Smash Cadet
I personally feel that each character having different strengths and weaknesses that you need to focus on help people see the game a bit differently with their main. I think the most notable one for me is playing Ness helped me a ton in learning not to waste my double jump . But I have also noticed that playing yoshi has helped me learn to shield less (a problem i had), playing falcon/sheik generally helps me tech chase better, playing ganon reminds me how useful jabs can be, luigi makes me consider the lengths of my wavedashes, and puff really makes me think about my spacing.
I feel when these attributes are carried over my main it improves in some ways, even if there is the risk of overincorporating these things that work with others into your game
I feel when these attributes are carried over my main it improves in some ways, even if there is the risk of overincorporating these things that work with others into your game