I think people mistook my post last night as saying that Square Enix was obviously right in their initial decision to make DQ9 an action-RPG. I was only alluding to a certain characteristic the series has compared to Final Fantasy. Which is that Dragon Quest is more lovingly literal than most RPGs.
Zoom and Chimera Wings don't work indoors unless there's an outside section or the roof is open, for example. Dragon Quest 1 went to the trouble of having the hero carry the princess in their arms physically back to the castle, as well. The whole tragic ending of DQ3 comes from the villain sealing the opening to their world, so Zoom no longer works. In DQ5, when you marry your wife, the priest asks "And do you pledge to love your partner, in life and as they're resurrected in the church" as a playful callback on how party members die all the time and they only permanently die due to other methods. All of your party members physically follow behind you, instead of always being represented by one sprite like other RPGs did back then. And so on and so forth.
Final Fantasy, by contrast, seems to purposefully make lots of things metaphorical. Single characters on the map represent entire parties. Lots of magic spells that could kill or seriously paralyze enemies merely do lots of damage. Final Fantasy characters do lots of crazy acrobatics but only during battle, in the story they have trouble jumping over buildings or breaking down doors. Nonetheless there's a sense that it doesn't really matter and it's all there to make battling look cooler while there's a clear distinction between battling and the overworld stuff.
So, from SE's perspective, making the combat literal makes as much sense as making funny physical boundaries to the teleporting and party members. Given their track record in terms of how they made things literal so far, I think they could have figured out a user friendly way to make the combat live instead of turn based without making it hard or needlessly confusing to handle like most other action RPGs.
But, like the rest of you, I prefer turn-based combat anyway. So for right now I'm all good when it comes to DQ's battle system. Nonetheless, I hope I made my point more clear this time.