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The Heavenly Scriptures:A Pit Q&A thread!


Smash Master
Apr 8, 2009
College Park, MD
Still have a secondary ready imo. A mk that knows the Pit matchup beats a pit that knows the mk matchup imo. If you get ***** first game, might as well throw something else at them.


Smash Ace
Jun 10, 2010
in my experience (limited as it is) not many people know the pit MU. common knowledge is limited to: "They spam arrows and multihit moves, they kill w/ f-smash, and their recovery is a vunerability."


Smash Master
Apr 8, 2009
College Park, MD
Yeah, I know generally people don't know the Pit matchup. There aren't many of us. I'm just saying don't rely on this when going into a tourney set because the off chance that they DO know the Pit matchup and go mk and nado your ***, have a backup when you get 2 stocked.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 13, 2010
Richmond, KY
Hello, I am new to the Pit boards and a new Pit main, I just switched over from Marth due to not really having fun with him anymore and my overall game with him was suffering due to that.
Pit has always been my secondary, but I was wondering if anyone had any general tips for a new pit main, or if I could play a good Pit to kind of help me along. (Not sure if this is the place to ask for matches.)
Anyway, thank you. :)


Smash Ace
Jun 10, 2010
There are like a buhjilllion guides on the pit boards. Do some reading. Practice the stuff you read about/see in vids. That's how you start off with any character i think. General tips:
1)When recovering go under the stage if it looks safer there.
2)Use lot's of arrows. People will call you a spammer, but it's those pinpoint arrow punishes that give pit a lot of his damage.
3)Avoid staling your f-smash. You will regret it when your opponent is laughing at you and living up to 200%
4)There is a time for everything. Just because you can, doesnt mean it's advantageous for you to camp in some situations. At the same time dont be afraid to camp. Lack of patience will get you ******** but some characters.
5)Dont spam arrows mindlessly like they're falco's lazers. You can charge them and angle them. In fact if you dont do this sometimes then your opponent will PS over, and over again.


Nitoryu Kuro
Jan 30, 2010
Apopka Florida
Yeah, I know generally people don't know the Pit matchup. There aren't many of us. I'm just saying don't rely on this when going into a tourney set because the off chance that they DO know the Pit matchup and go mk and nado your ***, have a backup when you get 2 stocked.
actually nado's are easy to get by. You have retreating tilted mirror shield, pit's shield doesnt get shield poked by it easy (i rarely do) and when he does if ur holding up (like u should) you'll pop out quite quickly. And don't forget you can roll OoS to dodge tornado even more and/or spotdodge. I main falco with Pit simply because i love both characters. And i always wanted to be a top falco since the beginning so i recently decided to dual main em. pit wins on the ground. period. It may not be by a ton but 70% of ur dmg will come from the ground game. pit geting juggled is very awkward and interesting to get out of. This is how mk should get his kills with uairs at high% and off stage dairs at high % if ur not getting read. Pit kills mk super early its hilarious. This mu basically consists of ground game mixed with Wing lunge fairs(shield pokes), punishing every move he makes (as much as possible) and juggles of ur own with uthrow to arrow to air chase.


Nitoryu Kuro
Jan 30, 2010
Apopka Florida
Hello, I am new to the Pit boards and a new Pit main, I just switched over from Marth due to not really having fun with him anymore and my overall game with him was suffering due to that.
Pit has always been my secondary, but I was wondering if anyone had any general tips for a new pit main, or if I could play a good Pit to kind of help me along. (Not sure if this is the place to ask for matches.)
Anyway, thank you. :)
There are like a buhjilllion guides on the pit boards. Do some reading. Practice the stuff you read about/see in vids. That's how you start off with any character i think. General tips:
1)When recovering go under the stage if it looks safer there.
2)Use lot's of arrows. People will call you a spammer, but it's those pinpoint arrow punishes that give pit a lot of his damage.
3)Avoid staling your f-smash. You will regret it when your opponent is laughing at you and living up to 200%
4)There is a time for everything. Just because you can, doesnt mean it's advantageous for you to camp in some situations. At the same time dont be afraid to camp. Lack of patience will get you ******** but some characters.
5)Dont spam arrows mindlessly like they're falco's lazers. You can charge them and angle them. In fact if you dont do this sometimes then your opponent will PS over, and over again.
THis guy seemed to cover it all. Watch vids. Do research. Play alot. and the side notes he mentioned.


