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The hero of Dragon Quest III, Erdrick, joins the battle!

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Erdrick's shield and Sword of Light mod in BotW when?
Oh god, that would have been great to see.

Imagine that Breath Of The Wild gets more content after this VR update by adding Erdrick’s sword and shield in a similar fashion to the Rex costume.

Dragon Ball FighterZ graphics and animations plus the new stuff added in the 3DS port.
I would be the happiest man ever if that happened.
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Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2018
Switch FC
I don't think any kind of complete series collection is very likely, but we'll probably start to get Switch/PC ports sooner or later. I could see the two trilogies getting bundles, maybe.

I'd love to see I-III redone in... what are Square Enix calling it, "2D HD"? The Octopath style, more or less. Get all of the best features from the SFC, GBC and mobile versions in there with the orchestral soundtracks and I think those games would be good basically forever. If that's not on the table, then the SFC versions with the mobile translations and updated menus would be good enough for me. Just, please, anything but the PS4/3DS versions.

Straight ports of the DS/mobile versions of IV-VI would basically be fine. Those versions are great, just rework the menus and remember to include IV's party chat and we're golden. The same pretty much goes for VII, the 3DS version is recent enough and good enough that it doesn't need much updating.

(I wouldn't mind if IV got a second pass on its localization to tone it down to sane levels, but that's unlikely)

VIII's complicated. I think it'd probably need the full HD treatment to do it justice, with graphics based on the PS2 version but all the extra features of the 3DS version. I wouldn't mind just a bit more extra content in there to integrate Red and Morrie a little better.

IX would absolutely need to be redone from scratch. The way it uses 3D models for the player characters and sprites for NPCs is extremely weird, and definitely wouldn't hold up on any modern console. A mobile version's supposed to be in the works, so a console port or remake seems doubtful anyway.
I would like to see a remake of 9 maybe I'll like that better

Deleted member

I wish that the Eight support thread was as active as this one.

The last post there was made by me two months ago, sadly.


Smash Ace
Mar 2, 2019
I wish that the Eight support thread was as active as this one.

The last post there was made by me two months ago, sadly.
Honestly we should've had a giant Dragon Quest thread. That way we don't disinclude anybody similar to the SMT thread. Technically the Square Enix thread is a thing but something specifically to DQ would be nice.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Honestly we should've had a giant Dragon Quest thread. That way we don't disinclude anybody similar to the SMT thread. Technically the Square Enix thread is a thing but something specifically to DQ would be nice.
Well at this point this thread is home to all kinds of dragon quest fans, Most speculation for smash is around erdrick so it works for that, but we talk about all the other games too ;p


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2018
Alaska, Germany
Switch FC
more fuel for the fire I'm still thinking if any characters are gonna get in if they're not heavy hitters from Japanese franchises there not coming to smash on exception is banjo/steve
Yeah, I don't think characters from western franchises are nearly as likely as some people think. Microsoft might be the only exception, but even then I would only give Microsoft about a 50% chance. All other western characters are basically a 0% to me. After all, no western franchises have gotten any playable characters since the series began 20 years ago


Smash Journeyman
Feb 4, 2019
Yeah, I don't think characters from western franchises are nearly as likely as some people think. Microsoft might be the only exception, but even then I would only give Microsoft about a 50% chance. All other western characters are basically a 0% to me. After all, no western franchises have gotten any playable characters since the series began 20 years ago
The only ones are Diddy and King K. Rool who are British characters, but they are part of the DK series who is Japanese.


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2018
Alaska, Germany
Switch FC
The only ones are Diddy and King K. Rool who are British characters, but they are part of the DK series who is Japanese.
And Dark Samus. From what I understand, Dark Samus is American. I guess Metroid Prime was made by an American company?


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
And Dark Samus. From what I understand, Dark Samus is American. I guess Metroid Prime was made by an American company?
Yeh I think it's because Retro Studios is an american company. I still think they followed nintendo's directions quite a lot so I dunno if it makes sense to say dark samus is a western character.

As for seeing a fully western character in dlc, i definitely think it's possible, we have at least some spirits, and also Shovel Knight as an assist trophy, so it could happen. I dont know what the chances are tho, and I also dont think a microsoft rep is that likely either like you.


Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2018
Here is the next fanart guys. Erdrick and Sora are now lined up for the auditions for future DLC!
good luck auditions.jpg


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
you know if they do a collection of dragon quest games what would you guys want it to be like what's something that will make it a must buy for you guys. for me I would want the games to have options in the way they looked so if you wanted to play 1-4 NES style you could but also have the option for the ds styled graphics and having the orchestral soundtrack for all the games would be nice too I'm listening to 5s right now and it makes me sad i never got to hear it the way it should be, to be honest. but that's just me what about yall

Been thinking about this a few months back. I would like to have some character additions per game. I know chances are close to none, but hear me out.

