Sorry Shoyo I meant for next week at the Blaisdell. Speaking of that, I won't be able to be there until six at the earliest. Class ends at 5 and traffic and stuff. So I hope that will be okay.
Here is the final laydown for Friday.
Since nobody besides Dex and Arvin want to potluck, I'll be cooking some stuffs. Everyone besides Dex and RV, pay $5.00. Drinks will be on me. Cause I'm such a good princess. ^^
We will start round one at 8:00 pm sharp. Be there by like 5:30 (the dorms) and eat food, and play warm ups. And see Dave and register for the brackets. There will be alot of people so check in as soon as possible.
Joel, Terence, Matt and Shoyo. Be at the UH band room by 5:00 pm. I will take you guys down in my car. If you're not there, I won't wait for you long. Fair enough?
Rules for Friday.
1. 2 of 3, 4 stock. 8 mins. Double elim
2. 6 regular stages. FOD, FD, Dreamland 64, Battlefield, PS and Marths Story
3. We will designate TV stations for matches. Report to your TVs when called.
4. If you don't report in time, you will forfeit first a round and then the match.
5. Entry fee for cash pot is 5 bucks. No JGC member can play for the Gift card. You CAN enter for free but you will NOT qualify for the cash pot.
6. There will be prizes 1-4. Wether we do percent of dollar depends on the number of cash entrys.
7. None of the dorm people are allowed to eat our food. Dave has instructed them to eat with their meal plans in the cafe. So if you see anyone try to or take food, let me know.
8. There will another R.A. besides dave in charge of this event. I don't remember her name but you will meet her on friday.
9. I will need some volunteers for Friday. Someone to guard the brackets and make sure no body messes with it.
People with systems bring please. No telling how many TVs we'll have exactly. Power bars are good too.
I'm gonna call off names for Fridays trouny. Hope I got um all.
Frankie-Nick-Shoyo-Matt-Reggie-Joel-Terence-Scott-Dex-Arvin-Merc-Tom-Felix-Jose-Glen and myself.
I need to know by tomorrow Waipahu! Thanks. ^_^
If there are any questions PM me or IM me. Here's hopin.