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The Band of the Frog: Thumbswayup is Muppet king

UMBC Super Smasher

Smash Lord
Oct 12, 2006
University of Maryland Baltimore County
I agree with Husband. Last weekend I played smash with one of my friends (and others), and he took it as a serious competition even though it was friendlies. I wanted to play and work on improving in a couple of areas instead of just using what I know works in order to win. He was always talking about who was better than who, and none of the people he mentioned were really that great in the first place. He won a game against me and immediately decided he was better - "I prove my point" were his words. Here I was trying to improve so I could compete on a higher level and all he cared about was that he could beat me. He just had the wrong attitude toward the game (at least IMO).

In my personal opinion, no one should ever have to say that they are good. Everyone knows who is good and bad. Instead of trying to focus on making yourself look good to others, work on improving so that you have the personal confidence and self esteem that you have truly reached a high level at this game. If you want to talk about other people, just encourage other players if they are making marked improvements. Saying x is better than y does no good whatsoever. Friendly rivalries are cool, but calling each other names doesn't seem so friendly to me :(

Oh by the way, I beat that person I was talking about after he decided he was clearly better after the first game :p


Smash Hero
Apr 14, 2004
ashburn, VA
that was a good post @ husband. getting better at melee takes lots of time, advancements in skill come little by little, not all at once.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
since when did Husband an GReg start caring about us lower smashers anyway lol, thx

Husband I wanna play you more, you cant live that far from me if your in Ellicott City o__0

UMBC Super Smasher

Smash Lord
Oct 12, 2006
University of Maryland Baltimore County
since when did Husband an GReg start caring about us lower smashers anyway lol, thx

Husband I wanna play you more, you cant live that far from me if your in Ellicott City o__0
hey I got first dibs, buddy ;)

Just remember that every pro smasher was once a "lower smasher". I don't know if I'll ever make pro, but I'm just going to keep trying to reach my personal best. It's good that we have a bunch of Baltimore smashers that all want to improve.

ugh this Comp Sci project is driving me nuts. At least I get to take frequent breaks to post on SWF :D


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2003
Baltimore, MD
Jasona - Thief! It's okay though, I don't wanna see those matches. ;>_>

@Frz1/cmart - Are you guys coming tomorrow, or Thursday? Either day is fine. I just wanna smash with someone.


Smash Lord
May 2, 2005
Savage, MD
I was just throwing a date when I could come, and no one responded so I dunno. I'm confused.


Smash Lord
Mar 13, 2006
Baltimore County
I was at the Gym once and I was working my Chest. I was doing some flies when a huge older guy walked over and said "You shouldnt be doing those. You arent big enough to be doing flies."

At the time I was insulted and didnt really care what he thought. I did get bigger and stronger but it took longer to do it. When I looked back on myself, I realized that that guy was right. I wasnt "big" enough at the time to be doing flies and at that point, I realized I should have taken this guys advice a long time ago.

So now Im about to make the same statement. EE and Frozen, You guys arent good. I know you practice and train a lot and you beat up on your friends but you two just arent good right now. You shouldnt be waisting your time posting videos. You should be spending your time watching them and seeing what better falcos and CF do.

Dont watch PC or Isai, because once again, you are not good enough to see what they are even doing. Watch someone who is closer to your level like Lampchops and G-reg. And once you get to that level, then you can start watching those vids. I know you might take this as an insult but try to look at it as someone who has been there before and knows.

Keep in mind that through this whole post, not once did I say I was good, so Im not even claiming that. Just think about what I said and plz take my advice.

Husband...how couldn't I take offense to this?....You're a cool guy and I still have respect for you but ****....

...I guess i'll just take it piece by piece...

" EE and Frozen, You guys arent good."
Husband I don't think you've ever seen me play, at least not in a while, and I have improved drastically lately, but regardless, to just come out and make a statement like that is pretty ignorant.

"I know you practice and train a lot and you beat up on your friends"
Yeah, generally I do beat up on my friends, and quite often a lot of the people in my crew (except cmart lolz), but lately i've been playing well against GOOD people too. In the last 2 weeks I've taken Chillin, Kirbstir, and Meep, all to 1 stock at high %'s in tourney matches, and I beat Oro's Marth in a set. Am I saying i'm as good or better than them? Hell no, but i'm getting close.

"You shouldnt be waisting your time posting videos. You should be spending your time watching them and seeing what better falcos and CF do."
I've seen **** near every G-reg/SS/Tapion/Isai video out there, and can do everything they can, and I would have to imagine I can understand the mindgames that were going on in their heads just as well as you can. Also, I uploaded that video because it's a fun little match to show some of my friends, I didn't upload it to brag that I beat Hat, or any such nonsense.

"Dont watch PC or Isai, because once again, you are not good enough to see what they are even doing"
Another blatant insult, and yes while I believe I won't be able to understand Isai's mindgames and thought process as well as G-reg, or SS's, I still like to see his style, and how he approaches in different situations, and so on.

