First and foremost Nintendo is a company that's aiming to deliver a thoroughly enjoyable experience for everyone
That sucks. I hate nintendo for that. Capcom makes games with the intentio of causing the people playing them to throw things at the wall because of the difficulty.
And I love every minute of a capcom game.
Best example :
Breath of Fire 5 for ps2 (an RPG)
You need a special token to save. Theyre extremly rare, you cant buy them, theres maybe... 12 or so in the game, and the game took me.. 60 hours to beat.
You can make a ''temporary save'' so yuo can turn the game off, but as soon as you load the save file, it gets erased, and theres some system they put in specifically so you couldnt copy your temp saves onto another memory card.. I tried to do it.
So if you died, you started back at your last ''permanent save'' and given the rarity of save tokens, that usually implied you lost 12 hours of progress or more.
See, thats good gaming. No newb would get past the first 2 hours of breath of fire 5. Brawl should be like that. But less extreme, but it should have an insane ammount of techniques, increased speed, more characters, new combo systems
ANYTHING to make the game MORE complex, more difficult, more exciting, more of a challeng.
Not easier to pick up for pathetic noobs. If you cant play video games then pick up sewing like a little girl, im tired of this lets appeal to everyone attitude.
Back in the day on NES you were LUCKY if you could beat a game, now its like ''Oh lets not make games too hard, people wont like that''
Bull ****ing crap. Difficult games are what gamers thrive on, people who think smash should be watered down to include a larger audience are just trying to please everyone, whilst forgetting that games are for gamers, not for old people.
**** the Wii and its new philosophy. Props to Capcom for making the best games.