I think you hit the nail on the head right there. A lot of this is just me getting my feelings out but I would appreciate anyone's input on this.
Much of our relationship just doesn't make sense to me. What I thought this would be is a flirting buddy who I would likely be able to sleep with and hopefully pursue a relationship with when I visited back home. At this point I am inclined to believe she totally infatuated with me, which is weird because I haven't seen her in over 6 years and we've only been talk for about 3 weeks now. I had thought (and maybe wanted to thought) that we were on the same page and all this flirting and affectionizing was for the most part done in fun, but it seems naive for me to continue believing that.
She is getting clingy, calling me everynight. I just don't want to speak to her for near 2 hours every night. Preferably I'd like to speak with her once every 3 days. I like our relationship and I don't want to lose it and I don't know how to tell her this without jeopardizing the relationship. She is highly emotional
Something humbling about this is that this "relationship" has opened my eyes to my own insecurities. For example I haven't asked her what this relationship is partially because I thought we were on the same page, but also because I was afraid of her reaction. I like having a girl to flirt with, and I like having someone who is emotionally attached to me, and reluctant to question it because I imagine she'll: get angry, front and tell me to get over myself or get hurt and lash out at me for being unsure of how I feel about her or worst of all laugh at me and reveal that she was just been using me because she's bored(in all scenarios ending or at least changing what we have). Another thing is that I've never liked talking over the phone, I've always preferred communicating via text or in person, but I see its simply because I am in-confident that I will be able to entertain her over the phone, I'm just not as funny and charming over the phone and I think she'll see that and get bored with me. Ironically however it is the opposite that seems to be happening, there will be times when there is an awkward silence and I don't know what to say but she doesn't seem to care, she'll just change the topic until we hit a groove again. Its almost like I am projecting my insecurities on to her, something I never thought I had a problem with.
Anyways the reason I am talking about this now is because last night she called me late to have phone sex. I have never had phone sex, it seems strange to me. I was against it, trying to tell her we shouldn't bother but I complied and even started to enjoy it a little, the phone cut off and when she called back I didn't answer. And I feel like this exchange opitimizes our relationship, constantly swaying back fourth between what we want, what we expect and how we feel. The whole thing is just confusing. I do know that right now I don't want to be in a relationship withher simply because it would be a lie. The relationship needs to develop naturally, if we commit to each other it would be hollow, we just don't have a strong enough bond for that work yet.
And so my phone has been off since last night, she probably left me voice mails and I imagine a scathing message on facebook. I'll send her some pictures of me that she has been hounding me for to win her over again. And then once we're on good terms I'll ask her what exactly our relationship is. Its unavoidable at this point *sigh*
Don't worry about your insecurities now, what you said that you're thinking is true, is likely that she's doing it for fun for the most part, after all, girls want fun and emotions with guys, and the guy that can make her feel the most exciting emotions wins the girl.
So, like I said, forget about any insecurities, make up your mind and figure out sincerely what you want with this girl, regardless of what you think she may think or feel about you or w.e. My advice to you is to be optimistic, think "I've got this, this is what's going to happen, she's mine", at the end of the day nothing happens if things don't work with this girl, you simply move on, just remember that you should never commit emotionally too much until she has shown good feelings for you. For now, you can choose to play her game and if she asks you to commit in a way that you can't, then you can fake it until she shows good feelings towards you. Yeah, I know this may sound like being a douchebag, but the fact of the matter is that this is simply the safest move you can do and it pays off if she had sincere feelings for you.
So, right now she probably doesn't see you as a potential boyfriend for a more serious relationship but you can tell she's very interested. By the way you describe this situation I can see she is in need of attention, and is horny, and if you can't give her the attention, love and sex that she needs, she's probably going to find somebody else who does. I don't want to discourage you, not at all, in fact you should take this as a big opportunity to take it to the next level with this girl, but we warned that too much time can kill her patience for you, so don't take too long thinking about what will be your next move.
Like I said, don't commit emotionally too much, after all, all you've being doing with this girl is just flirting, so just play her game,
have phone sex, let her call you at nights for hours, and overall be very nice and playful to her. Well, talking for hours may be a bit of annoying for you, but you can tell her nicely that you feel very tired from work, studying and whatnot and give her a nice good night kiss or w.e
The whole point is that later on this could be a big payoff for you if it comes that she truly and sincerely likes you and has good feelings for you.
This advice comes from my own experience, my relationship was very sex based at first, but then love started growing, and we are very happy now.