Smash Ace
Jun 10, 2010
I know what the RAR is but i never learned how to do it. someone clarify the finer details on this?


Smash Master
Apr 8, 2009
College Park, MD
Why not? It does more damage than a normal angel ring if it connects in the air. A short hop ART pretty much just extends the range of a normal angel ring and carries the wind push effect if you push opponent's offstage with it. I'm using ART more and more now.

Not to mention ledge hop ART is a great way to stop people from edgeguarding imo.


Smash Ace
Jun 10, 2010
Idk why not. i really should use it more. being mid-tier as we are we need to take advantage of every useful AT that we can.


Nitoryu Kuro
Jan 30, 2010
Apopka Florida
Why not? It does more damage than a normal angel ring if it connects in the air. A short hop ART pretty much just extends the range of a normal angel ring and carries the wind push effect if you push opponent's offstage with it. I'm using ART more and more now.

Not to mention ledge hop ART is a great way to stop people from edgeguarding imo.
i cant seem to get the timing for it enough to be relevant. I cant do it at random moments in mid-air and have it end being an art like some :p. I tried for like 15 mins a long time ago and said fk it . I can do SHART that's easy.


Smash Master
Apr 8, 2009
College Park, MD
Well random moment's in the air is irrelevant since you're basically counting on luck. It's better to fastfall to the ground and buffer a regular AR. Ledge hopped ones seem pretty easy now, just jam back then forward jump and AR all in one motion while you're on the ledge and you should get it most of the time. Timing for ART is pretty pro I must say. Us Pits so technical. :awesome:


Nitoryu Kuro
Jan 30, 2010
Apopka Florida
Well random moment's in the air is irrelevant since you're basically counting on luck. It's better to fastfall to the ground and buffer a regular AR. Ledge hopped ones seem pretty easy now, just jam back then forward jump and AR all in one motion while you're on the ledge and you should get it most of the time. Timing for ART is pretty pro I must say. Us Pits so technical. :awesome:
lol that's not how i meant it. I meant being able to pull it off at any time when the situation arises and u notice it is hard.

Maharba the Mystic

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2009
Houston, Texas
ie: metaknight
exactly. mk and g&w are the ONLY characters who completely shut pit down. as i work on the wario mu the more i adapt, while i do still have some issues with it, i can see it being 45:55 with more practice. also the olimar MU is not so much that we are at a disadvantage so much as it is that (and correct me if im wrong) there are like no pits with experiance in the mu. hell rich brown thinks it's in pits favor (although he has yet to play any pit with knowledge of the mu).


Smash Lord
Mar 15, 2010
So I wa splaying this captain falcon and doing real good but then I realize I kill him around 250% while he kills me around 150%.... Its depressing knowing that pit killing moves SUCK!


Smash Ace
Jun 10, 2010
So I wa splaying this captain falcon and doing real good but then I realize I kill him around 250% while he kills me around 150%.... Its depressing knowing that pit killing moves SUCK!
wut? even the worst pit possible should be killing falcon before he hits 200%


Smash Master
Apr 8, 2009
College Park, MD
Pit's kill moves like double once the opponent reaches 180 or something like that.

I don't think olimar is bad either Maharba. Logic says Pit probably has the matchup too.


Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2008
London, Ontario
So I wa splaying this captain falcon and doing real good but then I realize I kill him around 250% while he kills me around 150%.... Its depressing knowing that pit killing moves SUCK!

Pit's kill moves don't suck, you just need to learn how to land them. You could've killed him with a dash attack at like 150% if you really needed to.

Pit's kill moves are fine imo.
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