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~// The Hawaii Thread \\~ V2.0


Smash Ace
Dec 5, 2006
oooo tekken i have ps2, tekken tag and tekken 5, but my controllers are kinda sux0rz bring controllers if like ^__^ i'm waaay outta practice tho, but my xiaoyu is so good she wavedashes lol

Bobby lemme know where you're parked or when you wanna go lehua's. i might just take you up on that tv/system offer. actually, i might just be parked at music building or structure for slack key concert practice. i'll see you guys there ^_^


Smash Journeyman
Oct 10, 2006
From The Depths Of My Mommy's Tummy
oooo tekken i have ps2, tekken tag and tekken 5, but my controllers are kinda sux0rz bring controllers if like ^__^ i'm waaay outta practice tho, but my xiaoyu is so good she wavedashes lol

Bobby lemme know where you're parked or when you wanna go lehua's. i might just take you up on that tv/system offer. actually, i might just be parked at music building or structure for slack key concert practice. i'll see you guys there ^_^
w00t this is like orgazmic musik to y ears floing threw the speakers of my i pod on a lonely night alone ariveing from work at 11:30 at night angered by the thought of not being able to jck clthes cause the frickin manager stayed late tonight fawkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk i wanted that cool looking shirt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i guess ill bring my ps2 controler.... who do you guys use

i got paul/heahaci/kazuya/jin/d-jin/king/grrr i think somemore people but cnat think rigt now t early and decideing if i should go to school or not..... not feeling to good

dude dexter is cool dont hate the stage hate the... umm.... hmmmmmm.... "long pause" MANGO SON!


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2006
On The Mic
Okay I'll keep battlefield in and all. No johns.

Hey Waipahu! Sup sup! If you guys can make it to UH side before 8 pm, you can enter the tournament if you want. That's right entry fee. What I'll do is collect the entry fees tonight, and then use that money for the prize and give it to the winner the next time we meet. The reason being I don't want to under spend or over spend on the prizes. I think that's fair considering how poor I am. lolz Remember, if enough people show up we can get second, third and fourth place. I know you guys would want that.

Hey Dave. I actually wouldn't mind gettin all of us down to the dorms as soon as possible. One, it'll be easier to play once we set up and it'll be enclosed and stuff. So yeah, I think whenever you're free from classes is a good time to go down. Everyone should be assembled by then I think. Thanks for offering your car too. We'll probably need it since I'm guessing you have a parking pass. So yeah, if we can get there before 8 that'll be great.

Sup sup Joel. Do you mind bussing down to UH? I'll take you home. It's just that I have so much to juggle at school in terms of equipment, making sure people get here correctly and what we're going to eat, that I don't have time to go and pick people up. I'm sorry man, but if you can bus down and walk down to the courtyard area, that would be fine. Anytime after 5:30. Just call me up.

As for where I'll be parked. I'll probably move my car from the stan sheriff center to the adjacent parking lot since it's easier to get in and out. Once we head down I'll figure out where to park from there. Everyone that's bringing a car I will slap an old stub on your dashboards. It'll be at like 8 at night so no worries. Security doesn't really check all that much.

This will also be like a final call for crew battle line up and for tournament.

For tournement, Tom, Shoyo, Matt, Jeff, Dex, Oshiro, Terence, Joel, Scott, and Myself. Waipahu is tentative, and anyone from Lehua dorms that wants to enter.

Crew battles (not in any real order)
1. HK (Terence)
2. Wrestlemania (Bobby)
3. Turtle (Shoyo)
4. G Rated (Matt)
5. Counterz and Lazerz (Scott)
6. G DUB (Dex)
7. Mexi-Game! (Tom)

The alternates I will just put as another crew for now.

1. Sora (Joel)
2. Flex (Felix)
3. Wedgie (Reggie)
4. Eeeeey (Frankie)
5. The Beast Himself (Merc)
6. U did it wrong (Oshiro)
7. Ban~Kai! (Jeff)

Hope I got everybody. We could actually try these two crew against eachother. Assuming that everyone was there. That would be sick. Tom BRING THE CAMERA! lolz I smell the stuff of legends from this. =D

Fefnir Cerveau

Smash Lord
Jan 2, 2007
Honolulu, Hawaii
Kay, at school, so I'll keep it short. I'm gonna be up for anything. I'll think about it Tom. I just got my style back a few days ago, and I only got to play once with the guys, so I'm pretty inconfident right now.

Me and Matt should be there before 6 or so.

