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The Death of the Late Thomas Tipman

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Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2006
Whitehall, Oh
hey riot do you have a combo vid? if you dont you should and it should have riot by three days grace, that would P\/\/nZ3R4-|-3 something fierce


Smash Master
Apr 25, 2004
Columbus, OH
aif u take offense to that, then you can go **** a doorknob with a chinese finger trap condom made out of sandpaper for all i care.
roflroflroflrofl, im using that line the next chance i get

k so i agree with a AOB that florida is making Tipman look like an as.s.
It seems to go like this

1.) someone posts a vid or thread about gannon
2.) Flordia says "omg tipman is so much better"
3.) Midwest comes back saying "not uh bushman/eddie is better"

honestly florida does start the shi.t, theres plently of threads that prove it. Also, i think it was immature as h.ell of Tipman to say "i ***** the fu.ck outta bushman and eddie in friendlies" I know for a fact Joe was trying to have fun and try new stuff. Thats what friendlies are about.

Eddie invented gannon, its a fact. Tipman brought a whole new table of ideas like King did with jiggly. Joe is just technical as he.ll and is really good about it.

As with results go, recently Joe does have the best. Tipman did beat chillin (he said he sandbagged but we'll never know) but one big name doesnt justify a good tourney record. I know its hard living in florida and all, but if Tipman did travel more, theres a chance that he could have beaten a lot more big names and placed higher in more tournies. But facts are facts, and Joe has the best tourney results.

Now does that mean Joe is best gannon?, of course not. Theres too many things that have to be factored in.



Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2006
hey riot do you have a combo vid? if you dont you should and it should have riot by three days grace, that would P\/\/nZ3R4-|-3 something fierce
hah, no i dont actually am thinking of getting together with Green Mario and XIF and try recording matches or something since i know they have had plans for getting a combo vid out. Then me and gimpy can post them and argue about whos vids are better ;) hahahah


Smash Ace
Dec 9, 2004
Elgin, IL
Drephen's post pretty much summed it up, but I feel I have to explain where I'm coming from, as I seem to have started a lot of this.

I know I'm not as good as Eddie, Joe, or Tipman. Tournament results can prove that. The only reason I really want to play Tipman is because I enjoy Ganon dittos, and both Eddie and Joe have told me that I have a reasonable chance at beating him. I never meant to imply that I'm better players than any of them, but I am **** good at Ganon dittos.


Smash Champion
Nov 8, 2005
Yes, I want to see it to. I will say he did beat me in the tourney set, which was about 5 months ago(I guess I havn't gotten better). Lol J/k, Tipman as a rule IMO owns Falco players. I will say though Joe Bushmans Ganon is mad good, I played it at Smash Aid, we were going pretty even(Which is very hard for a Ganon). I am not being biased and knowing the potential of Tipman would have to say he is the best Ganon. But, Joe Bushman is extreeeemly good. But hey, Tipman doesn't have results to back up being the best Ganon. But I would love to see him play other Top 10 people in the U.S.

In Conclusion, Tipman is super beast. And Joe bushman is uber beast.

For now though, I would have to say there even. But I guess since Tipman is quitting he will never have the option to prove he is the best Ganon.

To end this, Bushman is best Ganon I guess. Untill Tipman proves it, which he could.

Edit: Doodah, you better put up the matches of me vs Azen, I really want to see those....... really bad.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 26, 2003
Socal, MI spirit
tomas tipman, why dont you play dope 1v1 and see whos the better player instead of getting so upset because someone stated an opinion(which btw alot of people know is a fact) about 2 better gannon players than you? So you gonna say you'll smack the plastic grin off dopes face over ssbm? Aight i'll make sure I introduce myself to you when we hopefully meet in the near future, and I want to see you to smack the plastic grin off mine 1st big chops . Eddies gannon is legend, you havent accomplished anything compared to him, and if you wanna wize up and keep the smash talk at smash talk, I'll **** that "best" gannon of yours too with a plethora of characters

and don't cry because I came out of nowhere to post here, I havent been on these forums in almost 2 years, rarely play smash but I heard what you said thinkin your hard, and even tho I never touch my gamecube, my skills never leave and I still would put big money up against **** talker like you lol.... and own you verbally physically or smashily rofl


Banned (62 points)
Jul 11, 2005
Edmonds, Washington
ok so basically we wer all calming down and realizing there wasn't a whole lot of disagreement really, then you, random guy from nowhere, come out to post this garbage and start it all up again.

i applaud you, random guy, for you have wisdom beyond the rest of us.


