Smash Legend
Yeah, I hope we get someone else in the DLC lineup that I really want as well as Banjo & Kazooie and Sephiroth are the only DLC characters thus far I really wanted and was interested in. Min Min is pretty cool while everyone else just isn't my cup of tea.While I got my "Most Wanted Character" in Banjo-Kazooie and nothing is ever gonna top that, Their the only fighter I have bought so far because everyone else has been a major disappointment for me so far.
The only one that kind of grew on me a little was Joker and to a lesser extent Terry, But that's not saying much and certainly not enough to fork over some dough for characters I don't really care about or never gonna use.
What's funny is Season 2's last 2 characters which many would consider to be the biggest DLC additions so far absolutely do nothing for me and are as big of disappointment to me as Byleth back in Season 1.
The only upside I see is that I have reached rock bottom after Banjo-Kazooie and it can only go up from here and hopefully Crash Bandicoot can salvage the final 3 for me or at least something right up my "Alley"