I don't think happiness is based solely on chemicals, this implies a material structure to the world
which is scientifically accurate, but also completely pointless to believe in imo....
if such a state were true, how could meaning be attained and how could you ever be correct in believing this??
-If you believe you are only chemicals: and the world is also that way, what you believe in is pointless
and the world is not that way, then you are wrong
-If you believe you are more than chemicals: and the world is that way, you are correct
and the world isn't that way, no matter what you believe is
its a pascal's gambit, only in believing happiness is more than material can you ever be meaningfully correct.
Yes, its true, neuroscience theory shows we have no free will, the basic cause effect nature of most of the universe supports this as well,
but do scientists go around and treat people like volitionless chunks of matter? no.
do they use ppl for a sense of hedonism w/o any sense of empathy or hope that something higher exists?
No matter what you believe you are forced to be illogical... there is no point believing in a nihilistic state of things, but neither can you believe fully in logic and get something besides that....
Sometimes you have to believe things like this to put value in the world no matter how illogical it is...
and let's face it...
its much funner to go the graveyard with someone that believes in ghosts ^^
and even if you did believe that happiness is just chemicals and that it is meaningful i see these problems:
-It doesn't address how stimulating one group of atoms somehow is meaningful, and at least more meaningful than any other combination of atoms
-What is happiness in a material world? most ppl forget to realize this means the best way to approach life is by stimulating these happiness centers the most that they possibly can... in this sense even being in a drugged coma is an optimal way to live...
the quest for reason/intelligence is worthless in comparison
the quest for experiences is worthless in comparison
how long you live is never said to be relevant (a baby who lived 1 sec in supreme happiness then would be moreso to a person who lived 100 years with meh happiness.... with average happiness.... even if longetivity somewhat mattered taken into the infinite nature of times, all values would be pushed to zero)
-and lastly science can't address why consciousness arises.... which.... is miraculous really...
so to me at least... happiness is undefinable....
sorry for the long post @.@
also this is my first debat hall post ^^ i hope it was ok