After thinking about it, I'm of the mindeset that while I still think Crash Bandicoot has a shot, Despite taking it better than I thought I would, My confidence in him took a major blow and was kind of a wake up call that had me say and thinking to myself "Damn, Microsoft might actually really be the only major 3rd party western company collaborating in Smash".
And while I'll be here until the final reveal and while it's possible that we end with a 1st party or weaker 3rd party character, I'm actually starting to think that Master Chief might actually be the final character.
It just really lines up with everything regarding Nintendo, Microsoft and Halo.
- Nintendo and Microsoft's strong partnership.
- Microsoft already having representation in Smash without the face/mascot of their Xbox brand.
- 20th anniversary of Microsoft's Xbox and Halo brands.
- A lot of smoke regarding Nintendo and Microsoft possibly collaborating further regarding Xcloud/Gamepass or perhaps "Other" projects.
- Halo Infinite comes out this Holiday season.
- While Smash historically ends on a whimper, Considering this is Ultimate it would not be surprising they save the biggest character for last for a Fall direct or and this is somewhat of a stretch at the VGA's.
Again all pure speculation, I would still rather have Crash Bandicoot, But I respect Halo/Master Chief and would "Probably" be my backup 3rd party character of choice if for some unfortunate reason Crash doesn't make the cut and unfortunately it kind of feels that way.