Yeah that's the one. It was only one episode, but man did it piss me off, haha.
could've worked if director tried to make it like reading manga illegally with automated [pirated] microsoft powerpoint
except not really
unless you think it's a wish worthy of...
LOL. Is Homura really under her bed (1:01) during the series? I don't have the files with me.
i don't believe so
but it should've if not
[collapse=raifu in grioriousu nihon (now with more unnecessary praising)]so the inability to lurk disco room has left an impression on my mind
how will i procrastinate now
and where am i to unleash my weeabooness unto the masses
at this point i may be prompted to be like weird german weeaboos
where random [naturally unnecessary] use of english words are coupled with the profound complexity of the german language
which is the distant cousin of english who went to russia to learn grammar as i put it
and was never quite the same since
i mean let's be honest
there's barlw general discussion
but that's no good
how are you suppose to generally discuss barlw in a good light anyway
you can specifically point out good points or generally point out bad points
what is with people trying to negate this absolutely tired-and-true either/or logical paradigm. people and their fallacious logic nowadays. honestly.
so yeah, without mađôkà life is just not the same
how am i suppose to procrastinate in a controlled manner now[/collapse]