Mmm... I wouldn't mind travelling for a smash tourney at some point, but the vast majority of you guys are pretty far away from Bristol... So long as there's plenty of notice about dates and times and a place for me to collapse in a heap after a lot of travel, I don't mind how far I go, so count me in for most locations. I seem to pick up that a lot of you are in or around Newcastle... Wouldn't be hard to fly there from Bristol if something is organized, not at all. I know there are flights that go between Bristol and Newcastle at least once a day and it's cheaper than the train or bus services available if booked early enough.
London? Can't really be of much use with the cards and whatnot since I've only been there twice and don't know the zones at all, but I'd be willing to travel there for a tourney meetup sometime if you don't want to go too far for now. I'm usually alright with figuring out where I need to go.
And to sum it up in one easy form... I'm from near enough Bristol, and yes, I'd be willing to travel to the Newcastle tourney. In case you're curious as to my age, I'm 19.
Edit: Contact details are all in my profile, and my MSN address is the same as my main email. I'm mostly on MSN out of all the IM programs I have a screen name for though.