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The Basic Brawl Friend Finder [It's like a diary of replays!]

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
I dont know. Smash King is smart, and so it isn't one of those noob Ikes. I can tell it's him when I see what he does. He's just a gold Ike as far as I know.
And what is this Gold Zelda? The blonde one?

Not sure what you mean. But I'm attracted to very few things when I enter BB. I'm currently active now.

Not to worry. I have no sympathy for him, and will no longer forgive him (it's a long story, and complicated). Nonetheless, I shall stay true to Pit. There are rare moments where I may be a fancy gold Bowser as well, but it's not often considering how much stuff noobs get away with these days. *glares at temple users*

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
I see, well I understand that you want to be the only Gold Pit, and that's not going to happen without a fight. Fight whoever comes in your way, and destroy them. So It's SmashKing huh? Well I've beaten him a lot, and what's sad Is him, and another person (Male or Female) comes in, and attack anyone who mess with them. I always give them a run. Even with two people, and they still can't **** me. HA! Even sometimes I **** them. Well, now I know what to do. So, can you please tell me who Is the Gold Zelda, and Black Zelda? Also, Is he as well a Red Ike? Sometimes, at night (mostly) there will be a Peach with a Toonlink. Other times It will be a Black Pit, and sometimes a Red Pit.

Okay so It will be like this order:

Gold Ike, Gold Zelda
Red Ike, Black Zelda
Black Pit, and sometimes Red Pit with a Red Peach
Black ToonLink, and a Red Peach
Green ZZS, with a Green Pit

You get what I'm saying?

I'm sorry to hear that. Some people just give up on their mains, and switch to another main. I wish the best luck for you. Hope you continue to improve, and be better than any Pit. "If you believe It, you will do it."

I hope you work things out with your fellow ex Pit main.
just ran into this captain falcon (default color) I was a black wolf, he tried attacking me but i just killed him twice without losing a stock only had 12% damage though then he became a pt main, i was a white marth, he barely attacked me Third match he goes Black GnW (default) and starts self destructing

The one and only

Banned via Warnings
Jan 24, 2013
Yes, the Gold Zelda... I will try to get your attention sometime. Don't attack me. I'm not a noob, or scrub. HA! Come night time and team with me sometime. You won't miss them. Gold Bowser? Oh! The Platinum Bowser. Yeah, I've played your Bowser before. Mind If I give you some advance? Use more Koopa Claw, but your Koopa claw cancels are on point. So you say "Blonde Zelda" or "Gold Zelda?" Well yes, the "Blonde Zelda." The only time she is nice, and wants to team with me is when I'm a White Link. Don't get confused though. You'll notice my White Link when I do Bomb slides, and fancy fancy stuff with him. There is another White Link that tries to mimic me. He's terrible, and I've destroyed him as well.

@Richard I'm not a default Captain Falcon. Hehe, that Pit main is really annoying. I hope Admiral finds him, and gives him a good whoopen. That Black Gnw is a troll. I've seen him use him decently. I wonder If he's that Red Gnw as well

Oh! So you're that White Marth, and Black Wolf. I'm that Green Wolf that does a lot of Dacus) Pretty Decent Marth, and Wolf. So are you that Red Ike? I want to find out who my rival is anyway. I still suspect that Gold Ike Is as well the Red Ike.

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
I was in a game with that smart Pink Zelda that seems to know her tricks (the one you're talking bout?). Pivot grabs, Up-B cancel at the ledge, and seems to be neutral with me. A purple Samus is there doing nothing but be calm as well. That Zelda also plays a white Peach with glidetossing. It's a shame we got DC'd and that she didn't know that my Pit wanted her to B-throw me. Don't ask why.

The one and only

Banned via Warnings
Jan 24, 2013
Haha, yeah that's her. Just be a White Link, and she'll be nice to you. I'm going to be chuckling on that for a while. Yeah, I get what you mean. Pink,Gold,Blonde. Whatever! That's her. Now where is her fellow protector? Gold Ike.

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
That Zelda was nice towards me as a Pit. Still wished it was a Peachy with the B-throw. *insert blushing here*
My "Platinum" Bowser's just fine. He just hates generic cowardice. I should give him a go again sometime, though.

