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~// The Hawaii Thread \\~ V2.0

Fefnir Cerveau

Smash Lord
Jan 2, 2007
Honolulu, Hawaii
Raawww! I'm so tired; think I might fall asleep

hey, I don't remember too much, but good games. I'm feeling pretty super right now, so I think I'll go sleep. Post again later maybe


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2006
On The Mic
Everyone did well. Including me conisdering. lolz

My feet and arms are dead tired now.

I hope the vids get posted soon.

I'm gonna give peach a go for a back up. My marth isn't really working to well anymore.

This week my cousin folks will be in town, but I've already seen them for a whole month so ya. lolz

Could people please let me know when they would be able to come to my house? We can do an afternoon to night thing.

I think my best friend (the link user i brought to one fest) wants to play me tomorrow. =w=

Arvin sorry I never got to trade with you. I will meet up with you sometime and exchange.

Shoyo I haven't even started on the burning yet, but I promise it'll happen. I keep getting sidetracked. But ya...tanoshimi tanoshimi. lolz

Peoples, get back into pokemon. I need people to play against. Wifi is full of hackers. -_-


Smash Journeyman
Sep 7, 2005
I just wanna see the matches of you vs. Scott, thats about it. ******** rest battles.


Smash Ace
Apr 18, 2006
Kapolei, HI
fawk got to reupload the scott vs me matches.... its spazzing guessing it didnt upload properly cause i was playin wow at the same time >.>


Smash Lord
Oct 6, 2005
1 shoyo
2 tom
3 merc
4 5 6 - oshiro frankie scott?

ahh terence i rose from the losers bracket but i had to win 4 matches and shoyo only needed 2. it was all recorded


Smash Ace
May 8, 2005
Honolulu, Hawaii
1 shoyo
2 tom
3 merc
4 5 6 - oshiro frankie scott?

ahh terence i rose from the losers bracket but i had to win 4 matches and shoyo only needed 2. it was all recorded
nice, shoyo is coming with us. and results like this are pretty much expected except for the order.


Smash Ace
Dec 5, 2006
good job guys just now to find all those nonpros that ran away after seeing jgc lol i need to play ppl i can beat every once in awhile, right? you know, build my tender ego after all those whuppings i get from yalls ^_^

apparently jeremy will have skill-seeded tourneys/multiple skill-level tourneys for this upcoming league? smart call, i applaud.

imma do what i can to find dormers who play, and hopefully they'll be good enough to play you guys, or get there. watch, when brawl comes out, it's going down. but to that end, i'm gonna request some of the upcoming dormfests to be residents only, so we don't see a pattern repeat of this year's lehuafests and pnt tourneys. lol don't get me rong i'm not saying it's jgc's fault lol [even if it is XD yalls too good] and it might even work out better with jgc there but honestly, everyone of the best dormers got intimidated and didn't want to play (big egos, they like winning too i guess). i'd prefer having higher level play, therefore having everybody present, but we gotta promote community too or there'll be none :''''(

lemme know if that sounds fair or not k tanks


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2006
On The Mic
Terence I highly doubt that Shoyo is coming with us. Because of the small tournout, he only won 120 dollars in cash. He would still need much more if were to go with us and I don't know if his parents would pay for that. I really was hoping we'd get a 5th member but I have no clue on how that's gonna work.

If he is coming he'll have to decide very soon cause sign ups close on the 10th.

Oh and the deal with team WA is not gonna work out. I talked to DJ Combo and they are only planning on taking the train down and sleeping at the venue most likely. The motel is just before the tournament actually starts, not throughout. So yeah, I think Eggz didn't mention that part. I'm glad I got that cleared up. I'm gonna go look for a hotel RIGHT NOW for us. Tom keep looking for good deals on Air fares.

Terence what day are you coming home? Quite frankly the sooner the better. I still have no idea on what day were're actually departing.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 7, 2005
fawk got to reupload the scott vs me matches.... its spazzing guessing it didnt upload properly cause i was playin wow at the same time >.>
How the hell do you upload vids and play wow at the same time, doesn't WoW lag like hell?


