I'm sure some of you know by now i like to play around with ideas and stuff sometimes, The thing is I can also like math when it has to do with games, so i just made up a quick point idea for rating smash leakers. This version is a harsh one because someone literally has to not miss things or else they get negative points. But I'm doing mostly just for the characters here. I know it's not perfect, but i just wanted to try for fun.
Getting a full-fledged character in advance: +1 point
An echo character: +0.5 points
Significant info about smash: +1 point (or +2 if bigger stuff)
Late or partial info: half instead
Missing a full character: -1 point
Missing an echo: -0.5
Missed significant info or Wrong character info: -1 point (or -2 for bigger blunder)
Good reason for wrong info: half neg points instead
That's the 100% fair one, and the other one i thought about treats any negative point as only half, because it's hard to get info. But im curious about the real accuracy first.
Additions: No cuts (+2). 6 Full characters and 1 late (+6..5). 1 Echo and 1 partial (+0.75) === 9.75 pts
Deductions: 5 Characters missed (-5). 3 echos missed (-1.5). SE character timing wrong (-1) === -7.5 pts
So, for
smash character info, there's a total of 17.25 points, and 9.75 of that is about
57%. give or take, so that's his % for characters

Or a little higher if we count less for only missing timing on the SE character.
If we add the minecraft content and also that he didn't say anything about spirits, then it's probably closer to 50% for smash overall. which is still good, knowing 1 out of 2.
But Erdrick is already a claim, so if we count just the 'wrong' info he's got when making claims, then for smash he only got 2 things wrong, so 2 points out of that is a little over 11%. Which means his accuracy for getting info right about
smash when he makes a
claim is
(or more if it's just about characters)
I dont know everything he said about the direct and nintendo in general, so even though i'd like to add that, not doing that right now, but obviously it'd be lower if we add all the nintendo stuff he make claims about. maybe another time. if i feel like it or someone brings it up.