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
Yes, the Gold Zelda... I will try to get your attention sometime. Don't attack me. I'm not a noob, or scrub. HA! Come night time and team with me sometime. You won't miss them. Gold Bowser? Oh! The Platinum Bowser. Yeah, I've played your Bowser before. Mind If I give you some advance? Use more Koopa Claw, but your Koopa claw cancels are on point. So you say "Blonde Zelda" or "Gold Zelda?" Well yes, the "Blonde Zelda." The only time she is nice, and wants to team with me is when I'm a White Link. Don't get confused though. You'll notice my White Link when I do Bomb slides, and fancy fancy stuff with him. There is another White Link that tries to mimic me. He's terrible, and I've destroyed him as well.

@Richard I'm not a default Captain Falcon. Hehe, that Pit main is really annoying. I hope Admiral finds him, and gives him a good whoopen. That Black Gnw is a troll. I've seen him use him decently. I wonder If he's that Red Gnw as well

Oh! So you're that White Marth, and Black Wolf. I'm that Green Wolf that does a lot of Dacus) Pretty Decent Marth, and Wolf. So are you that Red Ike? I want to find out who my rival is anyway. I still suspect that Gold Ike Is as well the Red Ike.
Yep that's my ike, so is the blue falco and my black-shelled bowser.

The one and only

Banned via Warnings
Jan 24, 2013
Oh that's nice! I'll be on a look out for you. Once again, don't be fooled If you view a White Link that does bomb slides and assume It's me. What's annoying In basic brawl is "many mimic your game-play." It's a headache to see others making a fool out of your characters color... I hate It!

Well, I'll be on tonight. (Sometime this night) I'll most likely be a Purple Toonlink. You'll know If you view my existence In that room.

You should, I should bring out my Mario as well. Would be nice to fight with my arch enemy:p Well, I'll be sure to help you out If some annoyance of team attacking occurs. They really are terrible though. The mks give me a grieving smile when I fight them. So pathetic!

Edit: I don't know why, but I really to do a footstool combo with a Pit player.

How to quote others comments: There should a button to press "reply." It is located on the far right.

The one and only

Banned via Warnings
Jan 24, 2013
Yep that's my ike, so is the blue falco and my black-shelled bowser.
Ahhh, I see now. So you're the one that teams with that Zelda. Well, I'm your rival. I'm the Tan Ike. Black shielded Bowser. Haha, okay now It makes sense. So there is two Ikes. I'll be on a look out for you as well) So who's your Zelda friend? I sometimes team with her, but she never stays for long.

Edit: Great... a double post.

The one and only

Banned via Warnings
Jan 24, 2013
You've seen me a lot? I honestly can't recall the last time I saw a green Falcon online. Who else do you use?
Um, well... White Link, Tan Ike, Purple Toonlink, Brown Mario, Tan Dedede, Purple Luigi, Red Donkey Kong, Green Ganondorf, Tan Snake, White Kirby, Original MetaKnight, Purple Smaus, Green Wolf, and others are just randoms. Oh! I do sometimes bring out my Red Lucas.

Yeah, that's about it.


Smash Apprentice
May 28, 2012
@The one and only: That might've been your purple Toon Link I saw the other day, then... No way of telling for sure, though. In fact, it goes without saying that I'm not the only pink Falcon out there, especially since I alternate between pink and default (pink for friendly/trolling, default for serious).

Just so other people here can know, probably the most obvious way of narrowing me down among other Captains is that I'm a "code-follower", in that I abide by the sacred Ten Commandments of maining Falcon. I'll beckon everyone to come forward and show me their moves at the start of every match, as well as after every successfully-landed Falcon Punch or Knee of Justice, or, dare I say, after every Wombo Combo. I absolutely love to troll with Falcon, so unless Falcon'sFist is around, if you see a CF stupidly trolling peeps, there's a good chance it's me!

I also use brown/Melee-colored Ganondorf and yellow Ike (though before anybody gets ideas about my Ike, he's definitely not the same as the one everyone's been talking about). I [attempt to] FoG (Flight of Ganon) with my 'Dorf a lot, and I usually only play my Ike when I'm fighting seriously.

Gonna hop on BB now and see what happens.

