Okay I'll keep battlefield in and all. No johns.
Hey Waipahu! Sup sup! If you guys can make it to UH side before 8 pm, you can enter the tournament if you want. That's right entry fee. What I'll do is collect the entry fees tonight, and then use that money for the prize and give it to the winner the next time we meet. The reason being I don't want to under spend or over spend on the prizes. I think that's fair considering how poor I am. lolz Remember, if enough people show up we can get second, third and fourth place. I know you guys would want that.
Hey Dave. I actually wouldn't mind gettin all of us down to the dorms as soon as possible. One, it'll be easier to play once we set up and it'll be enclosed and stuff. So yeah, I think whenever you're free from classes is a good time to go down. Everyone should be assembled by then I think. Thanks for offering your car too. We'll probably need it since I'm guessing you have a parking pass. So yeah, if we can get there before 8 that'll be great.
Sup sup Joel. Do you mind bussing down to UH? I'll take you home. It's just that I have so much to juggle at school in terms of equipment, making sure people get here correctly and what we're going to eat, that I don't have time to go and pick people up. I'm sorry man, but if you can bus down and walk down to the courtyard area, that would be fine. Anytime after 5:30. Just call me up.
As for where I'll be parked. I'll probably move my car from the stan sheriff center to the adjacent parking lot since it's easier to get in and out. Once we head down I'll figure out where to park from there. Everyone that's bringing a car I will slap an old stub on your dashboards. It'll be at like 8 at night so no worries. Security doesn't really check all that much.
This will also be like a final call for crew battle line up and for tournament.
For tournement, Tom, Shoyo, Matt, Jeff, Dex, Oshiro, Terence, Joel, Scott, and Myself. Waipahu is tentative, and anyone from Lehua dorms that wants to enter.
Crew battles (not in any real order)
1. HK (Terence)
2. Wrestlemania (Bobby)
3. Turtle (Shoyo)
4. G Rated (Matt)
5. Counterz and Lazerz (Scott)
6. G DUB (Dex)
7. Mexi-Game! (Tom)
The alternates I will just put as another crew for now.
1. Sora (Joel)
2. Flex (Felix)
3. Wedgie (Reggie)
4. Eeeeey (Frankie)
5. The Beast Himself (Merc)
6. U did it wrong (Oshiro)
7. Ban~Kai! (Jeff)
Hope I got everybody. We could actually try these two crew against eachother. Assuming that everyone was there. That would be sick. Tom BRING THE CAMERA! lolz I smell the stuff of legends from this. =D