I've been lurking this thread ever since it was initially posted, trying to determine if this was a safe place to post about my problems. Alot of you guys are on the the younger side, but I think you've given good advice so far, so here goes.
I hooked up with a girl I met at a bar a few months ago. It was pretty good, so we decided to make it a casual thing- no relationship, just meet up for dinner once a week or so and then get down to business. This continued for about a month, and as often happens in these arrangements, I started to develop feelings for her, in spite of my best attempts not to. I didn't want a girlfriend, and I was afraid that things would get weird and complicated. I needed a way to end it, without some corny line like, "It's not you it's me," and without acknowledging my feelings for her (I didn't want to run the risk of her saying "I like you too!", then things would be really messed up). So I asked her if we could have a threesome. I figured that would totally weird her out and she would break the whole thing off; I'd look like a bit of a scumbag, but I would be out without having to tip my hand.
She agreed to it. SHE AGREED TO IT.
What now? My plan had backfired in perhaps the most amazing way possible, but now I had to choose: would I go through with it, and tumble down that potentially dangerous rabbit hole, or back off before I got caught up with something very weird and complicated, and miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime?
I don't know why I even bothered typing that. Of course I went through with it. And it was completely, 100% worth it. The threesome only happened once, and afterwards me and the first girl hooked up a couple more times, but it wasn't the same. Neither of us enjoyed it as much as the threesome, so we agreed to end it mutually. So it looked like my plan had worked: asking for the threesome had ended the arrangement without me having to make any kind of emotional concession. I was in the clear, and had a great time.
Until two weeks ago. I got a text from the first girl that her friend, the one who had joined us, had missed her period. Well, ****.
Look, I hate condoms (see: my son). I only use them when absolutely necessary, which is the first few times I'm intimate with someone new. If it continues, then I ask for test results, and if they're clean, the rubbers are out the window. Before our threesome, I asked for her friends' results up front, and she was okay. It never even occurred to me to make sure she was on birth control. I mean come on, who isn't?
Now I'm stuck in the dark phase- the 3-4 weeks between a missed period and the time when a pregnancy test becomes accurate. I am an absolute wreck. I can't have another kid, especially with someone I don't even know. How am I going to raise him/her? Will I even get along with the mom? How can I afford child support for two kids? And I don't even want to think about raising the possibility of an abortion. What should have been one of the greatest experiences of my life instantly turned into the worst.
Like I said, I waited a long time to post about all of this, and I didn't know who else to turn to, so I called my mother. We haven't spoken in years, but I know that when things get really bad I can always count on her for help. I told her the whole thing, and naturally my mom got scared, and said, "You're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air."