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
I'm still active. Remember I may instantly turn aggressive if I see a character I don't like (MK, top tiers, Kirby, another gold Pit unless I approve, TL being some examples), but will be often calm when with a friendly character (a Peach, hopefully a smart one) that I like. I'm known as that good Gold Pit doing a lot of SH N-airs or D-tilts (I use it as a taunt, too), and generally being among one of the better Pits around, and am mostly attracted to, again, a hopefully smart friendly Peach (especially if you do that B-throw).

As for me if I'm "Platinum" Bowser, think fancy and may do SH F-air to jab if opponent has low percentage, and does crazy things with Bowser Bomb at the ledge. Doing N-airs is also a sign of me, similar to Pit, except Full hops.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
i will say this really quick, i don't ever use gold pit unless i get it when i choose random, no way in hell do i want to be associated with that color, as most folks already associate it with another particular user, and not usually with a good image. I still use black pit and green pit if i do use him.

however i rarely use my main on basic brawl anymore as I find it more fun to use marth, sonic, Snake and Ice climbers on em.

The few times i use pit usually tend to be when i find a decent player , and i know the other 2 people won't bug us

The one and only

Banned via Warnings
Jan 24, 2013
Hmm, things are absolutely starting to make sense now. I hope I get to find you today. A blue Ganondorf? I've seen you before, and I'd always be friendly with you. I'll find you again, and I can tell you don't watch who comes in and out. Haha, or Is It a Red Ganondorf? Everyone? What the heck! I'd always be a Tan Ike, and do crazy stuff. I despise that Yellow Ike. (No offense) I'm more better than that Yellow Ike, and I would always challenge him. He would always get beaten, and as always. His Zelda friend would come in and help him. Then once I'm Snake. Game over for those to. Sad how others can't except that there is a better Ike. Maybe I need to use more Jab, and basic Ike stuff. I like to be a different Ike. Believe me Peri, once you see a Ike that does fancy stuff. Then that's no doubt me. Though, many copy my Ike style now an days. Sad, but It's true. I'm just certain It's you.

Okay, do you sometimes do a Low Falcon drive that doesn't hit no one? Do you use a lot of jab to grabs? Do you like be all friendly to others? Like, not just attack people out of spite. Well now I got two people to look out for. Admiral, and you. Cool!

Edit: Relax Link... I never said you were the imposter Gold Pit. Green Pit huh? Man! I'm so freaken confused! How can Smash King be that Gold Ike, and while that Blonde Zelda Is always with him, and he sometimes switches Black, and Green Pit. You have to be that Yellow Ike. No doubt about that. You just won't show it... There just is no more explanation to this conumdrum. Unless, God my head hurts from thinking so much.

I'll respond back to your comment later Admiral... I'm thinking to much.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
Hmm, things are absolutely starting to make sense now. I hope I get to find you today. A blue Ganondorf? I've seen you before, and I'd always be friendly with you. I'll find you again, and I can tell you don't watch who comes in and out. Haha, or Is It a Red Ganondorf? Everyone? What the heck! I'd always be a Tan Ike, and do crazy stuff. I despise that Yellow Ike. (No offense) I'm more better than that Yellow Ike, and I would always challenge him. He would always get beaten, and as always. His Zelda friend would come in and help him. Then once I'm Snake. Game over for those to. Sad how others can't except that there is a better Ike. Maybe I need to use more Jab, and basic Ike stuff. I like to be a different Ike. Believe me Peri, once you see a Ike that does fancy stuff. Then that's no doubt me. Though, many copy my Ike style now an days. Sad, but It's true. I'm just certain It's you.

Okay, do you sometimes do a Low Falcon drive that doesn't hit no one? Do you use a lot of jab to grabs? Do you like be all friendly to others? Like, not just attack people out of spite. Well now I got two people to look out for. Admiral, and you. Cool!
well now my falcon actually does use a lot of jab to grabs, when i play falcon, usually the quickest way to spot my own falcon, I'll use jab cancels to grabs almost every time, and usually before that i'll use a nair to hit with the first hit, followed by a jab cancel jab cancel, to grab, to either forward or back throw.

I tend to use the blue falcon the most(not the default color falcon, the other blue falcon color.)

so if i do use falcon you can spot mine from that.

