Being in college, chances are the first time I grab Brawl will be while I'm out at Keene State. So here's what I see myself doing.
Cenedar's First time with SSBB:
1. Reserve a copy ahead of time at the local Gamestop.
2. Soil myself in anticipation waiting for the game to FINALLY show up.
3. Upon receiving my phone call from Gamestop saying my copy has come in, I will do all I can to not squeal like a pig, scaring the bejeezus out of my roommate.
4. Bolt back to Gamestop as quick as I can.
5. Grab my copy of Brawl, pay for it, then get the hell out of there.
6. Don't even look at the box inside the Gamestop bag as I dash back into my room.
7. Hop on my bed, and slowly remove the box from the bag, staring at the box art for a good five minutes.
8. Rip the evil plastic off of it.
9. Read the instruction booklet cover to cover. I always do this with my new games.
10. Hold the disc above my head and do my impression of Jim Carrey from Ace Ventura. "A-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-aaaaaaaaaalrighty theeeeeeeen..."
11. Slip the disc into the Wii, cheer like an idiot seeing the icon for it on the Wii menu.
12. Stare in absolute awe at the no doubt pwnsome intro movie.
13. Go right into Vs. mode to start beating on computer players with META-KNIGHT.
14. Explore menus.
15. Take my inevitable bathroom break and give alot of thought to what I have seen while on the can.
16. Begin discovering how to unlock characters. If I'm really stuck, I'll either go online for find a guide as a last resort.
17. Not come back to SWF for however long it takes me to not laugh maniacally when I boot up the game.
Yeah... good stuff.