everyone whats going on and what time. Basically the job of the TO, without you there is no jamaican smash community. Same as me, without me there is no bahamian smash scene, it's been proven when i left and everyone went there way and did nothing for months on end. So I was thinking me and u were in the same boat.

Anyway, i think they will come around and as for having the best vids ever and looking to impress...*DON'T* the reason i said this is because once you play and try your hardest, you win, you use what works and not what can get u a super awesome commet, which i know everyone looks to see lol. When u try to look cool and make your vids look pretty, you try the fancy techs and don't use the common sense tactic and it causes you to lose, like the repeated return double laser. So that could be another reason our matches look slower, because the attention is to win and not to show off, which causes simple and effective egdeguards to not be used. Then stuff like losing to someone less exp than u wins the match, you knew u could have won.


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2010
Brooklyn New York
Boy looking back at the vids got me more focused. I noticed that I missed a lot of thunders combo. Ill do better next time. The friendly matches are a lot different from the tournament matches. Ill get used to the tournament level sooner or later. Throughout the whole tournament I was nervous.


Smash Ace
Mar 21, 2008
Kingston, Jamaica
i wasnt doin the double laser to show off...like i said i was playin on auto pilot this tournament for the most part i kno i could hav played much it much better but oh well

i dont think anyone wants to show off really


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2010
Brooklyn New York
I guess everybody on the fox thread ignored our vids after I posted them. Sigh, they wanted to see vids when ever I had trouble with something. Now I post a vid and it's as if there in there own conversation.


Smash Ace
Mar 21, 2008
Kingston, Jamaica
big deal sinji...wow wdf

btw the next monthly will be the 15th of october

edit: tossy i lol@ the beatdown that ensues whenever sinji plays u

and ausp will be officially banned from fnfs if he get gets last in the october bracket. he will be banned until the next tourney and if gets last again he will be banned until he doesnt get last


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2010
Brooklyn New York
So you guys making fun of me. I wasn't making a big deal out of it. It got me excited to see the best player in the world wanting to face me. I was only showing him my vids. I was expecting him to call me ruxy since we are ruxy. Its called Advertisement.


Smash Ace
Mar 21, 2008
Kingston, Jamaica
sinji cmon u kno he probably wasnt impressed

sinji does kick ur *** tho tossy it doesnt matter if u want to deny it or not

people please bring ice/cups/soda 2marrow please!


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2010
Brooklyn New York
Somebody by the name of J-Puffy plays smash. Welcome aboard we need as much players as we can. Unfortunately I wont be able to make it this friday because my father a gwan a way.


Smash Ace
Mar 21, 2008
Kingston, Jamaica
yes dude an dats not cool we were all ruxy 1 time

i memba wen u were as free as food at a homeless shelter but no 1 called u "that rux"


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
Its not studying Friday night, its studying Saturday. And me ago tired from FNFs, so I would essentially lose 2 days of studying.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
Tropical Storm Nicole...

Wasn't even a proper hurricane and it frig up the country >_>.
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