Here's one for y'all:
1. What's your history with the Crash Bandicoot series?
My history with Crash was pretty minor up until about 2 years ago. I, of course, knew who he was during the 90's, but that's mostly due to the commercials and the fact that I had friends that owned Playstations. I grew with up with Nintendo and Sega, and I'm not sure if I ever even wanted the Sony consoles as a kid (although I did eventually get a PS3 as a teenager). I actually can't recall if I ever attempted to play any of the original trilogy either, and I assure you I would've probably given up fairly quickly.
I never got into the games that came during the 2000s, but I was still always curious about the 90s games. It wasn't until the original Crash games finally came to the Switch that I got to experience the series after all those years. Now I've beaten the N Sane Trilogy (not 100%), and I'm currently working on CTR and Crash 4.
2. Why do you want Crash in Smash?
Before actually playing the games it was mostly because I loved how zany he was, and, like many people, I wanted to see the Crash, Sonic, and Mario rivalry finally be realized in Smash.
It didn't take long after starting to play his series for my reasons to become so much more than that.
I've always been a fan of platformers in every dimensional perspective, and Crash was no exception. Similar to games like Celeste and DK Country, Crash was a game that was challenging (sometimes unfairly so), but also very enjoyable. Crash always felt super responsive and agile, and honestly I never liked it when they took that control away with various vehicle and gimmick levels (although some were fine).
Aside from gameplay, this series has always been simply BURSTING with personality, especially when you look at Crash himself. After getting all the boxes in a level, the minute I saw Crash spit out a crystal, strike a pose, and go "BADAH BAAAA" I was in love with him and these games. He's just so EXPRESSIVE, and this was especially apparent in the original games as it was basically unheard of for a character to emote as much as Crash did at the time.
To expand on that, part of the reason I think Crash is so appealing to me is that it's like playing an old WB cartoon, and apparently that's exactly what they intended. Complete with comical deaths and exaggerated animations:
So what was it that Sega and Nintendo had in 1994, but Sony didn’t? An existing competing mascot character. Sega had Sonic and Nintendo had Mario, but Sony product slate was blank. So we set …
I think this is also why he'll fit into Smash so well, especially when you look towards the roots of the series: Smash 64. Everything is so cartoony in that game, from the sound effects to the original concept of killing opponents by knocking them into the abyss. The latter is exactly what Crash does to his enemies too! That's it, case closed! Crash is in the game...
EDIT: 900th post! I'm on the road to 1k! Woo!