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The Basic Brawl Friend Finder [It's like a diary of replays!]

The one and only

Banned via Warnings
Jan 24, 2013
I take it you're that Red Wario? Well, you're a slippery one. How would you like to brawl? I mostly go White Link, some snake, and a bunch of randoms. I laughed when you you did a zero to death on that Red peach! Those waft skills man! But those Ices were pretty dangerous, not going to lie about that. Well, I'll be looking forward to our brawl on basic. Also, are you the Red ike as well? Red Snake? Red Wolf...


Smash Rookie
Feb 7, 2013
I'm looking for a snake who was in team match who was fighting me(sheik and link) and the other two kept on killing themselves, he was a good challenge. The other two were a wolf and yoshi if that helps you remember...

Oh and they switched to link as well


There's no such thing as a nornal person
Feb 28, 2011
I played about 3 matches in TB today and everyone that wasn't me was Ike, okay there was 1 other person who was Fox. There was a bit of lag and slight item problems, but I still managed to win them without too much of a problem. Nothing really amazing happened outside of this moment we were fighting on Pokemon Stadium 1 in the rock stage. This was during the lag and one of the enemy Ike's was over by the giant wall at the very left of the stage. Ike used his Aether to get on the rock while I was above him. I did a turn around Falcon Punch and nailed him in between the wall and my fist. This was at the part of the rock where you grab onto so due to the force he ended up going straight vertically to die off the top. The lag actually helped make the whole thing seem really epic.

It reminded me of this time when me, and two of my buddies had a Falcon free for all on Big Blue. We filled the spot with our hated CPU green falcon. Anyway, we were on the Falcon Flyer, and there was a point where one of my friends got kneed by the CPU, and he hit the tiny wall that the Falcon Flyer has on top, and he got sent straight up and died.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2012
Rock Hill, South Carolina
^Wow you use both Red Kirby and Red TLink? I guess i'll just stay with Yellow Kirby permanently, hope to see you online!
Lol, I said I haven't been using Tink recently. :p Keep most watch for a green ROB or red Kirby. I don't want to use a Tink on Basic Brawl. :/

Anyone wanna make up some kind of signal, in case you guys see me? Like, I could sit there, and someone could come up and do "down down down", you know. I could taunt to signal that it IS me, and you could confirm that by doing something else? (I don't wanna say that YOU should taunt because any person would taunt after I taunt) You could confirm it by maybe a Uair.

I've been playing Basic Brawl recently, has anyone seen me possibly?


Sep 19, 2010
Toronto, Ontario
Switch FC
^I personally find signals to almost never work. I remember reading a post about a signal that was "duck,duck,jump" that was supposedly used as a universal signal, it never worked for me. But if I do find an outstanding Red Kirby or Green ROB, i'll try your signal.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 2, 2011
Shoutouts to the Marth/CF/Green MK. I was Blue Peach. you so mad though xD. Calm it next time boo

Why is every experienced player I find either an *** or, for some reason, reluctant to fight when I try to initiate something, or just ignores me >.>


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
^ i was mad cuz those other ****** samus players couldn't take a hint and leave us the F alone

hence the reason i went after that other ZSS immediately the next match. Nothing is more annoying than items being on while the other folks decide to double/triple team ya.

its also the reason i forced a D/C after that match IIRC, if your gonna double team me, after i win I'm forcing the whole group to D/C

EDIT: @metalbro

a long time ago folk tried a "shield" signal here for the Basic brawl Friend finder, problem was, taunt partiers thought it meant suddenly a new way to tell folks to help them in their taunt party.

EDIT2: on a side note, I feel like i'm one of the very few people who like smashworld forums new layout, sure its a tad dark, but its the exact same setup they have on IGN, so i had no problem adjusting, Even nicer is how it handles folks on your ignore list, so a certain little gold pit main i'll never even have to know he posted. :happysheep:


Smash Hero
Nov 27, 2010
Norfolk, Virginia
Shoutouts to the Marth/CF/Green MK. I was Blue Peach. you so mad though xD. Calm it next time boo

Why is every experienced player I find either an *** or, for some reason, reluctant to fight when I try to initiate something, or just ignores me >.>
Well you do get those that don't understand the situation and will think that one person or the other is a crasher and will get in the way.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2012
Rock Hill, South Carolina
Just wondering if anyone saw me. :I I played this morning. A regular link came up to me and did some ducking, but I think I just caught his attention by ducking myself, so... Probably not anyone here. I also saw a tiger suited snake. Anyone? :3

Some blue kirby got a cheap shot in that Sudden Death. I don't even know why he attacked me. I aimed for the Weegee guy with my laser, but the blue kirby jumped and it hit him. (And this was right when the timer was about to end). I humbly murdered him the next few matches, then I think someone disconnected us? THEN he finally started coming after me, because he was mad. :3 He was using Dspecial too much. Every time he was above me, he used it.


