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The Fox Video & Critique Thread - READ OP.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Zhamy and anybody knowledgable in this area I need major help with Wario and ROB when he ledge camps....I seem to be able to ALWAYS pull of the drillshine when he is ledge camping, but the ROB becomes smart and when come for the Drillshine he drops then DJ with Nair >.> I die, he probably laughs and gets back on stage, and I don't know the first thing about Wario and Air Camping this is the first (Good) Wario I've played in a while. Also Idk if I should upload this one vid cause I would like to know if there is anything I could do against a ledge camping MK >.> the vid was almost the whole 8 mins and I think 4 mins of it he was him ledge camping -.-. I won the match but still that was stupid >.>. So the vids are uploading as I type.

Also, yea do support Light and Jenkins (myself lol) into the Fox BR.... more Light and Jenkins though than myself.

To Toronto Joe, I'll have my recordings send to you soon. I have and epic part where I Usmash a thunder whoring Pikachu for the game.... and when I utilt walked that Ike that was too good. So it's the vid file you want me to send right?

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Ahh, Wario and aircamping, my speciality.

Getting Wario out of his camping with Fox is a bit difficult, but you should be able to do so if you laser him like crazy. Fox has the tools to outspace Wario, so if you can get the % lead, which you can achieve with lots of laser spam and trying to hit him with aerials, you should be good. Then Wario has to approach you again for getting the lead. Watch out for his Bite and never approach from below him. Don't get too close to him either, especially his front. Use BAir or NAir to outspace his FAir and NAir. If he approaches while you're in the air, a Shine can work wonders. Wario's weakness is his insanely low range, so abuse your laser!

Fox's groundgame is superior to Wario's, by the way, so as soon as you can get him onto the ground, you're having the advantage.

Also, to fight Wario properly, you need a LOT of patience and have to stay calm. If you get nervous, Wario will get you.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Well I'll take this stuff into mind....still waiting for vids to be ready the ROB on has like 10 mins until it is finished uploading.


Smash Ace
Jun 12, 2008
Panama, Panama
HERE IT IS!!! ok im currently uploading another one BUT HERES THE FIRST ONE!!!!!!!!11


it's still being processed so the quality isn't as good as it will be when it's done


Finally!! sexy fox I like it. I think Jenkins stated all that is needed to state, I will ad only to use more pivots, is really useful and can give you the extra damage you need before a Usmash

PS: The song of the second match is soo good, I recommend it for the Combo video


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Ok the ROB match is up and ready
EDIT:Wario is gonna take 50 secs+processing
DOUBLE EDIT: >.> Wario http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTJtiJF578Y
Triple EDIT:I'm not Azen or anything but I thought if anyone wanted to how to Pika I post these
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_x59UYqNdxw <--- **** your CG
Hope these help ^

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Ok the ROB match is up and ready
EDIT:Wario is gonna take 50 secs+processing
DOUBLE EDIT: >.> Wario http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTJtiJF578Y
I haven't watched the Pikachu ones, but I'll post my thoughts on these.
vs. R.O.B.:
Yea, I see you have little experience with the robot. ^^"
You can outcamp R.O.B. with your lasers and by reflecting his gyro and own laser. Abuse thiiiiiiis.
Otherwise, I've seen you mainly getting hit by his Aerials (BAir and NAir here), which you can only get into with experience, I'd say. Basically, you ran into his typical traps, and of course got punished for it.
You also need to be far more patient and space better, Fox usually outranges R.O.B.. Try to juggle him, respectively get below him, this is his major weakspot, UAir and UTilt are utter **** here.

But! Since I don't know soooo much about R.O.B., I'll leave it at that.

vs. Wario:
That Wario wasn't really aircamping, for that he was far too agressive, lol. Also, looking at how much you were victim of DAir and got killed twice by the Waft, taking into account how important it is to NOT be below Wario is very vital for ye.
In general, you were to aggressive. Wario has no possibilities to outrange Fox. However, using multi-hits against Wario - especially in the air - is very dangerous, as you were able to see. Wario has among the fastest aerials (FAir, DAir and NAir, mainly) in the game, so as soon as he is able to counter, he will, all while you still do the rest of your kicks or drill down (not as bad here). So - don't use FAir so much. It will hurt you.