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2006
On The Mic
Okay guys. Your Princess has come to the rescue. Here is hotel information and other stuff I found out.

1-We will NOT be staying at the Marriott. That **** is $165.00 plus per night. So that is out.

2-Best Western Norwalk Inn is a good choice. It's near the venue, has plenty of rooms, and the rates are $85.00 a night plus tax. This is for the two queen size bed deals. I'm actually guessing that we'll be paying a bit more if we request non smoking so ya. But reasonable if we split if four ways.

3-Our other option is the Saddle Back Inn. The Ramada one that Ken posted has been changed to Saddle Back but its' the same address. Again plenty of room and rates are around $89.00 plus tax for a two queen bed room per day. This will probably be more if we request non smoking, but I went with as low as we could go. Oh and this one is close to the venue as well.

For those of you that want to see exactly HOW close this is, check this map out.
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=s&utm...-google-gm&utm_medium=ha&utm_term=google maps

I want everyone's opinions on these. I'd say the transporting us from these places to the venue and back shouldn't be an issue. I wouldn't mind walking either, but ya.

The rates seem fair if we go four way on it. And yes they'll have TVs, and all the other stuff you guys want. If you want a mini fridge we can arrange for that too.

The main thing that I need from Tom, Nick and Terence is your approval on one or the other or an I don't care. And obviously we'll probably have to pay for this on one card. I'll talk to my parental units about that. My mother will help out as much as she can. She travels alot lolz.

Can people give me a budget report? How much help you are getting from parents and how much is coming from your own pocket? If you'll be fine money wise then just say so.

And finally. Are we departing on the 18th or the 19th since Terence won't be back till the 17th. The sooner I know that the sooner my mom can most likely pay for the motels on her credit card. And then everyone just figure out ways to pay her back like by checks, money transfer whatever. We need to get all of this done by the 10th.

I know Tom and I are doing our parts so I just need feedback from the rest of Team Hawaii.

Thank yaw. =w=

Fefnir Cerveau

Smash Lord
Jan 2, 2007
Honolulu, Hawaii
Whoo~ long slumber

Not sure if I'm going. I'm probably facing a no, but I'm gonna ask today or tomorrow at the latest. Should have an opportunity to ask somewhere in there. Might be able to go, dunno.


Smash Lord
Oct 6, 2005
i just woke up and i am looking up airfares right now

shoyo have someone photoshop your report card or something


Smash Journeyman
Apr 27, 2006
im still playing smash...not really..but my video still has increasing numbers in comments, views, and favorites =P.

DANG LVL 68! i wish i could go to lvl 70 already!!!....so gay.


Smash Ace
Apr 18, 2006
Kapolei, HI
even tho im not going i got a few things to say bout the whole housing issue thing

from what i read or understand eggz them wants you guys to house at washington area then take the train down to socal and sleep at the venue come tourny time. i say thats a better situation than the motel / hotel situation for the following reasons

- saves you guys money
- you dont know really if the tvs in the hotel / motel you guys are staying at are cube friendly and going cold turkey on smash 2 - 3 days prior to the tourny mite screw you guys
- even though you rent out rooms theres certain rules oh how much ppl can stay in a room..... ive remember reading something on the oc 2 thread were ken them snuck each other in to have like 7 of them in 1 room etc.
- plus you get to have more of a player pool staying with them then just playing against each other which is PLUS PLUS PLUS

oc 2 experiance i was glad nealdt them housed us due to gadging how we go against the main landers and meeting new people is always good. knowing you have a chance feels good, and challenging just your friends not knowing what the main landers can do sucks..... believe me thats a huge demoralizing thing

thats my 2 cents but anyways have fun you guys and good luck


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2006
On The Mic
What time on the 17th? Morning or evening?

Thank you for the input Frankie, but I would rather stay at a motel because we can shower everyday.

We can sleep in peace...assuming that people dont' make sounds in their sleep. lolz

And there is a bit more safety of personal belongings there. Can just leave the do not disturb sign on the door to ensure the maids dont' come inside.