Well, see you guys later. Lawl at turtle. Screw turtle...Put gayness~


Smash Lord
Oct 6, 2005
yeah, best H2 players are in Kapolei. they won the zone tourney and livewire tourney. There is a Halo 2 tourney this Sunday at playntrade. 4v4 and FFA. my friends are going and im going to support them like they did with me for smash

so where exactly do i go once i get to UH?

edit: felix is coming, hes here right now


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2006
On The Mic
Okay guys. I'm really sorry that tonight wasn't what we had hoped it would be.

Thanks Dave for working so hard with me to get stuff. I'm sorry to hear about your keyboard. I hope you are able to get a new one or fix it. I'll talk to you tomorrow or something.

I just checked my wallet and the damage wasn't as bad as I first thought. I only lost about 40 dollars instead of 60. Food will definately be an issue next time we do this. As well as parking. omg stupid mother f ing dorms and no close parking. If anyone got a parking ticket or parking violation, bring it to me and I'll give you the money for it.

Also, next time if people are coming late and you need directions, I will find a map of UH and post exactly where you need to go. I don't want to be giving directions blindly over the phone. That stuff sux.

I think we had best save the crew battle for next Jose Fest. It'll be more organized that way. We were the only assembled crews anyways. lolz

Next week we WILL do a tournament. Assuming of course that we play at the dorms again. I promise this time that it'll work out right. I'll coordinate with dave earlier. I'll post more on this when the picture is more clearly drawn.

Thanks also to Dexter and Frankie for driving people home.

Fefnir Cerveau

Smash Lord
Jan 2, 2007
Honolulu, Hawaii
Today was pretty good overall. No more tourny(hope you get your laptop fixed dave), and no MM crew battles, but whatever, I'm good. Had a good time anyway. Thanks to Dave for the planning and everything, and Bobby too.

Next time, I hope we can do the tourny and crew, or at least a tourny. I want to see how it goes sort of for the PNT one.

For the OC3, I might tag along, if I don't get summer school. I wanna do something fun over the summer instead of the same routine I follow each summer.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 2, 2006
Wahiawa, HI
Okay guys, please rate my falcon's performance that night.
My game and watch is a bit rusty, just like what happened with my falcon before.
Thanks for the pizza bobby. I hope the touney happens next friday. I also hope that I am off so I can go!


Smash Ace
May 8, 2005
Honolulu, Hawaii
Okay guys, please rate my falcon's performance that night.
My game and watch is a bit rusty, just like what happened with my falcon before.
Thanks for the pizza bobby. I hope the touney happens next friday. I also hope that I am off so I can go!
i wasn't sure if your aggressiveness is a good thing. your DD to grab works but theres ways to fight it. i see you do a lot of dthrow dair DI back alot, and if you missed the first one you always go for a dair with DI forward. try mix things up a bit. your off of stage game is good too.


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2006
On The Mic
You're very welcome dex. I'm sorry you guys didn't get to eat more. Honestly you guys really saved my wallet. Most of you gave like 5-10 dollars or more. While some of those guys from the dorms gave me like 2 dollars or nothing. Not to mention that they ate the most and had the nerve to ask for leftovers. On top of all that I let a guy use my controller, gets four stocked by Tom, says my controller sux and blames it for his lose. Not cool.

Of course this is in no way your fault Dave. People are just dix like that. Full of johns and stuff. Btw Dex and Tom, good job on four/three stocking every one of those arrogant noobs. That's what I call playing to win.

Well Dex, if you want my honest opinion, your Captain Falcon is infinitely better than your Game and Watch. As good as your Game Dub is, your Falcon is that much better. It's not G Dubs fault. Lots of lag, bad shield, slow roll, and altogether easy to kill. While Captain Falcon has his ariel combos, his Knee, extremely good grabs and throws, moves that can be cancled better weight, shield and above all else SPEED.

Honestly I can't compete with your CF as is. It's not a simple matter of you being faster than I am, it's just that I am currently not able to figure your new play style out. You dash dance until you see your opening. Then you grab and throw. Depending on the weight of the opponent you follow their tech or DI and continue the pressure until you can finish them. Usually with an ariel. Personally I don't do well playing as or against fast characters. This is probably why I significantly struggle against you. I won't blame my Zelda for it. Tiers and stuff have nothing to do with it. But I do like your Falcon cause it's very fluent, consistant and flashy with the extended combos. So even though I can't beat it I think very highly of it. I wanna rematch with you as soon as possible. Two thumbs up. b^_^d


Smash Cadet
Mar 15, 2007
Thank you Bobby for the pizza. Twas excellent. I loved watching Tom play those matches it inspired me to practice more. I had fun yaeh it was good and the projector room FFAs were crazy.

edit: Yeah everybody's matches makes me want to get way better. You guys are so leet