Hidden new characters:
DQ1: Princess Gwaelyn
DQ2: Dragonlord grandson
DQ3: Ortega
DQ4: Rose
DQ5: Prince Harris and/or the other brides.
DQ6: (no idea here.. Tanya?)
DQ7: Every character + Captain Crow
DQ8: Red + Morrie +
human Munchie
DQ9: Atilla


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2018
Switch FC
And Dark Samus. From what I understand, Dark Samus is American. I guess Metroid Prime was made by an American company?
Dark Samus Diddy and Krool get off because there franchises are Japanese so they got immunity but other characters like Master Chief or Crash I don't think are gonna happen but meh who knows maybe E3 will hit us like a ton of bricks

Ayumi Tachibana

Smash Ace
Dec 28, 2018
Crash was massive icon in Japan too. They need to implement both original western design and Japanese oriented design just like R.O.B. to sell in both regions though. I'm sure Sakurai will handle him well.

Deleted member


Someone posted this on Sabi's/Polarpandas discord. Any thoughts?
Seems similar to last year's schedule. Nintendo normally schedules last, MS and Bethesda are among the first along EA and everyone else in between. Sony would likely be on Monday or Sunday if they came.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007

Someone posted this on Sabi's/Polarpandas discord. Any thoughts?
It's a few days earlier than i thought it'd be. So.. it's color coded for the dates, and looks like Nintendo shares some dates with Square Enix, so that's cool :)
Around the 11th and 12th of june could be interesting stuff to look out for ;)


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2018
Switch FC
Crash was a massive icon in Japan too. They need to implement both original western design and Japanese oriented design just like R.O.B. to sell in both regions though. I'm sure Sakurai will handle him well.
I never knew that at all I never think about what the Japanese public would think of certain characters at all kinda just shows my ignorance i suppose although it makes me think would Japan lose their minds over a Dragon Quest Character I don't know maybe I've read to many comments from the negative hellscape that is GameFAQs but it's made me wonder just how much of a storm would this cause if it causes one at all.
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Smash Ace
Mar 2, 2019
I never knew that at all I never think about what the Japanese public would think of certain characters at all kinda just shows my ignorance i suppose although it makes me think would Japan lose their minds over a Dragon Quest Character I don't know maybe I've read to many comments from the negative hellscape that is GameFAQs but it's made me wonder just how much of a storm would this cause if it causes one at all.
Oh it's gonna cause a storm alright. In Japan as stated by all of us, considering it's cultural importance, it's gonna be a nice storm full of refreshing water and is the type of rain that would make people very happy. However, over at the west you're gonna see a ton of angry people and the rains gonna be full of sand and it's gonna get everywhere. ;)


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
Yeah, just for the heck of it I searched “Erdrick Smash” on YouTube.
Gotta say I’m disappointed and not surprised.
Most of the videos were “why I don’t want Erdrick” and the ones that weren’t, were just neutral on the subject (at least the title and thumbnail).

But I feel a lot better knowing Vergeben is fully backing him. If he was right about Kencineroar, Simon, Ridley, Ice Climbers, and “everyone is here” then I’m confident he’ll be spot on regarding Erdrick.

(Although hopefully he hasn’t become some sort of insider/leaker in-joke fue to his temper, and everyone’s just feeding him wrong info to make him look worse).
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Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2013
Didn't Verg also say Isabelle? Or was that someone else?
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Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2017

Someone posted this on Sabi's/Polarpandas discord. Any thoughts?
I don’t get this list, is Nintendo’s on the 11th or 13th?

And did Nintendo made an official announcement (not the investors meeting) of their event at E3, such as when the Direct airs?
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Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Didn't Verg also say Isabelle? Or was that someone else?
Verge actually got most of the characters right. He wasn't sure about k.rool so didnt get that one, only got pirahna plant very very late (like the day before), and I think he missed someone else too, but it might just be around echos. But his smash sources have got to be decently good to get that all veterans were returning along with the belmonts, isabelle, and ridley. And Inkling was already obvious.
He got Ken and Incineroar way in advance, too.

Someone said he knew about some of the echos too but didn't list them, I dunno if that's bs or not. The biggest things he got wrong is around minecraft content and the timing of a Square character. Other than that, he's got the most stuff right for smash.

I don’t get this list, is Nintendo’s on the 11th or 13th?