There's no such thing as a nornal person
Feb 28, 2011
He was using Dspecial too much. Every time he was above me, he used it.
You should expect all Kirbys to do this. If they don't spam it, then they probably have a good idea of what they're doing. You can also expect Tinks to spam Dair, and a lot of Sonics like to use Dair.

One thing I love doing when I'm Catain Falcon is using my UpB, and grabbing them out of their stone while they're coming down. It doesn't always work, but when it does work I laugh at the Kirby. It's very rewarding if I pull it off in SD.


Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2010
You should expect all Kirbys to do this. If they don't spam it, then they probably have a good idea of what they're doing. You can also expect Tinks to spam Dair, and a lot of Sonics like to use Dair.
Along with Boozers, bad ICs, Sheiks, Zamuses, basically anyone with a dive kick for a DAir/Down B, you can expect scrubs to abuse it.

Course, I haven't been on BB in the last week or two due to my Wii's disc drive going kaput again. Since I transferred my data to the Wii U, I'll probably be sticking to the CCPro.In other words, I've probably screwed myself over. =P


Smash Rookie
Feb 7, 2013
I'm looking for the 3 people that decided to gang up on me with smashballs turned on with a constant wario man a bow spamming link and an obnoxious kirby


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
^the chances of you finding em here are slim

also why evn stay in a match at all if you have a hacker using warioman there? D/C the whole group.

I'll at least make an effort if its 3 players ganging up on me because with the case of it being basic brawl, they're often scrubby casuals(not all the time mind you....sometimes its annoying as hell when its 1 decent player and 2 scrubs, or worse, 2 or 3 decent ones, all ganging up on you) who have no idea what to do and just frantically mash buttons and spam, so chances are i'll be able to take em out easily, after i beat em, then i D/C the group.

but if a hacker is involved who has warioman or gigabowser on, and they decided to join in on ganging up on you, there is just no reason to bother even attempting to fight em.


Smash Hero
Nov 27, 2010
Norfolk, Virginia
Most cases it'll be 1 player that is decent while the other 2 will not be and makes winning somewhat easier. Not always but it depends. Often times the bad ones will rush in when a decent player is handling the situation and he/she will back off to avoid damage and just let the bad player(s) handle it. Unless they're at least somewhat smart and just let the decent player handle it. If it is 2 or all decent players you pretty much are better off not wasting time trying to win. Off chance you may win...but at worst all it'll due is make you grow more frustrated retrying and just making mistakes.


Smash Rookie
Feb 7, 2013
Well he wasn't hacking using wario man, but they let the wario always get the smash ball.. I knew what I had to do but two of them were decent and the one who wasn't was smart enough to only hit me with their bow.

The one and only

Banned via Warnings
Jan 24, 2013
Saw that Red Wario again:) Was funny how that Ike, and Zelda mains kept trying to knock you from the air xD I left, because It's sad how two players. (Gold Ike and Gold Zelda couldn't take you down.) I then came in a room with a pair of Red Ice climbers. They just walked up to any passive player, and did chain grabs xD They were good at it to. Anyone have a idea who they are? I want to fight them sometime:)

In other news: I went in another room at like 3:00 am (bored) I was a neutral Pit, and was minding my own business. I was doing arrow loops, and learning arrow rain, trying to get better at it. Then a Gold Pit shoots an arrow in the air, and It hits me. He was taunting saying "you're not ready yet." I do the same thing, and It hits him. I then go back to practicing my arrow rain. He then rushes at me, and was mad... I grab the Gold pit, and did Pits forward throw to a full jump down air, then foot stool to blue wings, and the tip turn around of pits back air. I then wait for him to come up. But I shoot four arrows in the air, and control them:) Each arrow connects, and hits him, above all that I was charging my forward smash to full blast. Then I connected with all hits. It reached 85% ^_^ Then the Gold pit kept Forward smashing. I kept step dodging, and delivered forward smashes as well. He didn't Di well, and I know who that Gold Pit is. He was raging, because he has good Di, but he didn't even Di correctly. Then a disconnect comes, and I never see him come back that night. I know It's him, because a (Gold) Zelda comes in, and kept taunting, and kept couching. I couched back, and went on to my practicing with Pits arrows. The others were just dash dancing, and doing basic brawl stuff. That was my highlight for that night:)

Edit: Anyone have a story they encountered with that Gold Pit? Also, anyone plays these two players? Sometimes It's a Black Ness, and a Purple Lucas, and sometimes Gold Ike to Gold Zelda, and another is Red Ike to Black Zelda, and Black Toon-Link and Red Peach.. You get the idea


Sep 19, 2010
Toronto, Ontario
Switch FC
@ The one and only: Don't take this the wrong way, but you remind me of some guy who used to post here by the name of I AM ONE who got banned for some reason I don't know. The reason I say this is because both of you write almost exactly the same and use smiley faces a lot, also your user name is strikingly similar to his.

