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The GITG Crisis thread.

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Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
snap, did u read what i quoted? kinda tells that story.

the story of the money itself was really interesting.


so the cops came, we reassembled the room. at this point, it was me, maria, EWB, and sneak. i didn't really know where everyone else was, and for the most part, i thought we were going to reconvene in my dorm room, where i couldve easily run about 4 setups for the night, as long as we were sorta quiet, which given the people who had actually stuck around, didn't seem like it'd be a problem. so i leave my laptop with the bracket in my room, still with the assumption that things will happen there. i also leave my controller and silver cube there. I'm still missing my purple cube with the power button stuck in. Still looking forward to getting that (and especially my memory card) back. While we are in the room, i transfer the money from the goalie bag to marias wallet, because it was empty so there wouldn't be any complications there, and because the goalie bag is impossible to hide efficiently. I didn't plan on us getting separated but...thats for further in the story.

In any case, i had a text from pp saying that they were upstairs waiting for us. so the four of us go upstairs and outside, and can't find them. eventually i get tired of waiting and looking around, and figure that they're across the street. Rather than have all four of us run over there, i just decide to run across. right as i make this decision, yay comes up in the cavalier. I'm thinking cool, he can chill here and wait for us to come back. through all of this, my phone is dead, but i wasn't really worried about it, cause i figured we were all going back into my room anyway. So i leave maria (with the money) EWB, and sneak with yay, and run over to aberdeen street.

When i get there, i see fiz, rohan, cam, matt, josh, and smith just kinda...chillin. We chill, talk, and eventually during this, i figure out that the tourney is being moved to karns place. before i thought about going back to my room, cam's deal was done, and me fiz and rohan go over to malks. So now i'm at malks, with no controller, no bracket, and no money. But when we got there, maria, pp, twitch, karn, malk, yay, ewb, and sneak were already there.

and then malks place happened, ppl smoked, i played teams matches, and just tried to not give a ****.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC

we went outside from the second floor instead of going out by...where the cops were.

i wanted nothing more to do with those guys.

i figured everyone had bailed to cars, instead of chilling with cops. now smiths part makes a little sense.

bossa nova ♪

Smash Champion
Feb 15, 2010
malk's was soooooo fun.

kinda wish i went to that party afterwards, but nah nvm so glad i got to sleep.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
yeah we were outside lol. i'm just glad we all got to malks.

looking back, fitting like 15 of us in my room woulda been too tight haha. so glad malk stepped up.

DtJ SmithZzz

Happy Birthday Kjell
Oct 4, 2009
Raleigh, NC
Yeah it was some ****in' crazy ****.

EDIT: Cam, the party ended, and Josh and PLUR asked to come over to sleep.


Smash Master
Nov 19, 2007
inexperience? ask that random lady who overheard our conversation about the girls smith has ****ed.

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
sooo. . . interesting stories

On sunday I forgot tj and left him in gboro. I pulled into chapel hill and I had a text from him saying, "hey, when are you planning on leaving?" lolololol. I was just like "ooooohhhhhhhh." So I drove back to gboro, picked him up and then got dinner with malk and knorr at a mexican restaurant and we talked about dnd while tj sat by stoically periodically repeating "get *****."


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2008
yeah, because kids speak reasonably and intelligently about a situation like this. wonderful logic.
i'm with matt on this one. it was said at the beginning that it was being held in chris's dorm. on a college campus. even if you're a student, they don't tolerate underage drinking and they don't want you drinking in public even if you are of age. so to do it in a public place on a college campus that you attend and you're kinda the "responsibility" of a student is selfish, thoughtless, inconsiderate and stupid. I'm not pointing fingers, just stating this for anyone who did.

smith...you're cool, but ****talking the RA didn't help the situation at all....even if she was a *****, which i'm really sure she is.

all in all. cops kinda **** **** up...i personally don't like them...but they're all over the ****ing campus all the time >_< try not to obviously do **** that will get u ****ed up by them.

PS....real venue ****? get the **** outa here wit that. you knew **** well what kinda venue it would be before everyone came. deal with it. no matter where you are, ppl need to use some common sense....so buy some, borrow some, trade your soul for some...give some **** for some, just get some cuz you're gonna need it in life.

anyway....yeah. w/e

Hi Mike~! I miss you like a recently blind person.

I am Seth

Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2009
SP or Boone where all we smoke is christmas trees.
underage drinking in public is awesome. like every herb i had a large taco bell cup filled with some juice.

this is a good strategy for you youngins. don't be careless and hide from the law as well as possible.

nc tourneys are toooo good. so much dumb **** happens.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC

You should have recieved or be recieving a meeting notification from the Dean of Students Office sometime today. In case you do not recieve this message, I wanted to inform you that a meeting with me, in my office (PHRH 345) has been scheduled for you at 4:00PM on Thursday, November 18th. You are being asked in to discuss the following allegations:

Code of Conduct/Conduct which disturbs the peace of the community
Code of Conduct/Furnishing false information to any member of the University community
Code of Conduct/Violation of University policy or law regarding alcohol (simple)
Code of Conduct/Violations of federal or state laws, or local ordinances which affect the interests of the University community
Guest Visitation Policy

I will see you Thursday.

well, my life is over.

thanks guys.
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