And did Nintendo made an official announcement (not the investors meeting) of their event at E3, such as when the Direct airs?
Nintendo is on the 11th and 12th. Only Treehouse stuff on the 13th.
I'm not sure how it works for when they take breaks or what are presentations and what's not, but maybe that isn't known yet.
Looks like there's also some nintendo tournaments on the 8th.
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Smash Champion
May 31, 2018
Verge missed Daisy, Chrom, Dark Samus and K. Rool.

Verge and several other insiders knew about the Plant the day before the direct but, as far as I know, know one was sure whether it was legit or not which is why nobody said anything other than said video of the plant existed.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Verge missed Daisy, Chrom, Dark Samus and K. Rool.

Verge and several other insiders knew about the Plant the day before the direct but, as far as I know, know one was sure whether it was legit or not which is why nobody said anything other than said video of the plant existed.
Ah yeah Daisy. That'd be the other one. And I think Richter.
The ones from the echos I heard he knew were Chrom and Richter(that he didn't talk about before the reveals). But I haven't found actual posts from him about it, so I dunno really.
Seems like a pretty big amount of things he got compared to what he didnt hear about tho, overall.

Edit: Ok, I found a post of him responding around Richter:

Uh... Except he specifically said "I knew about Chrom and Richter, I just forgot to put them on the list."​
He's BS. And anyone who believes his crap is an idiot.​

From Vergeben:

I never said that.

After the Smash Direct I shared that I heard about lines recorded referencing Richter but that was the extent of it and since I didn't have anyone specifically say hey Richter's definitely playable. I had no reason to share that since it was kind of a weird thing to hear in the first place without context.
It made a lot of sense when the Smash Direct happened though. I was never told if the lines were by the announcer, dialogue, or what.
Only "some lines about Richter were recorded" and when pressed, I got no further context as to who said them because they wanted to protect whoever it was involved. Why should I share something I couldn't get a straight answer on?
I understand why they wouldn't. But it would've been weird to randomly share "some lines were recorded referencing Richter."
Especially when I couldn't get the context. "

It was on this page.
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Deleted member

If someone claims that DQ hasn’t left a mark or presence in the Western market, just show them this:



Smash Apprentice
Dec 19, 2014
Thought this was really cool. Someone on Twitter did a redesign on Erdrick NES

There was a problem fetching the tweet
Absolute babby.
I'm glad people are still fond of his classic design.

Also, check out this totally real leak:
erdrick dlc page.png


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
Absolute babby.
I'm glad people are still fond of his classic design.

Also, check out this totally real leak:
Looks magnificent! Not only because the “render” itself already looks great, but also because, intentionally or not, you managed to frame Roto’s iconic sword too.

Now I wish the official render, if Erdrick was in, did the same.


Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2019
The Cale-Zone
Switch FC
Absolute babby.
I'm glad people are still fond of his classic design.

Also, check out this totally real leak:
Jeez, this looks amazing !
But this can't be legit... There's not enough blur and it doesn't look like the person holding the camera had a heart attack while taking the picture, sorry pal but i'm not convinced.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
That render actually looks great next to joker Naoyatodo Naoyatodo . A testiment to how it's actually good :)

On the topic of Vergeben, I was thinking about it yesterday and I'm actually more optimistic about Erdrick now. Reviewing the amount of stuff gave me a picture of his smash source(s) and how good his info's been. Some people like to focus on the misses and what he got wrong and totally forget how hard it is to get good information from the inside. Most of what he got wrong wasn't smash related, too.

He got so many characters right this cycle, way over 4 pieces, which to me would be the mark of a decent source. I dont think 'misses' count for that much, as all it says is that his source(s) aren't on the main team, but it would be crazy to get a lot more anyway. None of the claims were somehow leakbait, so I dont think it makes sense jump there for new claims, especially that his main source isn't an SE one. And while Tansut's is, it was one that got Cloud.

The things he got wrong with regards to smash are the timing of the SE character, and the minecraft content. I think the minecraft stuff wasn't from his main sources (edit: apparently he trusted the info even if he's confused about it, so i dunno what to make of it. or maybe still on the way), and I think he made the assumptions himself regarding the timing of the square character. Nobody had heard a thing about Joker whatsoever, meaning it was a very well kept secret, so putting 1 and 1 together from what he did know he probably thought the square character would be the first one to show up, since it was the only and the earliest one he heard that made sense for early DLC.

