How likely would you consider a Spyro stage cameo or presence alongside Crash?
At most, I see him just being a hat for Mii Fighters. Listen, I get that the Crash and Spyro franchises are basically brother and sister, but I don't think Spyro really needs to be a stage cameo or anything outside of a Mii hat, or really anything Crash does. I know he has cameos in Crash 4 and he's in Nitro Fueled alongside Hunter and Gnasty Gnorc, but for Smash, whenever I see a Crash spirit board concept with Spyro on it, I just think "Spyro's not a Crash character." The same goes the other way around too. I don't think Crash should be involved with anything Spyro does either. But it isn't like people group Crash characters in anything Spyro related like people like to with grouping Spyro characters with anything Crash related.
That's just how I feel though. To make it clear, I'm not anti-Spyro, I just don't want him to be involved with every single thing Crash does. Nitro Fueled? Okay sure. Having a cameo in a Crash game every once in a while? Okay sure. But literally every time a new Crash project comes up? No. With Smash, I don't mind, but he'd be better suited as a Mii hat than a cameo on Crash's stage or a spirit on Crash's spirit board in my eyes.