What I was most offended by however is that you put me on the same level as EE. I know that you probably wouldn't say I'm better or worse than EE, because you think you would have no problem beating either of us in a tournament match, and would probably see it as a blessing that you were against me in 3'rd round winners bracket.....but I would like to try to prove you wrong, so lets get that friendly Money Match we talked about before in.

I've just been frustrated lately because EE actually thinks he is better than me, and he really isn't. Falco is the one character I have trouble with, and in the 20 dollar MM he realized it (he probably knew it before, since I talk about it a lot), and exploited it, by going all Falco. That's perfectly fair to do in a high stakes set, I would of done the same, and he won, and that's fine. It's his constant bragging and annoying remarks that followed the MM that bothered me more than anything. The point is, I don't expect to lose a set to him ever again, because I've finally seen what i've been doing wrong against falco's, and now he's just like anyone else I play, around that skill level.

Husband I think your a cool guy and a respectable smasher, and I have nothing against you, but a post like this is just aggrovating, because as you said

"try to look at it as someone who has been there before and knows."

Well that means you were also at that stage once where you were in between your average "good" player, and your average kirbstir/meep/greg. So I would imagine you understand my taking offence to a post telling me i'm bad, by someone who hasn't seen me play in months.

*Note- I brought up a lot of players names in this post, but am not claiming to be better or worse than any of them, other than EE. I was just using them as examples.*

Btree- Thursday would be good, so we could get Cmart to come, and hopefully EE will come too.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
Hey guyz lets all just focus on the new pokemangs games coming out, Ima get'em1!


Smash Journeyman
Jun 16, 2006
Brookville MD
Frozen your good and all, but i honestly dont think your THAT much better then EE, if you are at all. I mean EE is good, you keep saying your offended that your being put on the same level as him, when in reality thats not a bad thing. I am around the same level as EE and i'm fine with that, just tone it down a bit.


Smash Champion
Jul 5, 2005
Hiatus, MD
frozen i'm disappointed in you, you sound the exact same as you did when you first started, mained sheik, and thought you were just as good as me

if you can't see it for yourself, then i can't help you understand

yo EE, come get some Hova training

yo Husband, come give me and blues some teams training..... i'd love you forever


Smash Lord
Mar 13, 2006
Baltimore County
frozen i'm disappointed in you, you sound the exact same as you did when you first started, mained sheik, and thought you were just as good as me

if you can't see it for yourself, then i can't help you understand

yo EE, come get some Hova training

yo Husband, come give me and blues some teams training..... i'd love you forever
Hova i'm sorry you feel that way, i've learned and changed a lot from when I first started, but there's nothing to "see"....that was just my opinion, in response to a post by Husband, brought on by posts like this.

"I'm confident but not cocky like you who thinks he can beat everyone in a **** MM just because he beats TAK, whoo dee freakin doo Frozen."

Heh i'm sorry if you're disapointed in me, but that doesn't change anything.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 16, 2006
Brookville MD
redd, about that mm, how about we make it $0.25 3/5, pika vs fox/falco. (Yes this is an exuse for me to jack some tv and get a bunch of matchs with you.)


Smash Ace
Dec 21, 2006
Harmoniously Gripping The Wang of Society
Yo we should all smash at Ron's on Thursday @ Frozen, Cmart and whoever else

Ron - I want to see how my Pikachu and Game & Watch does vs yourJiggs.

Cmart - Same as above, except on Green Greens.

Frozen - It's been a while since you've faced my Pikachu too so I'll see how it does vs your Falcon along with my Game & Watch and maybe my Samus.

UMBC - Your Marth haunted me at Fight Club. I thought I was gonna lose to HAT just because he used Marth. I guess you've reminded how deadly that F-air is lol.

Husband - You should come help us get better on Thursday.

Hova - That training/advice is working. I need to play your Doc again.

Jasona - Come down on Thursday and teach me how to platform spam.


Smash Lord
May 2, 2005
Savage, MD
Allright I'll try to come down on thursday. I had more to say, but I'm a ***** who hates internet drama.


Smash Champion
Sep 9, 2006
Kyoto Prefecture Japan
i was at the gym once. i did some flies and it felt pretty damm good. a guy came up to me as well and said i shouldnt be doing this, your not ready for that yet. i then thought about that and went to burger king right after and bought a kids meal and a whooper. i realize that i shouldnt have got the whooper, but instead the chicken sandwhich. i realize that i wasnt ready for the whooper. and for that, im sorry.


Smash Lord
Feb 3, 2004
MD. Ellicott City
Frozen - For starters, I played you in tourney, about a month ago and Beat you with MY PEACH. So please don’t tell me I don’t know how you play.

Also, you took everything negative from my post. You didn’t see a bit of insight from it what so ever. What was EE response??? He was happy with what I gave him. And if you go back in look a few post before I said "EE, get better so we can train together"

You know why I didn’t say "Frozen, get better so we can train together"??? Because I can tell you arent in the right state of mind to get better yet. You are too self involved to get better. But I could tell that EE was and He proved me right with his response to my post.

You need to be put in your place and recognize that you aren’t as good as you think you are. You will lose respect for your opponent and under estimate them.

