"xD Bro I'm an alpha male no seriously I swear!"
Haha I've never claimed to be an expert, I do think the guy who wrote the book knows his **** though, the stuff worked for me too, me and my friend just wanted to get girlfriends, but the book is kinda oriented towards guys who just want to get laid with many woman. What I'm trying so to say is, that the some of the stuff in the book is actually pretty valuable advice.
Totally not sounding like a million other people inflating their egos over minor accomplishments with self help books. I MEAN A GUY ESCAPED THE FRIEND ZONE.
It was huge for him because he began trying to get something with this girl on high school and like 10 years later he finally got her but not quite well he just ditched her for a better girl, lol. It was impressive for me too, never expected that to happen, I thought the same about the book, yeah sure it has some good stuff here and there but nothing serious, my friend started applying everything on the book to the letter and everything ended working out pretty impressive for him.
Or you could just pick up some ****ing weights and stop simpin'.
Works too.
I'm sure they're hundreds of people out there who can swear by self-help books, but let's be real -- reading a book about how to make the perfect free throw shot in basketball won't compare to actually practicing it over and over until you get it right.
This book was written by someone who dated a lot of women apparently.
Well, at the end of the day, you don't believe me and I don't blame you for it, Is fine for me if you think the book or what I've said is bull****, is your opinion.
For those interested (if any) I'm pretty sure you can get the book online 4 free, just search a bit here and there.