About that Gold Pit, I fought him today and I self destructed twice trying to gimp him with Link while he was planking. The Red Zelda in the room wasn't helping at all by spamming fireballs either. It ended up with him and a Ivysaur in sudden death and the Ivysaur read his roll dodge with a F-Smash, I was surprised to see he didn't leave and he came for revenge. The Red Zelda was still spamming fireballs, the Ivysaur now became a Red Kirby, and I became Red GnW. I tried bucketing all those damned fireballs from Zelda but the Gold Pit kept pressing on me and I didn't even get one full bucket for the whole 2 minutes I had. It ended up with the Gold Pit in Sudden Death with the Red Kirby player again. This time the Gold Pit won by shooting arrows at the Kirby until he shot him into a bomb. He left and I was mad lol.

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
W/e that gold Pit was wasn't me because I wasn't around this morning (afternoon I was around), at least I don't think I was. Plus I tend to taunt by doing SH N-airs or D-tilts over and over, too.

So you're that Red Link and evil G&W from earlier... and once again me in a what seems like a 1v3 situation. Here's part of my rules in BBs:
-NEVER trust a Kirby
-Always be wary when a Link/TL and Zelda are in the same room, same goes for Ness and Lucas together.

As far as I see it, I'll be aggressive when I see fit, and thus attack anything I suspect to be annoying, noobish, or generic gang-ups.


Sep 19, 2010
Toronto, Ontario
Switch FC
Ah so it actually is THE Admiral Pit I have been facing recently. I commend you for royally kicking my ass lol. I only attack people who attack me, so I was aiming for you only. The Zelda just joined in to fight on her own will, and the PT/Kirby was passive for the most part.

Why is it that we should never trust a Kirby?

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
I don't trust rooms with Link and Zelda in it. Chances are they are instant pals.

Kirby is instantly annoying. Friendly ones want to take your powers (i dont let em), they stall, noob ones are spammy with Smashes (some Fsmashes do get lucky and hit/kill you anyways), good ones are just B-air, and both kinds stall when in the lead, some suicide or spit you out to kill depending on your character, and so common that you'd wish you don't see one for at least a few games (from my view). Now-a-days, I just attack every Kirby I see because I hate him so much. Same applies to some other characters.


Sep 19, 2010
Toronto, Ontario
Switch FC
I see, I just hope I don't run into you when I use my Yellow Kirby. I tend to use him a lot too.

Well it's great I've had the chance to meet you upfront, hope to see you again sometime.

The one and only

Banned via Warnings
Jan 24, 2013
Okay then...

In other news: Found those two players that synch with each other. A blue Ganon came in, and impressed me. He ***** them both, and he was getting those hard reads of the Ganon choke to shutter steep Foward smashes. I wanted to verse you, but I didn't want to disturb your **** you put on them:D Keep it up, and next time you'll face me;)

Edit: Played this blue wolf, and blue Ike, and a green Marth. Was a Green Wolf, and I wanted to fight that blue Ike alone... that's what you guys get for inferring with my match. They just came in again. Haha wow.

Edit: Again that same player comes in, and then disconnected us xD Wow


Smash Cadet
Mar 3, 2013
I'm relatively new here and just made an account because I never realized threads like this existed (who the hell still plays basic brawl other than me). Anyways, I've played tons of online matches because they're all I have (no pros around my area that still play) so I guess it would be fun to start looking for all those lost pros I've come in contact with over the years.

I'll guess I'll start off with yesterday's game:

I went on during the afternoon hours (EST) and found myself a good playing gold pit -- he shuttle loops arrows -- his distinctive feature was shooting one arrow then taunting to keep him character in place while still maintaining the loop (I haven't seen a pit do this in a while). The rest of the group were pretty nooby to me so I paid no attention. Now I main TL (no specific color) and Kirby (usually blue) and know all the little tricks, but I also pickup lots of others when those two get boring. I usually don't taunt during matches and keep quiet (unless provoked) but I do get aggressive when I enter a match full of noobs who waste my time (I spend 30 mins looking for a decent person to battle AND THIS IS WHAT I GET?!). Me and this pit spent a few hours playing with all the randoms that came in until this random blue Yoshi came in and started taunting (instant rage in my books) so i just went in and attacked it and after a few kills the pit finally left.

