Yeah but you see the movies we've named had some redeeming quality to them. Some charm to their badness, something you could like even with the faults. Sucker Punch sucked all the fun and joy of being alive and literally makes me question filmmaking. It's quite funny that people think I'm too cynical when I went into the movie knowing it would be bad and was just trying to enjoy the action and have a good time anyway. That right there should tip you off how ****ing terrible it was, I was PREPARED to forgive its shortcomings and just enjoy the ride. But instead of a fun, entertaining, action packed sex romp I got a depressing, pathetic, and boring exercise in the overuse of slo mo. I can't even tell you it's good to look at, because it's not. The visuals are cool for like 20 minutes, and then it becomes repetitive and stupid. The girls are nice to look at, until they open their mouths.
Look at another movie Zack Snyder made: 300. Everyone loves that movie. I have seen it twice, I consider it to be a bad film that is enjoyable. Meaning I had a lot of fun when I saw it opening weekend, and then upon a second viewing I noticed a lot more of its flaws. Sure, it may be a bad movie, but it's fun and I can totally understand when people say they love it. It sure as hell is entertaining.
Then you look at Sucker Punch. Yeah. How did this movie get made?