We will play as many friendlies at the venue as possible. By the time the singles tournament comes, we will have been playing smash for 2-3 days straight. I'll be warmed up by then. Win or lose I'm gonna experience as many players as possible.

Tom can you please let me know what is going on with Nick? Is he gonna put it all on his card for the plane fare? Does he need any help from my mother? I need to ask her by like tomorrow. Time's ticking.

Terence as soon as Tom gets back to me with the okay on the plane tickets I will reserve our room. I think if it's just the four of us we can share one room. I did so earlier this year in New Mexico and it worked out really well. If you guys are uncomfortable with sharing a bed, I'll try to ask for a roll away cot.

So yeah I'll get on that as soon as the tickets are a go.


Smash Lord
Oct 6, 2005

confirm that your legal American name is Terence Lau because we can't pay for the tickets until all the names are confirmed. its like 4:40 in the morning reply ASAP


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2006
On The Mic
I love your new sig Oshiro!!! Fanservice ftw.

I hope we can pay at the desk for our room. Cash would be alot easier than asking my mom for her card.

After about 40-50 eggs, I hatched a timid ghastly with a spec attack IV of 31. Pheer me. Rawr.

The party at my house will most likely be on Saturday because I know that people have summer school. How does that sound to you all?


Smash Apprentice
Apr 29, 2007
woah hey guyz. Sorry i wasn't able to make it on saturday, got stuck in a couple of errands I had to run and turned out i wasn't home till super late that night. Anyway, how'd the tournie go? Anything amazing happen?


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2006
On The Mic
When Frankie loads the finals of the tournament you will see some of the most intense **** that Hawaii could offer. =w=

By the way, you should come down to my house. Smash party this weekend. Gonna be fun I think.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 29, 2007
sounds good. This weekend you say? I should be free. You have to give me directions to your house. Hopefully you live close, if not it's cool to. Would it be cool for me to ask spares1080 to come?

In terms of the vids, i cant wait to see. I'm expecting some crip stuff!

ps, Any one know a place to get those intence pics alot of you have on the bottom of your posts, i would really like to find one for me, cause your all sigs are crazy!!!


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2006
On The Mic
Oshiro handles all of our sigs now. He checks the sites pretty often and you can talk to him on AIM for sig requests. And yes he is very good. He's already made two for me so far and they pwn. For myself, my pic is the Brawl Zelda and the font Oshiro found for me after much intense searching. The background is his own creation and I love it!

I will provide the address of my house and my own little blurbs on landmarks and stuff. It's real easy to find actually. And we'll be going all day pretty much. And I will provide a whole meal for you peoples. I'm talking salad, main course and dessert. =)

And yeah Saturday sounds like the best bet. The sooner I get a head count, the sooner I can figure out how much food to prepare. I heard that people would be interested in helping out with drinks and that would be cool. :3


Smash Journeyman
Sep 7, 2005
ps, Any one know a place to get those intence pics alot of you have on the bottom of your posts, i would really like to find one for me, cause your all sigs are crazy!!!
yay for me having too much free time >_>

I'll make you a sig, just talk to me on Aim: Orihso2004 (yes, orihso, Oshiro backwards >_>)


Smash Ace
Apr 18, 2006
Kapolei, HI
im not uploading anything till my desktop is spyware free.... fricking norton expired download a couple of new fonts and got so much ****


Smash Journeyman
Apr 11, 2006
Honolulu, HI
Weird, yet good... I found out I'm off Thursday til Saturday so I guess I can make it. Is it possible to get a ride?

BTW is there a reason that you guys want to rent a room rather than stay at the venue? I would think that it would be better to stay for free where the tournament is being held. Unless it's over crowded or something >.<


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2006
On The Mic
You can see my reasons for wanting a motel on the previous page. It's nothing really major, we came to this decision on a majority vote. lolz

Hahaha spyware hurts. Gotta clean that up. Must see videos. =w=

Daniel I might have room for you in my car. It depends on how many people I have to pick up.

*looks at above post....LOLZ Sup Terence!!! XD
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