You also need to use the laser more. Otherwise, you did pretty good, that Wario wasn't bad at all.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
I haven't watched the Pikachu ones, but I'll post my thoughts on these.
vs. R.O.B.:
Yea, I see you have little experience with the robot. ^^"
You can outcamp R.O.B. with your lasers and by reflecting his gyro and own laser. Abuse thiiiiiiis.
Otherwise, I've seen you mainly getting hit by his Aerials (BAir and NAir here), which you can only get into with experience, I'd say. Basically, you ran into his typical traps, and of course got punished for it.
You also need to be far more patient and space better, Fox usually outranges R.O.B.. Try to juggle him, respectively get below him, this is his major weakspot, UAir and UTilt are utter **** here.

But! Since I don't know soooo much about R.O.B., I'll leave it at that.

vs. Wario:
That Wario wasn't really aircamping, for that he was far too agressive, lol. Also, looking at how much you were victim of DAir and got killed twice by the Waft, taking into account how important it is to NOT be below Wario is very vital for ye.
In general, you were to aggressive. Wario has no possibilities to outrange Fox. However, using multi-hits against Wario - especially in the air - is very dangerous, as you were able to see. Wario has among the fastest aerials (FAir, DAir and NAir, mainly) in the game, so as soon as he is able to counter, he will, all while you still do the rest of your kicks or drill down (not as bad here). So - don't use FAir so much. It will hurt you.
You also need to use the laser more. Otherwise, you did pretty good, that Wario wasn't bad at all.
OK I see I'll try and work on that.


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2009
The Cold

Ill get some more matches up soon cause i got good feedback from it so maybe you guys wanna see some more :D.

also i don't think iv ever had my fox called "sexy" xD i like that title for it... my signature taunt isn't points for style for nothing :)


Smash Champion
Aug 31, 2007
turn around....
Alrighty, generally speaking.
Iblis, you're not bad, but you have some awful tactics that need to be fixed.
First, you have outstandingly reckless approaching, All throughout the matches I watched, I could count at least 15 things that would and could have been shieldgrabbed or worse, neutral air is neat and keeno, but you use it far too much. On that note, you have bland variety. It's a good thing your friend didn't adapt to you, otherwise you'd be screwed.us You seem to try the same thing a lot, simply because it worked last time, you do mix it up, but it's rare and barely works from what I've saw.
3. You unnecessarily pivot wave grab. You seem to do it when a normal dashing grab would have worked just as effectively. PWGs are best exploited to punish predictable rolldodging, tech chasing and handling up front, short ranged aerial approaches, if your opponent catches on, you can be fed a lot of down smashes.
4. needz moar camping
I learned from Bowyer that camping ****ing works (unless it's wifail). You could have easily camped and punished and gained a huge advantage in the match, but instead you relied on ridiculous up front tactics. You camped when the going got tough, but think of if you did that without being in a desperate situation, it helps, a lot.
Now onto character/match specific advice.
DullRazor didn't seem too experienced with Rob, Rob has amazing tilts and jabs that combo and has stupid (good) range, but he didn't use them, he also seems to share your issue of approaching badly, Rob spaces great, but he got shieldgrabbed a lot. His Wario wasn't bad though, but if he used Wario's neutral B more, you would have been screwed, because Fox has a ridiculously hard time outspacing that mouth, and considering your approach methods, that would have probably won him the match faster.
Ussi, I'm sorry to say is a mediocre Pikachu, he didn't attempt a chaingrab in most matches, didn't camp or use thunder jolt as effectively as he could, he smash attacked too much, didn't barely QA canceled, and didn't punish your foolish aggression with effective shieldgrabs, he also recovered above stage with skull bash, which is just stupid, and you powershielded it and failed to punish, shame on you.

