Smash Journeyman
sure thing Seeds...Can everyone start calling me Jared now? cause I dislike my smash name.
u suck. i wish i could have gone...Paintball is so much fun.
it is...until u get shot IN the mouth...but then its still fun...^ I've never been but it looks like a lot of fun.
ill try and i think we'll get up there...we DEF need to get up like evrey other day tho loli think the final seat in the car up to CT is up to you and DOSV, although i may not be able to attend. figure something out, i guess. and the information about it is in the link i provided, heh.
so bmore's, who's up for rockin it at the next C3? you think we can make top 40? **** yes.
sigh. we need to practice more. who wants to smash this week? I haven't any transportation though..
and for those that dont know me if i ever talk smack im just messin around (not bein a douche) and def we should get there early i will try good idea
i can. WITH dk!You can't beat me either, silly.
dude myspace sux lol! and y didnt u come over the other nite that was homosexual...dont take things so personally man u r cool, fun to hang out with, and one of my fav smashers, so dont ruin it by bein a douche...we enjoy being around u man so dont think otherwise...Oh Alex/Hat, the reason I haven't been talking to you lately is because you ****ed me over, and I don't appreciate it when any of my friends do that. It's the same reason i'm not talking to Sara right now. But my myspace and Sara have little to do with smashboards, so there's little reason to bring them up, although it's true, I am all for self-improvement. = )
As for "ego problems", I have never in the past 3 months made a claim about my skill or who I could beat that didn't immediately follow anyone else's.
I don't understand what you meant by that, was it implying I talk behind your back?
I do like that song on your myspace though, I have to say i'm listening to it right now and it's quite catchy.
i cant believe how incredibly homosexual u r...Unfortunately for me, I won't be able to smash any this week or weekend as I have a ton of school work and piano practice to do before "wedding weekend", which starts on Friday.
dont lie to urself dude...Quoted for Truth and Hilarity. Hat Sorry But I got Homecoming (Dude, Orgy over games sorry)