Smash Journeyman
Sep 7, 2005
Blah, sandbagging against them with Roy probably wasn't the best thing to do =/

Fefnir Cerveau

Smash Lord
Jan 2, 2007
Honolulu, Hawaii
Dude, I sandbagged against them a lot more than you Oshiro. I wanted to MM, and it worked. Two bucks baby~

Dex, your G&W is better imo. I find it harder to fight against it then your falcon with all the boxes and whatnot. Anyway, your Falcon was really good. Gave me the most losses besides Nick. Your Falcon is really good off stage, and has a good grab game. Very nice knee accuracy, and even DIs it to hit the opponent with the weeker part to avoid punichment of any sort(Like you predicted my get-up on the platform wrong, so you dragged the knee to where I was rolling so that the weak part hit me). There's also nice inescapable grab to knees/elbo, which are gay. I like your off stage game too. lastly, you're really good at following DI, and reading techs/get-ups, which is why I think you have the best Falcon next to Tom.

Terence, rate my Fox from yesterday. And anyone else, if they feel like it.

PS. Tom, thanks for the tourny entry payment~ ;)


Smash Lord
Oct 6, 2005
lol wtf shoyo! i never agreed to a money match the FIRST MATCH I PLAY YOU. i played the whole UH crew and i didn't money match them the first time i played them even though i said i wanted a money match...

Dex, your falcon was too predictable that night. After the first match i already knew that a dash is followed by a grab o_x, the only other option is the dtilt which i never see you use. so, me using my experience from oc2 with bad people grab whoring ***** style, i evaded every time you dashed toward me. aggression is good but more mindgames is a must. the ultimate dash, wavedash backwards, dash foward is good

Fefnir Cerveau

Smash Lord
Jan 2, 2007
Honolulu, Hawaii
Lawl, fine then. We do it next Friday, if we get the chance? Hurry up, since I have to let Bobby know about the entry.

Edit: Actually, I'll just pay him back, so it doesn't matter. And did you MM anyone after?


Smash Lord
Oct 6, 2005
no i didn't, you cruel evil guy stealing 2 bucks from some innocent smasher who plays for fun


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2006
On The Mic
I'm gonna put up a full schedule with rules, events and stuff. I think that was the one thing we were lacking. Without a schedule we are always "whenever" or "just start it" and I can't get everyone focused, including myself. @_@

I think that since people more or less have an idea now of where the dorms are and where to park, it should be that much easier. After careful thinking here's some of the adjustments that we'll make. I will designate at least my 2 TVs for the tournament. That way people can play friendlies while the tourny is in progress.

Ok I just downloaded Tio onto my desktop PC. I know now how to arrange a basic double elimination tournament. It really is easy just as Nealdt said it was. It's a pity that it won't run on a mac. Does anyone own a PC laptop? I would like to use it for the next tournament. If nobody has one, I can borrow one from one of my best friends but only as a last resort since his lappy is $3000.00 plus. I'm gonna construct a demo tournament on my own.
The program even automatically calculates fair prize ratios. All I need from you guys is your Gamertags and full names. But no worries bout that we can get those next week. ^^

I'm gonna work really hard on making up for last week early since I know I'm gonna get slammed with homework this week and I have a really early FINAL on monday. O_O I'm scerred. I'll make some adjustments on the food too. Seeing the kitchen gave me some ideas as well. Ideas that may help me save money and time. I'll talk to you about that via AIM dave. Thanks ;)


Smash Ace
Apr 18, 2006
Kapolei, HI
jose already has it on his labtop he got it straight from nealdt himself.... actually i think he has the beta version lawl


Smash Journeyman
Mar 2, 2006
Wahiawa, HI
Thanks for the feedback guys. I will work on whatever you guys mentioned.
And I'm off friday!!! Yay!
See you guys there.

But I feel like crap right now, I think I'm sick. FRANKIE!!!
Nah, probably not you. Gotta be in my house.


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2006
On The Mic
tenyearwarranty;2298596 Hey a new smash thread.[/QUOTE said:
omg it's a Slow-mew. LOLZ Very fitting as pokemon Pearl is 7 days away. AAAAAAH!!! I so can't wait. Anyways Jose, nice to hear from you. We're all gonna get Pokemon too yes yes? Shoubu shoubu!!! Shiai Shiai!!! Battoru battoru!!! lolz

Dexter san! Odaijini ne ^^

Just talked with Dave for couple hours. Next week is looking clearer already.

Fefnir Cerveau

Smash Lord
Jan 2, 2007
Honolulu, Hawaii
Alright, I talked to Dave, and he wants to get the iinfo on everyone. Who's coming and gamer tag.

