Hol up.... something isn't right in this post. Buffs won't help a character?Let's just remember that even if Yoshi's flaws were to get fixed up, that won't guarantee that his overall competitive viability will be better.
The exact same pattern in all 4 (soon to be 5, but hopefully not so) games that holds Yoshi back is his recovery options. His kill options has always been just barely above average/mediocre.
Smash 64 is obvious, no upB. Same for Melee but diagnol airdodge helped him a bit, Tier list placement in both games doesn't matter. 64 everyone was good in some way cause hitstun and damage output was insane, melee Yoshi is carried pretty much single handedly by Amsa.
Brawl recovery was buffed a bit with the 5 egg tosses, but the introduction of footstools, not being able to manipulate his movement during the move and him not being able to auto-snap to the ledge hurt him a lot, especially with the long invincibility on the ledge brawl introduced compared to the previous games.
Smash 4 not only did he get less egg toss jumps (even with the new movement he can do during the ET) he still cannot auto-snap ledge and the hitbox that used to sometimes help yoshi while recovering by hitting the ledge with egg made eggs/most projectiles in the game just disappear into the void.
For Brawl your tier list placement was basically mirrored off of how well you did vs MK the gimpmaster himself, near the end of the game it eventually turned to IC as well but by then most relevant Yoshi players quit the game from MK domination so we couldn't really rise any higher outside of bottom of mid tier despite Yoshi doing pretty well against IC and having GR to Usmash on MK was barely enough to help us escape low tier.
Smash 4 his recovery being exploitable still and kill options not being as common compared to early Sheik/diddy/sonic/fox/luigi days basically made him low tier before a tier list was even made, but the overrated hype from people made others put him in high tier, by then the next tier list he dropped by 8 spots. (back then, 8 spots used to be considered the biggest jumps throughout all the games, but with how wild patches were in S4 10+ became pretty common)
I'd honestly be fine with Yoshi having no broken kill options like 3/4ths of the smash 4 cast has if he was able to have buffs in the one category that's consistently held him back in all smash iterations. Recovery.
Cloud/Bayo are our worst MUs cause outside of insane kill power, their gimping power is disgustingly horrid to be up against as well from cloud's disjointed hitboxes/Nair and Bayo just chasing us offstage and nair/witch twist us into ugly angles.
Yeah, I don't understand why Yoshi's grab has always been so terrible in every single department. No KO potential, little to no follow-up potential, terrible damage even (4% for the ground-smack down throw is outright disgusting), it's not like Yoshi would suddenly be broken if they'd improve on all these things even a little bit. The only time I feel Yoshi's grab was ever somewhat good (Smash 64 aside, where all grabs pretty much had KO potential) was Brawl with his pivot grab, which was really nice and quick, then Smash 4 absolutely ruined that move as well. But even with that good pivot grab, it didn't allow Yoshi much in terms of follow-ups. ..well, unless you went for the cheap grab-release chaingrab that only worked on certain characters, which still didn't help all that much (unless the opponent was Wario, which you could do this infinitely with... but that's absolutely cheating as the Wario player could do absolutely nothing about it).
Much as I'd love for Yoshi to finally be able to use his tongue as a tether recovery, I'd much rather they fix his grab game first, because as it is, you're much better off not using it at all.
I'm pretty sure from what aerodrome/kurogane and many zelda mains said early on in the games life, Zelda was nerfed in many areas not buffed. Plus it's honestly hilarious how Sakurai won't fix her terrible upb and side-b, no reason to fastfall still and no reason she shouldn't be able to move once upb ends for such a long while.But at least Yoshi's situation is less dire than what Zelda has been dealing with. All the buffs that Zelda has received since Melee did not save her from being ranked among the worst fighters in the entire series; Zelda's competition has always had some sort of advantage against her, and the buffs that she did get didn't exactly help her poor frame data problem.
Can jab ourselves, frame 3 OoS nair, even downb when dropping shield has good frame data.Good frame data is still important if you want to make quick punishes though. With how laggy Yoshi's standing grab is, he can't depend on it to interrupt the third attack from Mario's jab combo.
Melee throws mostly went into combos on a good portion of the cast, Yoshi throws was bad in brawl but we were blessed with a broken pivot grab and decent GR options on a small portion of relevant characters (Falco ZSS Diddy Pikachu Wario MK IC).Also, Yoshi's throws don't even have much KO potential in them, while the d-throw's BKB is too strong for him to even deliver a follow-up attack.
Smash 4 is probably the worst iteration in terms of throws but even dthrow has very rare uses on fast fallers similarly to melee. Still pretty bad though in S4.
To be completely honest, if the 4BR leaders were active and tried for one last tier list before Smash 5 came out (though maybe we might try, who knows), I'd think this Yoshi iteration would drop to low tier and be the worst in terms of competitive viability cause of how irrelevant he is in the meta when the top 3 characters shut him down compared to Brawl where MK/IC he had a decent chance against so not completely out of the meta.I just meant that it didn't help Yoshi all that much in Brawl, if you look at his tier list placements. Sure, it prevented him from being even lower on said lists, but he was still pretty bad, and brawl Yoshi was arguably the worst of them all.
Just all the Yoshi's disappeared which in turned made his results dwindle. (Delta and raptor were the remaining two and they weren't going to as many as they used too).
Melee Yoshi amsa has shown you can do fine against fox/falco and other top/high tiers but he still also loses to the spacies from how prevalent the two are so adjusting to all the different playstyles can be draining a lot of the time.
Feel like this should only apply to Ice climbers (melee/brawl) and Marth/D3 having infinites on a small cast of characters or Falco having CG on literally everyone (brawl for last 3).And I'll still continue to think of chain grabs as cheap techniques. Whenever there's a chain grab option, the moment the opponent is grabbed is like a small pause for the grabber to prepare for the throw (or release) while they add free damage to the opponent and then re-grabbing them, rinse and repeat until the damage is too high for it to work or worse, until the opponent is in kill range. It's also incredibly obnoxious to deal with as the opponent, and as a viewer it's also incredibly boring to watch. I understand that tournament players don't give a damn about that, but I'm not a tournament player, and even if I was I would find ways to overcome my opponent without resorting to these types of cheap techniques. ..not that I'd have much choice considering I'd be playing Yoshi exclusively during these tournaments and, Brawl grab release aside, I don't remember him ever having any kind of chain grab option.
Really though, where's the honor in just grabbing your opponent and racking up their damage when they're completely incapable of doing anything about it? Heck, where's the fun in it? To me, video games are still about having fun and chain grabbing is everything but fun in my eyes, and I really am happy that they nerfed this 'technique' into the ground since Smash 4.
Yoshi is probably the worst example for this argument cause his grab release is unique in brawl, even then people can escape if they mash fast enough and the Yoshi (or anyone for that matter) was mashing A too much for pummeling and accidentally jab them away which of course breaks the CG.
Yoshi's GR of course only worked if they went airborne, so if they mashed out and ended up next to us instead it essentially was done unless they potato'd out and do nothing allowing us to grab them again and not trying to retaliate.