Smash Lord
Sep 27, 2005
obviously your new to the game gimpy =)

A.hills is from my crew, and was winning tournys and beating eddie in ganon dittos before any of u even went to your first tourny. so i think its safe to say, hes not a random guy =)


Smash Journeyman
Nov 26, 2003
Socal, MI spirit
man who the hell are you? im not even talking to YOU, RANDOM GUY...I was talking to the guy who brought the aspect of real life violence into a video game, so do me a favor and stfu please? thank you... Like I said, I just heard what the man said, so I went to post 8 (which isnt that far back) and read for my own eyes what he typed... and didnt I say dont cry to me about coming out of nowhere? I guess thats +1 for my predictions, and I dont read anything here, this is the 1st thread ive read in 2years maybe more...

and i'm putting my 2 cents in just like the other random 5,6,7,8 however many people decided to jump in on dope saying his arguments/opinions are dumb and all the other jump on the bandwagon bull****.

and on a side note gannon dittos dont mean ****, I beat eddie in a gannon ditto at a tourney that he pretty much swept, and gannon wasnt even one of my mains...and this is when he was still unquestionably a beastly figure in the smash scene, so once again, know your history and pay homage to the pioneers of the game that you JUST jumped into... all u gannon players are most likely clones anyway, like I said, he was doin the **** when u were in smash diapers, I'm sure lots of you were watching eddie videos before you even know an l cancel existed thinking "wow I wish I was that good"

thnx for the applause random guy, and if there is no problem then theres no problem, ignore my late post ='(

P.c. Chris

Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2005
Port Chester Stadium
sorry for posting again but i've read a little bit more,
why are we arguing about this when tipman is "quitting" . I've played all 3 ganons they're all good. Its no secret eddie has been slipping recently but if some people didnt know i mained ganon for the first 3 of this game b4 swtiching over to falco and fox. My first video was eddie vs kish squared like on corneria LOL *tears * .

I dont care if tipman 4 stocked him ,i think eddie knows that too. Doodah why are u mad about eddie getting respect and people thinking hes good. Alot of scrubs wont even hear of Tipamn of course they're gunna be like "what about eddie" thats the way things go , scrubs are ignorant . Personally i think eddie isnt THAT far behind the other two ganons . The man deserves some respect, i give most of my credit of my slow patient smart style to eddie

I tried to mimmic his ganon i saw how smart he was nd back then it was a BIG deal to the community. Im asking you guys to leave eddie alone. Hes not only the father of ganon but hes a father of this community in general too. he doesent deserve this Sh*t that u guys are giving him.

A lot of new school smasher need to respect their elders. i have nothing against all the new new new schoool players. You guys have a tremounds amount of talent (sHiz KeepSpeedn' lol sorry for saying wrong at fc) and most of this talent is from you and you only. Buuutt the past players figured out a lot of this stuff for u so u can jump straight into learning the tech and other aspects of the game.i've been playing from the start and following the community, but i was only recognized as a good player in the last couple of years, so i'm somewhat newschool too.

Eddie is in a slump hes doing bad, its no secret, we have all seen him play better but you know what he continues to play this game even though hes placing low now and prob losing money at this moment. he truely loves this game and hes not going to quit (no offense to Tipman im sure hes got legit reasons why)

bassssically i can go on and on kissing eddie's *ss, im just telling u guys these are all talented ganon's and great players in general. If tipman is actually quitting why are we arguing about whos the best if u "quit" ur not involved
so then we'd have to say bushman is prob the best as of now.

and doodah stop being an attention wh0re for tipman, i fu wanna make a proper thread for him quitting then do so, your giving flordia a bad rep and making tipman look like a ****. just keep out the sh*t that begs from drama just so you can argue with them . I'm a tipman fan too hes a great guy lets not give him a bad rep. Im sorry to hear ur qutting Mr. Tipman good to seeya in NY (move back ._.)

im not going to spell check this thing so sorry , and LOL yeah i need more gum especially vs tink ^_~


Smash Journeyman
Nov 26, 2003
Socal, MI spirit
pc chris, well put man, thats all I'm sayin, people over here sayin eddie gets ***** and all this ****, but people can only play this game for so many years before they get tired of playing the same **** over and over and yes, others are gonna EMULATE(copy ft smartasses) from the best and start to compete with the best....But jesus christ KNOW your history, pc put it best, eddie one of the fathers of this **** you love... I know theres ALLLL kinds of new talent here because of youtube videos, people linking up, the growth of smash, more tournies etc....and I aint hatin on that, but Eddie dominated point blank, way before alot of others did, and the fact is, you new guys have soooo much time to devote to perfecting the things that oldschoolers were already doing and you have such a head start in this game, THANX TO THE FATHERS OF IT so just show respect point blank.