Frankie, can you get the guys that don't come here's go or no go? Like Nick and stuff. Bobby can get from Merc and etc.


Smash Ace
Dec 5, 2006
thanks for coming and playing!! we really enjoyed having you guys all over!
kk i'll post back with finalized details once me and bobby work through it all.

sry last friday wasn't a "tourney" per se. the food situation really caught me off guard, but this coming week i'm expecting dorm residents to take care of food on their own with their mealplans. you guys are more than welcome to use the kitchen or bring what you need, etc, but i'm on call this time and can't leave the building to grab things.

most likely brackets will be seeded by location, so tell me where you're from/who you play the most. that way you won't play your regular competition from the beginning.

if anybody has suggestions, ideas to implement for this friday, lemme know now because once the rules are set, they're set. no last minute fiddling -- this way we're on top of scheduling and can run a real tournament start to finish no problems.


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2006
On The Mic
I concur Dave. =D I'll also make a flyer that you can post around the dorms to grab some extra attention.

Oh and thanks for letting me know bout the kitchen. I don't have class on friday till 3 so I'll think that through in my head as far as set up and stuff.

Jeff you should request off cause in the words of the great irotohe. "This is America and you can you do that." lolz

Fefnir Cerveau

Smash Lord
Jan 2, 2007
Honolulu, Hawaii
better be a tournament to make nick come. he was dissappointed too.
Yeah, we're doing the tourny.

List so far:
Shoyo - Rocks
Terence - HK
Tom - Firefly
Nick - Racer X?
Frankie - Ping ping
Jeff - ZkO(you're taking a day off)
Dex - AnubisGX
Matthew - 0130
Bobby - Darkmusician
Merc - ?
Joel - Soranaka
Oshiro - Oshiro
Arvin - Arvy?

(Reply if you're here)Maybes:
Scott - ?
Reggie - Wedgie
Jose - Tenyearwarranty

Waipahu, or Bryan, post on who's coming again on Friday.

For the tourny, I think the brackets should be completely random, with none of the ratings, or area whatever. That's how tournies should be imo. This way, it'll be "fair" for everyone. That's my 2 cents.

For the list, tell me if anything's wrong, or you have a name or whatever. I just sort of assumed who was going. Anyway, just copy and paste it in your post, I guess.


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2006
On The Mic

Yay for photobucket and photoshop. This should get peoples attention.

T.o.W. stands for Triforce of Wisdom. I'm so proud of that one lolz.

Hope I included enough info and stuff. If you guys want the actual jpeg and whatnot IM me on AIM and I'll just send it to you. Lets see...entry fee, Byoc, time, date and place....yeah should be good. Even added double elims to make that clearz.

I hope you guys like it. It's my first flyer. >_>

Edit: Okay now I think I got everything. Fixed spelling and included Prizes.

Just discussed prizes with Dave. The top placing non JGC entry will win a 50 dollar gift card. (doesn't have to be 1st place, but just places highest) Anyone can join for free but you must put down the entry fee if you want to win any cash. None of the JGC members are eligible for the Game stop gift card. That is for Dorm people only.

Dorm people can put down entry fee to compete for the cash prize. At their own risk that is. lolz That will sweeten the pot and allow them to compete for extra stakes if they want.

I think that sounds pretty fair. The money will be distributed by dollars or by percents. It really depends on how many cash pot entrys we get. But yeah overall I think this will make for a much bigger bracket and more exposure for the Lehua Dorms.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 26, 2004
Kapolei, Hawaii
Fun fact!

On friday, a friend of mine from art class told me about a tournament at one of the towers happening that day. I was seriously thinking about showing up and checking out the players had it not been my friend's birthday. Glad to see the smash scene blowing up like this!

Sorry the garage has been closed for the past month, work family and other friends have to take priority over the smashfests. It'll be open this week friday, and I'll throw another BBQ for what it's worth. I'm hoping people made lots of friends to bring over this week!

I'll set up a TV specifically for me to play against everyone. I wanna see how much better everyones gotten.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 26, 2004
Kapolei, Hawaii
most likely brackets will be seeded by location, so tell me where you're from/who you play the most. that way you won't play your regular competition from the beginning.

if anybody has suggestions, ideas to implement for this friday, lemme know now because once the rules are set, they're set. no last minute fiddling -- this way we're on top of scheduling and can run a real tournament start to finish no problems.
If you want, I can burn you a copy of nealdt's TIO tournament program. Its a beta version of the tournament planner MLG should be using now.

Hang on, after reading this thread again, I'm thinking about just chilling at the dorms this friday. I got two TVs to hook up and speed up the tournament process. I wanna check out the new faces.
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