Anyways, I hope to meet those good players from here on out by using this cool thread!~ :love:


There's no such thing as a nornal person
Feb 28, 2011
I'm going to jump on BB now and I'm going to put up anything interesting I find. Hopefully the fact that I've been playing P:M doesn't screw up my Falcon or Pokemon.

Found this free Mario, the rest of the room and I wrecked him and he left mid match. After he left, two other players fought while me and the other guy just watched.

Fought this Marth as Luigi with this Zelda and this other Marth. We all took a stock off him and killed ourselves in SD. Next match was soley MArth against my Wario and I beat him 4-0, it was pretty bad. Next match he didn't fight me and the other Marth decided to fight me. We didn't make any kills since we didn't really start fighting until the last half of the match. Next one was my Wolf vs his Falco. Neither of us "won" but he got a kill of the CPU so he got the win. After that match this Blue Pit came in and started fighting everyone. We all went into SD and I took out the Blue Pit as well as the other person fighting me. Falco purposely killed himself once it was just us left in SD. Then I went PT and just as the match was going to end, the room got DC.

The one and only

Banned via Warnings
Jan 24, 2013
Just played as a random guy minding my own business (again) When none other but a Gold Pit comes in. He attacked a Kirby, and some other Marth main. I just watched, and knew what to do. Taunt xD He then left, and I left as well. I come in as a Tan Ike, and a Blue Ike. I just went A wall on him. I always challenge Ikes to see who's better. I was! Then he went Warioman, and I kept taunting until he got so mad that It showed a Disconnect, and It showed a error code as well. I knew he shut off his game. Then I see him again. This time he went after me, and got handled. He then left, and I haven't seen that Blue Ike ever since. He's a good Ike. Knows how to Jab cancel. I'm more flexiable with Ike. Will move a lot, and not just Jab. Will Use mostly a fastfall Nair.

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
My Gold Pit wasn't on few hours ago, but I was attacking a Kirby earlier this morning. Anyways, I will be on for a bit to see what's there. The only notable thing that I will say that I saw today was a red Pit/Yellow Link that seemed to be better than generic ones.


There's no such thing as a nornal person
Feb 28, 2011
I still find it funny when people take Luigi's D-taunt as a threat. That and the Smashball turned this taunt party into a fight. in the waiting room for the next match however our room got DC.

EDIT: BWAHAHA, I just made myself laugh so hard. This Wolf and Falco were fighting on Bridge of Eldin, and I was Wario and this Fox and I were watching. A Smashball showed up and Falco got it. Unfortunatly he got it by using his Up-B while the middle of the bridge was out so he ended up dying with it. The smashball came back and I got a hold of it. In the last 10 seconds I activated it and just spammed moves. Then somehow, Wolf and Falco both got stunned by a Deku Nut so I did what I had to do: Run them both over while doing my bike taunt. I kept going on purpose to kill myself and even then I still won. It was pretty halarious, though I wish Wario would have laughed with me.


Smash Apprentice
May 28, 2012
Hey, guys! I haven't posted here in a while, so I doubt anyone remembers me.

It's 2:30 a.m. PST. SSBBDaisy, was I in a room with you just now? On Final Destination, there was an AFC P2 blue Sheik, a P3 white Ice Climbers (they chaingrab-trolled like mother****ers, which is why I suspect it was you), and a P4 (blue, I think?) Ike/blue Kirby. I was pink C. Falcon and later yellow Ike.

During the initial match, P3's Ice Climbers chaingrabbed P4's Ike the whole time, and I just sat back and watched. The next few matches in, P4 fought me, and I kept winning with +4 and +5 scores (through means of hilariously Punching and Kneeing, I might add). The last match I played before leaving was the one where someone turned only hammers on, and P4 won from KOing P2 so much.

tl;dr SSBBDaisy, were you those Ice Climbers?

It upsets me that for as long as I've been playing Brawl online, and for as long as I've known of this thread's existence, I've never once *consciously* encountered another user on these forums.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
sometimes i really wish the ******* who decide to triple team someone, or run away one whole match after barely winning the previous one, would show themselves and face me in a actual 1v1 on something other than temple so i'd slaughter their asses. d

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
sometimes i really wish the ******* who decide to triple team someone, or run away one whole match after barely winning the previous one, would show themselves and face me in a actual 1v1 on something other than temple so i'd slaughter their *****. d
Seen this default ness, default samus, and default GnW. My ike (default color) was getting double teamed at times but i managed to win after that two of them left, the third stayed and two black marths joined the room. So GGS to whoever you are.