its kind of like saying a young apprentince to jeet kune do, thinking hes good because he can beat up bruce lee(if he was alive duh) when hes 90 years old, not acknowledging the fact that bruce would rip his neck off in his prime. Its not the BEST analogy but you get what im saying..... some people started so long ago they just get tired and cant practice like they used too, dont have the love for it whatever, so they dont make it a point to be undefeated forever, especially in a game like smash

and btw, one of the oldest rules of smash, because you beat someone one time does not make u the man, or better than that man....Smash is a god**** random *** game, and **** happens, people all lose once eventually

and to the people mad about "wars" starting over a game, i'm not pointing fingers or anything but just go back and read which posts come before which. wow all this talking has got me excited, I think ill dust off the gc and go play event match 33 i used to be tied for the ww ^.^


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
Now somebody needs to come in and say: "stfu eddie sux tipman is teh best lawlz."

I'm pretty sure that's how it works.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
Weston, Florida
pc chris, well put man, thats all I'm sayin, people over here sayin eddie gets ***** and all this ****, but people can only play this game for so many years before they get tired of playing the same **** over and over and yes, others are gonna EMULATE(copy ft smartasses) from the best and start to compete with the best....But jesus christ KNOW your history, pc put it best, eddie one of the fathers of this **** you love... I know theres ALLLL kinds of new talent here because of youtube videos, people linking up, the growth of smash, more tournies etc....and I aint hatin on that, but Eddie dominated point blank, way before alot of others did, and the fact is, you new guys have soooo much time to devote to perfecting the things that oldschoolers were already doing and you have such a head start in this game, THANX TO THE FATHERS OF IT so just show respect point blank.

its kind of like saying a young apprentince to jeet kune do, thinking hes good because he can beat up bruce lee(if he was alive duh) when hes 90 years old, not acknowledging the fact that bruce would rip his neck off in his prime. Its not the BEST analogy but you get what im saying..... some people started so long ago they just get tired and cant practice like they used too, dont have the love for it whatever, so they dont make it a point to be undefeated forever, especially in a game like smash

and btw, one of the oldest rules of smash, because you beat someone one time does not make u the man, or better than that man....Smash is a god**** random *** game, and **** happens, people all lose once eventually

and to the people mad about "wars" starting over a game, i'm not pointing fingers or anything but just go back and read which posts come before which. wow all this talking has got me excited, I think ill dust off the gc and go play event match 33 i used to be tied for the ww ^.^
hmm.....Im from Florida but I like this guy alreadylol.
Event match 33 is mad good BTW.


Smash Lord
Sep 28, 2005
when nar comes into a thread ya know **** is going down.

than ****ing PC comes in 4 stocks a guy, man this thread should be in the running for best threads ever alont wiht the power rankings thread


Smash Journeyman
Nov 26, 2003
Socal, MI spirit
sup watty watt mah nigrah, yo dreph! sup all lol pc yeh tis me <3 come back to mi sometime and engulf us in thine pwnage, my smash soul came back a LITTLE after that tourney lol, and pro james loses to me 1v1 falco vs falco(*waits for contradiction cheapshot*) ='( lol no johns (cept james's brother)


Smash Champion
Nov 8, 2005
Doodah, make sure you put up the matches of Me vs Azen from MLG Orlando as well, those matches were mad close.


Bad command or file name
Oct 22, 2003
Louisville KY
But Gimpy was right. We were telling the FL guys not to talk so much ****, and look what Nar comes in and does.


Banned (62 points)
Jul 11, 2005
Edmonds, Washington
basically i didn't know who he was, so everything i said except for "random guy" (lol) was right.

mixing stuff up for no reason, how fun!

ganon's take things so personally it seems haha

my appologies btw a hills finest, i've been in the scene for just a couple months over a year, and i didn't recognize your name, now i know you as random guy. not like a random nub guy, but as THE random guy. the one that defended when i called him random guy, lol


Smash Apprentice
Sep 6, 2006
Why is there so much hate for florida? Florida has done nothing but defend themselves. W/e i guess its just another fad......