I also rarely try to start taunt parties, and will usually go immediately after the closest person to me when the match starts.

soooo yeah juts an FYI if you notice a falcon doing that it might be mine

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
I'm good with grudges. It's rare for me to be nice if I'm sent to stupid Temple, because we all know what happens when Sudden Death happens; camp city. But again, mostly mellow with a friendly Peachy, or a Pit that I consider cool.
I now will target TLs that I see unless above is in effect.

The one and only

Banned via Warnings
Jan 24, 2013
Hmm, things are absolutely starting to make sense now. I hope I get to find you today. A blue Ganondorf? I've seen you before, and I'd always be friendly with you. I'll find you again, and I can tell you don't watch who comes in and out. Haha, or Is It a Red Ganondorf? Everyone? What the heck! I'd always be a Tan Ike, and do crazy stuff. I despise that Yellow Ike. (No offense) I'm more better than that Yellow Ike, and I would always challenge him. He would always get beaten, and as always. His Zelda friend would come in and help him. Then once I'm Snake. Game over for those to. Sad how others can't except that there is a better Ike. Maybe I need to use more Jab, and basic Ike stuff. I like to be a different Ike. Believe me Peri, once you see a Ike that does fancy stuff. Then that's no doubt me. Though, many copy my Ike style now an days. Sad, but It's true. I'm just certain It's you.

Okay, do you sometimes do a Low Falcon drive that doesn't hit no one? Do you use a lot of jab to grabs? Do you like be all friendly to others? Like, not just attack people out of spite. Well now I got two people to look out for. Admiral, and you. Cool!

Edit: Relax Link... I never said you were the imposter Gold Pit. Green Pit huh? Man! I'm so freaken confused! How can Smash King be that Gold Ike, and while that Blonde Zelda Is always with him, and he sometimes switches Black, and Green Pit. You have to be that Yellow Ike. No doubt about that. You just won't show it... There just is no more explanation to this conundrum. Unless, God my head hurts from thinking so much.

I'll respond back to your comment later Admiral... I'm thinking to much.

Edit: Hmph... well you have to be that Ike main guy with that Pit, Toonlink, and all those others I posted on my previous blog. Head hurts a lot. Need to stop pretending I'm Sherlock Holmes. Hehe, I'll be on a look out for you as well. Heck, before I finish this. I'll find everyone in my room. Everyone that talks they fought this guy and that guy, and mention there color, and how they moved. You all saw me, but maybe don't want to tell, or you don't pay close attention who comes in.

Since I responded to Links. I won't treat you differently. Yes, I've teamed up with you before. Been like a year. They are all good Admiral.

Normal Peach: Flashy
White Peach Uses some glide tosses but use more down air.
Blue Peach: Use a little glide toss, but does short hop down airs, and fairs, and know how to rack up damage fast.
Daisy color: Is pretty fast, and will use mostly turnips and glide toss them.
Red Peach: Uses glide with forward air, down air, or a grab mostly.

Edit: Oh well... I will have to fight you then If you attack me... Good luck then on who wins Admiral.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
@the one and only

i doubt you saw my pit lately

i rarely have "buddies" in a match, and again i don't use my pit too often unless i know i'm getting a 1v1 against a decent player so yeah...

now the chance of you running into me as a MK, marth, Snake, Sonic, or ice climbers yeah, might of ran into me using one fo them.

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
I assure you that I am not that gold Ike. Again, Smash King is a very smart Ike (you may have found a different gold one, but what do I know?) who happens to be on AllisBrawl.

As for Peachy, I find red and pink ones often to be smarter than the others. If you want to find me most easily if you happen to be a Peach, try to figure out what my Pit is trying to say through certain signals.

The one big thing that will tell if I am the right Pit (if you're a Peach) is if I glidetoss a turnip back and forth. Idk what format to put my "responses" to what the Peach does. It's an easy way to find me.


