Alright EE is back! Wow that was a lot of studying (that's right, I haven't slept)! Jeez stop calling me Evil Eye, guys, it's so formal and disconnected!
A social room was proposed a long time ago, and I shot it down because it's a stupid idea. A really stupid idea. You can already post "general topics of intelligent discussion" and even rants or silly debates (within reason) per Debate Hall ammendments Eric and I made, like, three years ago, so it's completely unnecessary and redundant. Might as well give the CM a social room or something. Ridiculous.
A social thread I will concede, I suppose. RDK makes a valid point in that the DH social group spawned some interesting one-off discussions and article sharing and the like, things that didn't quite fit into their own debates in a sort of Debate Hall: The Twitter Edition. The fact that the social group died, but was a success for a while, proves to me why it could be a good idea and might be worth trying out.
I also endorse Zero's guidelines for what is or is not acceptable within the social thread, and you can expect us to be trawling it with red/yellow cards at maximum levels of readiness. I don't want to see any "cool story bro" bull****, any how was your day nonsense, any word association games. Keep it in the spirit of the room or face penalties, paddling, and possible closing of the thread (forever and ever and ever).
EDIT: I would wait and let one of us modly types open the thread, just so we can have codified rules and expectations for the thread in the first post from the get-go and thus no excuses or waaaahmbulance calling if we start penalizing posts deemed as trite or misuse of the thread later on because nobody bothered to check the OP for edited in rules.