I just feel like when we don't overlook the real case for his info, and his main sources for smash (and knowing now that Erdrick came from his main source) it just puts quite a bit into it, and I'm feeling pretty really good about Erdrick's chances :)

I'm definitely not saying it's guaranteed at all, but I was always a bit on the fence to think well of the chances, but now I do. :)
Some people here and there might want to downplay it, and it's hard to change what they want to look at and think, but we don't really need to since they can think what they do. I'm just looking forward to seeing what's what and making the most of it. (any way it goes, too) :estatic:
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 4, 2019
That render actually looks great next to joker Naoyatodo Naoyatodo . A testiment to how it's actually good :)

On the topic of Vergeben, I was thinking about it yesterday and I'm actually more optimistic about Erdrick now. Reviewing the amount of stuff gave me a picture of his smash source(s) and how good his info's been. Some people like to focus on the misses and what he got wrong and totally forget how hard it is to get good information from the inside. Most of what he got wrong wasn't smash related, too.

He got so many characters right this cycle, way over 4 pieces, which to me would be the mark of a decent source. I dont think 'misses' count for that much, as all it says is that his source(s) aren't on the main team, but it would be crazy to get a lot more anyway. None of the claims were somehow leakbait, so I dont think it makes sense jump there for new claims, especially that his main source isn't an SE one. And while Tansut's is, it was one that got Cloud.

The things he got wrong with regards to smash are the timing of the SE character, and the minecraft content. I think the minecraft stuff wasn't from his main sources (might be worth checking), and I think he made the assumptions himself regarding the timing of the square character. Nobody had heard a thing about Joker whatsoever, meaning it was a very well kept secret, so putting 1 and 1 together from what he did know he probably thought the square character would be the first one to show up, since it was the only and the earliest one he heard that made sense for early DLC.

I just feel like when we don't overlook the real case for his info, and his main sources for smash (and knowing now that Erdrick came from his main source) it just puts quite a bit into it, and I'm feeling pretty really good about Erdrick's chances :)

I'm definitely not saying it's guaranteed at all, but I was always a bit on the fence to think well of the chances, but now I do. :)
Some people here and there might want to downplay it, and it's hard to change what they want to look at and think, but we don't really need to since they can think what they do. I'm just looking forward to seeing what's what and making the most of it. (any way it goes, too) :estatic:
I remember that he said something about one of his main sources that it was never wrong when it come to SE stuff and that this source also backed DQ content and fighter.
For the release timing I think that indeed DQ was going to be the first release, but as Sakurai said Nintendo come up with Joker announcement in TGA in the second time 45'. This is also why "Brave" was already been coded simultaneously with Joker.
Also I remember that his most wrong claim out of Smash was because he give a second chance to a "Bandai Namco Insider" that was already failed with him some times. He also didn't have luck with Bamco as they usually change their plans towards DLCs a lot, like cutting half of DBFZ DLCs to jump in DBFZ2 production.
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Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
I remember that he said something about one of his main sources that he was never wrong when it come to SE stuff and that this source also backed DQ content and fighter.
For the release timing I think that indeed DQ was going to be the first release, but as Sakurai said Nintendo come up with Joker announcement in TGA in the second time 45'. This is also why "Brave" was already been coded simultaneously with Joker.
Also I remember that his most wrong claim out of Smash was because he give a second chance to a "Bandai Namco Insider" that was already failed with him some times. He also didn't have luck with Bamco as they usually change their plans towards DLCs a lot, like cutting half of DBFZ DLCs to jump in DBFZ2 production.
Well, it could be possible that at one point they thought of having the SE one first, but the data for Brave was less refined than Joker's, and even had some placeholder data. I think it's been in the works for quite a long time and having joker first was the plan all along.
Vergeben and others surely made assumptions about SE being first because it'd been talked about for quite a while, as they didn't know anything about Joker.

If he'd said SE is 'one of the first' he would've been a lot safer and people wouldn't bash him quite as much for getting that part wrong. :/
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Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
I am feeling really confident too. At this point it’s everything, leakers, the magnitude of DQ, the fact that we already got some western heavy hitters like K.Rool, Ridley, Dark Damus, the Belmonts, etc (so people in the west can’t complain). Not to mention the amount of love DQ is giving the Switch, and the fact that they have future announcements (seriously, what more stuff do they have left to reveal?).

I’m not sure what we’ll get for May 27. Probably nothing huge. Maybe Japan gets a new mobile game, maybe a new deck for DQ Rivals.


Smash Ace
Mar 2, 2019
I am feeling really confident too. At this point it’s everything, leakers, the magnitude of DQ, the fact that we already got some western heavy hitters like K.Rool, Ridley, Dark Damus, the Belmonts, etc (so people in the west can’t complain). Not to mention the amount of love DQ is giving the Switch, and the fact that they have future announcements (seriously, what more stuff do they have left to reveal?).

I’m not sure what we’ll get for May 27. Probably nothing huge. Maybe Japan gets a new mobile game, maybe a new deck for DQ Rivals.
I hope May 27 is something special. Like worldwide release of Dragon Quest 1-3 on the switch perhaps.

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