Work on those bad habits and keep on up tilting.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Alrighty, generally speaking.
Iblis, you're not bad, but you have some awful tactics that need to be fixed.
First, you have outstandingly reckless approaching, All throughout the matches I watched, I could count at least 15 things that would and could have been shieldgrabbed or worse, neutral air is neat and keeno, but you use it far too much. On that note, you have bland variety. It's a good thing your friend didn't adapt to you, otherwise you'd be screwed.us You seem to try the same thing a lot, simply because it worked last time, you do mix it up, but it's rare and barely works from what I've saw.
3. You unnecessarily pivot wave grab. You seem to do it when a normal dashing grab would have worked just as effectively. PWGs are best exploited to punish predictable rolldodging, tech chasing and handling up front, short ranged aerial approaches, if your opponent catches on, you can be fed a lot of down smashes.
4. needz moar camping
I learned from Bowyer that camping ****ing works (unless it's wifail). You could have easily camped and punished and gained a huge advantage in the match, but instead you relied on ridiculous up front tactics. You camped when the going got tough, but think of if you did that without being in a desperate situation, it helps, a lot.
Now onto character/match specific advice.
DullRazor didn't seem too experienced with Rob, Rob has amazing tilts and jabs that combo and has stupid (good) range, but he didn't use them, he also seems to share your issue of approaching badly, Rob spaces great, but he got shieldgrabbed a lot. His Wario wasn't bad though, but if he used Wario's neutral B more, you would have been screwed, because Fox has a ridiculously hard time outspacing that mouth, and considering your approach methods, that would have probably won him the match faster.
Ussi, I'm sorry to say is a mediocre Pikachu, he didn't attempt a chaingrab in most matches, didn't camp or use thunder jolt as effectively as he could, he smash attacked too much, didn't barely QA canceled, and didn't punish your foolish aggression with effective shieldgrabs, he also recovered above stage with skull bash, which is just stupid, and you powershielded it and failed to punish, shame on you.

Work on those bad habits and keep on up tilting.
Ok but really don't see I'm supposed to mix it up like that most of the time
Fair I'm losing my spacing ability with that move I'm trying to fix that. Nair too much huh? ok. More Camping can do. But wouldn't you use a move that works until that adapt? I do what something my karate teacher told me when sparring so when I play brawl I throw out the same move to see if I get the same reaction. Once I see I get that reaction at least twice I change up and punish them by faking the move to get that faulty reaction.


Smash Champion
Aug 31, 2007
turn around....
You rely on being read to adapt, but with consistent, preemptive variety, you make it hard for your opponent to adapt, and when they do, you'll have to mix it up again.
You seem to wait for provocation to do the more useful things, don't. Do them up front, because it's more difficult for the victim to adapt than the assailant, if you make it easy for them to adapt, you'd be surprised how fast tables can turn and before you realize, you're the victim.


Smash Champion
May 12, 2008
San Francisco Bay Area, California
Hey Iblis, the first video should be processed soon. Keep in mind this was all off the top of my head, so my advice is pretty basic, but I hope it helps anyways.

Also, about the thing I said about ROB being in the air, I forgot to mention his ground game, so just work with me lol XD.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
You rely on being read to adapt, but with consistent, preemptive variety, you make it hard for your opponent to adapt, and when they do, you'll have to mix it up again.
You seem to wait for provocation to do the more useful things, don't. Do them up front, because it's more difficult for the victim to adapt than the assailant, if you make it easy for them to adapt, you'd be surprised how fast tables can turn and before you realize, you're the victim.
I'm gonna tell you like Uzi I didn't understand a word you said...mind restating useful things >.> sorry stupidity rush.
EDIT: Ok Light.

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
To keep things short: Camp more and don't do the same stuff over and over again.

Otherwise you'll get predictable and an opponent who can read you easily will use that against you.
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