Happiness? Before answering these questions and making horrible ASSumptions about the "soul,"(no such thing, btw) one has to understand how the brain works. How pleasure and lack there of is distributed throughout. Can you be happy without sadness?
It is because the event "sadness' exists that we are able to give an event of "happiness" a name. And vice versa. Therefore, within existence, within the spectrum of these two man-made ideas based on reality, the term "happiness" cannot be without the term "sadness." Has nothing to do with the soul, as there is no such thing nor proof of that man made idea, but rather, the views our brains try to formulate within existence.
Remember, our brains are always trying to make patterns corresponding to previous knowledge. It's why we think there's a face on Mars, which then makes us think of a past civilization trying to "warn" us or trying to leave their mark. It is all mumbo-jumbo. Understand intermmediate steps before jumping from "We are here,-->an imaginary (MAN MADE idea) spooky figure made us."
Aside from that, I just have one question, MC4, since you seem to be speaking on God's behalf(like every fundamentalist does) and excusing all of his contradictions.
When the word
heaven is used in the Bible, what is it supposed to mean? Give me an image here. Again, straight from the Bible, not "a combination of the bible and modern astronomy." When the bible says "heaven," or "heavenly," what is it trying to depict?
When Astronomers say "heavenly bodies" or "celestial objects," they're referring to planets, stars, nebulas, galaxies, neutron stars, ect ect. Explain to me what heaven means straight from the bible, and try not to be vague either.
illinialex24 said:
So essentially, he created the Sun and Moon and all permanent lights (i.e., stars) after flower plants, which were on the second day
Stars come before planets, and a whole mess of **** comes before flowers. Don't hurt him, he's already confused.