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
As much as I despise you, I'd have to agree, and I even yell such things out to the TV, just waiting to see those triple-teaming noobs so i can 1v1 em. No stupid Temple, no noob stages (at this point, I consider FD to be one as well), no items, no generic 2-min timer; just standard competitive rules with the 3-stock, where I'd roll over the majority of those annoying players I see in game. That includes cowardly Kirbys, those who need top tiers to actually feel decent, and well, those who can't fight on their own.
Some ain't bad though, but still, the gang-ups need to end.

Currently active at this time.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
gotta remember to click stay logged on when i log on here.

I really like how the new forum sets up ignore lists, I never have to even see that the person i ignored even actually made a post or that they're even in this topic now.

of course only when i remember to stay logged on :facepalm:

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
Okay... I'll consider that to be offensive. Moving on.

Regardless, first match I played when I woke up, Temple users again, except I didn't get triple teamed. It was just a cowardly Snake/Pika running in circles in that stupid stage til I killed em. Sadly it knew how to pivot grab, but was still overall a bad player. Now if only I could find an actually decent player that I don't mind hanging out with for once.


Smash Hero
Nov 27, 2010
Norfolk, Virginia
You'd probably be more welcomed if you played the Japan side Basic Brawl. Don't get me wrong. You'll still get a fair share if the same stuff you see in NTSC but to a lesser degree. The Temple stage is nearly non-existant here. The only stage you'll see 95% of the time is FD. Battlefield is the only other stage I see that isn't FD. A majority of the players are skilled. Especially Team Battle if you're into that.

The one and only

Banned via Warnings
Jan 24, 2013
... Well then, yeah I notice another Gold Pit enters, and does play more different than you do. ...Hm, he has finally returned! The Gold Ike, I know It's someone In here. You're my rival, and I will always find you, and assassinate you. I will be the only Ike their was in Basic Brawl.

@Twinkle, I've seen you a lot, and you'll recognize me as a Green Captain Falcon. As for the Ice Climbers... So Daisy is the Ice Climbers? Then who's the Red Wario!?

Ahh... I take It Link Is the Gold Pit? Leaving bye.

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
idk how to quote someone yet on this new SWF format thing, so let me do this the old way.

@SupaSairento: I'm not sure what NTSC is yet, but at least Temple is pretty much gone, though I'd hate to see FD too. Kinda ironic being a Pit main since FD is a good stage for Pit, but I hate that stage with a passion. I don't mind Battlefield much at all, that is unless a Marth or MK is there... Ike and DK are questionable.
I wonder what characters (besides Pit, was it?) are common to Japan.

@One & Only: As long as you know which gold Pit is mine, that's what truly matters. I'm pretty sure a known gold Ike who's very good is Smash King. And no. I'm sure Link gave up on Pit long ago and went to Link/CF, but that's from my past experiences with the guy, but he better not be trying to impersonate me with Gold Pit.
I just like being the alpha Pit, at least alpha gold one.

Regardless, I'm often calmer in matches if I find a specific character who's decently smart and knows what to do. *thinks about Peach* Yea... Or if I'm being casual and not trying to set some players off when they're neutral. Sometimes I do attack anyways.

The one and only

Banned via Warnings
Jan 24, 2013
I see, well I understand that you want to be the only Gold Pit, and that's not going to happen without a fight. Fight whoever comes in your way, and destroy them. So It's SmashKing huh? Well I've beaten him a lot, and what's sad Is him, and another person (Male or Female) comes in, and attack anyone who mess with them. I always give them a run. Even with two people, and they still can't **** me. HA! Even sometimes I **** them. Well, now I know what to do. So, can you please tell me who Is the Gold Zelda, and Black Zelda? Also, Is he as well a Red Ike? Sometimes, at night (mostly) there will be a Peach with a Toonlink. Other times It will be a Black Pit, and sometimes a Red Pit.

Okay so It will be like this order:

Gold Ike, Gold Zelda
Red Ike, Black Zelda
Black Pit, and sometimes Red Pit with a Red Peach
Black ToonLink, and a Red Peach
Green ZZS, with a Green Pit

You get what I'm saying?

I'm sorry to hear that. Some people just give up on their mains, and switch to another main. I wish the best luck for you. Hope you continue to improve, and be better than any Pit. "If you believe It, you will do it."

I hope you work things out with your fellow ex Pit player.
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