Okay I'm determined to get to the bottom of this so-called "Five Year Plan" document that's said to exist but no one has ever seen. The earliest articles I can find about it's existence are from 2018
The fact that it's apparently hung around this long lends credence that it might be real but... this article makes no mention of his supposed Smash appearance. If this is the earliest known sighting of it, why wouldn't this have been brought to our attention way back when we were speculating about stuff like The Grinch Leak?
The earliest mention I can find of the smash-related aspect of this was from this guy seven months ago...
There was a problem fetching the tweet
Honestly... I'm beginning to feel like the document DOES exist, but the Smash aspect was only made up to be attention-grabbing.... The Smash aspect of this should have gotten out there WAY earlier and not as recent as it did