What happened yesterday? O_O
It's nothing. Nevermind it.
Oh yeah, one final note I'd like to add.
We will not be using the music department to smash for the rest of the summer. (maybe even longer than that) But yeah, no more smashing in room 212.
Dave has kindly offered the Lehua towers as a venue for us. We'll have to walk some, but I think it'll be infinately better. More room, not as cold, and we won't have to worry bout disturbing people since the walls are much thicker. (and it's a dorm lolz) Providing food shouldn't be a problem either.
So yeah, the next time I announce a UH Smashfest, it'll be LEHUA TOWERS. And of course Dave I will coordinate with you well in advance. And Dave, I am taking you to at least one Jose fest before I leave for Maui this summer.
Why does everyone want to play teams?! @_@
I don't think I'll be able to smash this coming Friday. All of my friends are coming home and I want to hang with them and stuff. Sorry Townies.
But other than that, if anyone is free to smash in the evenings, I'll gladly make the trip out and bring the $ Kick. And whenever the next OC3 trainings is...ya.