Smash Apprentice
May 28, 2012
Hmm, things are absolutely starting to make sense now. I hope I get to find you today. A blue Ganondorf? I've seen you before, and I'd always be friendly with you. I'll find you again, and I can tell you don't watch who comes in and out. Haha, or Is It a Red Ganondorf? Everyone? What the heck! I'd always be a Tan Ike, and do crazy stuff. I despise that Yellow Ike. (No offense) I'm more better than that Yellow Ike, and I would always challenge him. He would always get beaten, and as always. His Zelda friend would come in and help him. Then once I'm Snake. Game over for those to. Sad how others can't except that there is a better Ike. Maybe I need to use more Jab, and basic Ike stuff. I like to be a different Ike. Believe me Peri, once you see a Ike that does fancy stuff. Then that's no doubt me. Though, many copy my Ike style now an days. Sad, but It's true. I'm just certain It's you.

Okay, do you sometimes do a Low Falcon drive that doesn't hit no one? Do you use a lot of jab to grabs? Do you like be all friendly to others? Like, not just attack people out of spite. Well now I got two people to look out for. Admiral, and you. Cool!
"Falcon Drive"? You mean Raptor Boost (side B)? If so, then yep, that totally sounds like my Falcon! I like to fake people out with insta-jump Boosts, especially during Sudden Death. I'm definitely also one to employ the jab-jab-grab technique. I'll forward throw pseudo-chaingrab my opponents as well, or I'll repeatedly grab, back throw, and re-grab them.

More of my characteristics are that I'll dash + charged up Smash slide across the stage, and I'll shorthop (or whatever you'd call it) Falcon Kick against diagonal slopes so they cancel out. If I'm on Temple and I'm bored, I'll drop beneath one edge of the small lowest bottom platform and come up the other side. Sometimes I'll jump off the bottom-left side of the stage and grab the farthest-left ledge (where that little shrine thing is), and I'll also run endlessly into that tiny platform just ahead of it (only a few characters can do this, though; it works with Falcon on the right side, and Ganondorf on the left).

Also, I use brown Ganon exclusively. That is, I ONLY use brown Ganon and no other colors, so those blue and red ones must've been other people. And, to further clarify, I don't have any recurring "teammates" online, so rest assured that yellow Ike isn't me. In most cases, I'll be the first to pick a fight with Peaches, Zeldas, or ZSSs, because for a good percentage of the time, they're absolute *******. I'm friendly to all, but I have zero tolerance for bull****, so if someone instigates with me, I'm extremely confident and am most certainly not afraid to show them my moves.

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
So if I was to look for you, Brown Ganon and what colored Falcon again? I'd need a list and what you're likely known for so I don't mistaken you for one of my generic targets.

I stated part of me as Gold Pit and Platinum Bowser. It'd be easier if there was a chatroom of some sort (like the one when SWF was getting some update) so we can confirm that we are the character in the room easier, but that's just my thoughts. It's what me and one of my friends do, even though it's come to the point where we know who each other is without needing to talk.
I'm probably gonna use Bowser from time to time too, provided that I stop seeing boring Temple being chosen for a bit.


Smash Apprentice
May 28, 2012
I pretty much only cycle through three primary characters: 50% of the time I'm pink or default Falcon, and I'd say 25% I'm brown Ganondorf or 25% yellow Ike. Anyone else I use is in the spur of the moment.

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
I don't have too much of a problem with them. I just hate Falcon because of the overhype, and stupid memes, but I suppose that I don't instantly go aggressive against him unless it's for good reason. Ganon and Ike are questionable. I will attack noob Ikes though.


Smash Apprentice
May 28, 2012
I'll usually go out and attack any player that gives off the "I'm the ****" vibe to me, most of which happen to be noob Ikes, so we have that much in common. Occasionally I like to take it upon myself to sort of "police" the room I'm in and deliver swift judgement to certain players, such as those who interfere with one-vs.-ones, or I'll likewise keep a CPU busy so the other two players can fight in relatively stable conditions.

The one and only

Banned via Warnings
Jan 24, 2013
Admiral, that's a good idea. Why we meet at a regular chatrrom? Yeah, I get you, and understand what you're saying Admiral. Well, I'm on Basic brawl now. Hope to find you guys:)

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
I will now be putting Falcons on my "To kill" list. I realize I hate them more than I thought. So if I don't know it's you, then too bad.

You can figure out what chat to be on,

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
Oh do tell. And you're a white Peachy too, right? Coulda sworn I seen some a few hours ago. If so, it'd be nice to find you. I still don't know what NTSC meant.