Smash Ace
Sep 12, 2005
yeah i just love how you guys make us out to fanboys. the nonsense is coming from both sides. random hate for florida has always existed so don't make it out to us always talking ****. half the time florida is just defending it's rep. and someone lock this **** thread.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 26, 2003
Socal, MI spirit
rofl np gimpy, I knew I would be called a random tho since I havent been here in years. But I don't think anything I said was wrong because

a. I was adressing the problem, not trying to stir up beef(btw the beef wasnt really dead)
b. I wasnt the agressor(someone else was)
c. I didnt have time to read EVERY post, just the violent one and random eddie bashing
d. Its not like this topic died out, just because u told fl not to talk **** doesnt mean thier opinions changed, so I was just throwing in my 2 cents and look noone can shuttup about it lol, so if u put it that way....everyone who posted to contest what I said could have stfu'd and not added any more hate to the mix"stiring up more dead ****", cause I really was only expecting a reply from T.T, ive never met him, he hasnt met me but I gathered his persona off what I said in his post(s)

and in the midst of all the talking I had to state clear facts that you cant deny about this game, the OG's of this game, and the community(of this game).... because theres alot of disrespect going on, and not just from FL it was directed at all the newbs(as in new comers) who think they put in dues and are legends all of a sudden.....

so once once again no hate...and I dont know why people keep saying we are "hating on fl" or sooo much hate for fl ='( etc...where do u see anyone bashing the whole fl state? can I get a quote plz? Then i'll take ur guy's side... U dont threaten someone with irl violence over a sarcastic remark which was made in a sarcastic thread about a video game feel me? Im still waiting on the 1st man(or lady) with balls(or sheballs) and a mind of his/her own to agree with that....

and gimpy thnx homie that took a real man to apologize I admire that 4real(no homo, no homo) lol

gg guys =]


Smash Journeyman
Nov 26, 2003
Socal, MI spirit
didnt want to edit...

in point d. I meant what "he said" not what "I" said

harharhar I doubleposted ohhh*emmm*effff*geeeeee

edit***Andy O-Brien I love you sir, I pay my respects to you because you're the reason I made jiggly my 4thdary character and owned bob with it at the vgames in semi's(and later won)

who said rollout isnt a top tier mindgame? "nar dont use it again nar dont use it again!" *AAAHHHHHHHOHHHHHH*(peach death cry)

pay homage to your elders


Smash Journeyman
Nov 26, 2003
Socal, MI spirit

theres no need to find a quote. florida is hated. its a known fact. where does it stem from?
lmfao lmfao u guys gotta work on ur debating skills, im sorry but I just have to make a quick point here....

according to what someone said earlier in this thread..... what YOU just said was almost as bad as dope saying "i dunt need proof I just know"

remember that? now im not sure if you were involved in any of that calling dopes arguments fallacious, but I just had to take advantage there lol someone tell me that wasnt a fallacious *** statement lololol

soooooooo like I said, wheres the proof? and wtf wheres the vids wheres the vids?!?!?!


Smash Ace
Sep 12, 2005
the proof is spread out through the many montages and threads discrediting anything about florida, see yoshi being florida counter and random smack from known players. i'm not argue this with you b/c its already been done to death and you are not saying anything different from everyone else. and any viiolence over the internet should not be taken personal. justl ike any other forum, e-thugs are nothing but e-thugs.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 26, 2003
Socal, MI spirit
(btw this isnt really argument this is discussion, im not hating on you dont worry lol)

so we've established that someone has e-thug tendencies, but its not like hes never met dope irl, and its not like they won't ever meet again since dope travels to tournies occasionaly and t.t said he'll be there with his friends.... so >why not< take it personal? And just because hes actin like an e-thug does that excuse what he said I think he meant it, do you?

and about proof? all u gotta do is post one of these "many" montages or threads(even tho threads dont prove much because everyone gets hated on in threads eventually)....

people have said michigan sux, people have said indiana sucks, people have said kentucky sucks, nevada sucks etc...., all states have been bashed before, but all I hear in this thread is peoples tears about how the whole community hates FL and I find that VERY hard to believe.... smack talk is smack talk, analogy-->some people in the world hate black people, but just because I know it exists, I dont go around crying about it everyday or every chance I get.... so why worry about people hating on a states level of skill in a game? If you know ur good then it wouldnt bother you....haters will always exist, but ive yet to see anything that credits this accusation of extreme hate against FL in smash, like people go out of thier way daily to make a hate thread about FL or a create a montage hating on them Eeveryday? cmon now its not hard to get my point....

so if its that easy just prove me wrong...you should at least have ONE piece of evidence to back you up right?
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