I know it's been done to death, But seeing how everyone is doing it again here are my E3 Smash predictions.
1. Crash Bandicoot
2. Master Chief
3. Notable or Semi-Obscure Japanese character
4. 3rd Fighters Pass (Final Pass)
I feel like one of these is really gonna happen, Really pulling for Crash, But Master Chief would be a cool 2nd choice, The 3rd one is kind of hard to nail down, But it could be anyone and it's not as clear or obvious compared to the west which I feel it's a lot easier to pinpoint the character choices who are most likely. I kind of want and at the same time don't want a 3rd fighter pass because it's hell, But if Crash doesn't make the cut in season 2 then I'll just have to suck it up and have to speculate a 3rd and hopefully final time.