Well, right now my main weaknesses are dash cancels and cancelling noel's drive 5c with a jumping 5d. I just can't do either of them.

What Minato and Livewires said, but also remember that dash cancelling is weird in BB, and buffering dashes even more so. You can't really buffer the next move because of the way normals work in BB. Just keep practicing, and I know you'll get it. It was probably the hardest thing I had to learn how to do with Noel so far. :3c
As far jump cancelling j.D, once you get a feel for it, it's pretty natural. You might not be cancelling early enough? Practice it in the corner first, and then try midscreen.
forgot to say hello at foonzo on tuesday lythium!
and goodbye too, but you know!
I'll be trying to learn Tsubaki when CS2 hits.
Haha, I wasn't sure if that was you! I thought I heard someone call you kr3wman, but then I wasn't sure, etc, etc. We should play next time I'm in town, which I'm sure will be after CS2 goes down. :3c
Oh hey Lythium, I didn't even notice you were back yet because I've been finishing up exams these past couple days. Good job on beating Nini in Noel mirrors, since his Noel's no slouch. His Makoto is just a different breed entirely though. I shudder thinking of how he's going to do in CS2 when Makoto's top tier. Did you guys get to talking Noel strats? Just curious, since always love hearing about ones to try, lol.
Also, out of curiousity, did Kirbster happen to show up? He's a really cool guy too, and was probably the first person from the Montreal crew that gave me the chance to chill and do some games/grab some food with 'em while my Ottawa peeps were either playing MvC3 or doing Brawl stuff at the GO bit in February.
Nini and I didn't talk much, but we had some really fun matches. I'm kinda disappointed that our Noel matches weren't recorded. They were just casuals, but they were pretty epic. And yeah, his Makoto is scary. Like, straight-up, legit, don't ever let him CH you ever, get you in the corner ever, because the match is over.
And yeah, Kirbster was there, he's a super nice guy. We had some pretty good matches, though his Rachel destroyed me. His Ragna is super amazing too, but I feel like I did better against it than his Rachel.