The one and only

Banned via Warnings
Jan 24, 2013
Yeah, I will work. So I found a annoying Kirby main... I found my Imposter of me... I have a Black Samus that is aiding me.

I left, lets try this again. I'll be Purple Toonlink. What chat should we do Admiral? I'm inspecting that we use Usachatnow.com

It sounds corney, but It will have to do for now.

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
Told you Kirbys are evil. Never trust em.

I dont understand that type of chat. Try another.

Edit: Pika is now added to my "to kill" list.

The one and only

Banned via Warnings
Jan 24, 2013
So I found the Green Pit... Link... that wasn't smart sir. I was Purple Toonlink, and took care of his Pit. Um, yeah he's Mario, was Charzard ( A white one) then he copied my Tl xD HA! Then he's Mario. I'm going to leave now. So I'm now going to troll him as well. xD The Green Pit left xD Admiral are sure It wasn't you...

Edit: Yup I despise them!

http://www.usachatnow.com/ Click Mobile chat, there It will take you to a login spot. You then put a name and then select the "guest login in box." The first one that should pop up is
"The Lounge." Then click select, and you're in. You can private message so others can't view your conversation.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
^ i haven't used my pit at all tonight

don't assume all green pits are me

i only used marth(green), snake(multiple colors), c.falcon(red), fox(can't remember colors), and ganon(red, neutral, brown) tonight, mostly marth.

I never once used my main pit.

maybe it might be better to go more specific, you can tell its my pit if i occasionally do an arrow loop into an angel ring, i rarely use arrow looping anymore except to show off, but its still one of those things you don't see pits do very often. I also often attempt to do a Dthrow, to Dthrow to fair or whatever i feel best in said situation, i've found most players, usually expect a Uair after pits Dthrow, and tend to instinctively do an air dodge, which lets them fall right back on to the ground to where i can grab em again.

But again its very very very rare that i'll go my main in basic brawl, unless again i'm facing a decent opponent and I know the other two people wont get in the way. I'd say out of maybe every 100 or so basic brawl matches i might go my pit once or twice.

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
I assure you that I ONLY use Gold Pit and gold Bowser, with rare moments of other characters like DK, but that's another story. Besides, my Pit is smarter than the majority of em. Again, the best way to tell if it's me and try being Peachy, and base it on my responses.


Smash Hero
Nov 27, 2010
Norfolk, Virginia
Oh do tell. And you're a white Peachy too, right? Coulda sworn I seen some a few hours ago. If so, it'd be nice to find you. I still don't know what NTSC meant.
I use Peach in her white dress when I play offline but when I play online I with her default color. What I meant by NTSC is back in the states. Since I'm in Japan I don't connect with any other players other than in Japan. The only way you would encounter me is if I go back to the states when on leave.

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
I use Peach in her white dress when I play offline but when I play online I with her default color. What I meant by NTSC is back in the states. Since I'm in Japan I don't connect with any other players other than in Japan. The only way you would encounter me is if I go back to the states when on leave.
I see. Well I'd hope to try out your BB experience sometime (I know it wont happen). This constant temple garbage is really getting to me, and I haven't found the right Peach yet that knows me, and I'm sure at least 2 of em do.


Smash Hero
Nov 27, 2010
Norfolk, Virginia
Temple. I don't miss that stage here. XD It's all FD. If that stage is picked I don't bother to fight because it's too big and if you get KOed. People run away the whole match. When I was back in the states during New Years I ran into an extremely annoying Peach. I did post a little about it here.


This was minor in compared other issued I've had with that Peach. Though with the other players I could tell they had the same feel as I did with her annoyance.

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
Yea, screw temple! It reminds me of those who would attack me if I accidentally (sometimes it's intentional to make sure I win) kill em, then I attack em back, it turns to another fight.

Sucks to find that kind of Peach. I only love the ones that actually have half a brain, and hopefully befriend me and know what I want. I worry more about top tier addicts and feeders, even hackers with their Wario Man and Giga Bowser garbage.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2012
Rock Hill, South Carolina
I hate when people run. :/ It pisses me off. Although, if they do run, I do the same after I kill them the next match. Taste of their own medicine.

Anyone seen me yet? (Green ROB, Orange Weegee, Red Tink, Red Kirby)
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