Has ANYONE noticed that PC, Ken, Isai, Azen, DJ or M2K NEVER talks **** to anyone???? All those players respect there opponents so that when the time comes, they never go easy on anyone. I watched m2k four stock newbs match after match after match. If PC, Ken, Azen, DJ and M2K don’t talk **** about how good they are, the why does Frozen think he is that **** good to be talking **** to EE?????

Open your eyes and you will learn more in a shorter period of time. UMBC is right, its only about winning in tourney, its not about winning when you are training. Instead of focusing on winning, focus on learning.


Smash Hero
Apr 14, 2004
ashburn, VA
frozen you misunderstand what he meant. he doesnt literally mean that you guys "suck", hes not directly criticizing you. he speaks merely of tourney placings. i know youve been placing pretty decently lately and youve been improving, but you are still on the bubble of 7th/9th/13th place in tourney, and what husband means is that you will never break through that barrier and start placing 1st/2nd/3rd until you start beating bigger names, and that will just require tons of practice.

you should also try to not care what others think, i.e. if someone thinks they are better or worse than you. tourney placings are all that matter, so if someone brags and stuff, just be like "oops i placed higher than you".

another thing that is important, is that around that 9th/13th place range, there really isnt that much consistent play, so people like you will lose to people worse than you, and youll beat people better than you.


Smash Champion
Sep 9, 2006
Kyoto Prefecture Japan
the taste of a cabby patty, is too advance for me. perhaps the shake should benifit me more. i remember going to the gym and eating ice cream in front of fat people. or have a woopy cushion under neath me while im doing flies, that way if a guy comes up to me and says im shouldnt be doing that, then i turn to an angle and give a single telling him that he back off! then go to burger king some more.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
hey whats the "(cereal)" in the title of this thread supposed to mean???


Smash Lord
Mar 13, 2006
Baltimore County
Husband- All i've been hearing from EE lately is how much better he is than me, that's why this **** got started. Then after he won the MM I just heard it more and more. Maybe the reason he was so content with your response was because it put the 2 of us on the same level. And you don't see me going around saying i'm better or worse than different people either....I only said that about EE because he started all of this ****.

G-reg- I think what you said made sense more than any of this other nonsense i've read in this thread....thanks.

So yeah, whatever, I'll keep it to myself if I think i'm better than someone (like I have been....), and just not care if someone thinks they're better than me. This thread doesn't need any silly drama and such, TNR style.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
Frozen the reason we MM in the first place the first time at Rons was because you said you were better then me, yeah an when I won I did rub it in a little but you had kinda started w/ me which lead to it, I know you are joking most of the time but either way thats what lead to it lol, but w/e lets say were both to blame an just end it now since we both kinda go of on saying "were amazing" lol an I dont wanna lose my seat in those epic car rides ;)

Funfact,Top ten signs that a redneck has been working on your pc

10. The monitor is up on blocks.

9. Outgoing faxes have tobacco stains on them. 8. The six front keys have rotted out.

7. The extra RAM slots have truck parts installed in them.

6. The numeric keypad only goes up to six.

5. The password is "Huntin".

4. The CPU has a gun rack mount.

3. There is a Coors can in the CD-ROM drive.

2. The keyboard is camouflaged.

1. The mouse is referred to as a "critter".


Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2003
northest MD (21001)
Yo we should all smash at Ron's on Thursday @ Frozen, Cmart and whoever else
Jasona - Come down on Thursday and teach me how to platform spam.
that would be cool. i really need to focus on remembering how to work with missles. plus, there are a few missle techs i made up a while back that i want to practice. seeing another samus player would also be cool, maybe you'll give me some ideas on how to improve


Smash Lord
Mar 13, 2006
Baltimore County
Frozen the reason we MM in the first place the first time at Rons was because you said you were better then me, yeah an when I won I did rub it in a little but you had kinda started w/ me which lead to it, I know you are joking most of the time but either way thats what lead to it lol, but w/e lets say were both to blame an just end it now since we both kinda go of on saying "were amazing" lol an I dont wanna lose my seat in those epic car rides ;)
As long as we can both agree I fux with amazing.


I still want to money match for as high as you want to go.


Smash Ace
Dec 3, 2006
Reston, VA.
EE, your falco? =) no marth.

Btree, anything goes? so i can wobble/freeze glitch you? (ok not the freeze glitch lol, unless you say ok, but wobbles?) 10$ not 20 =o i dont get paid till sunday like usual, so i can only do a few more after these.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2003
Baltimore, MD
I don't care about wobbling you weeble, even if you actually pull it off that's not a win for you, you're too bad have "wobbles win your matches". But no freeze glitch, because I'm not familiar with it even though I've seen UndrDog do it enough. :)


Smash Ace
Dec 3, 2006
Reston, VA.
TAK$ - MM me

Game & Watch vs Ice Climbers and/or Marth $1
Pikachu vs same as above $1

You are free to use wobbles vs G&W but not against Pikachu. Also I'm banning FD in the set with my G&W.
i dont need to wobble vs pika, i can cg so it's all good (incase you didnt know =o), and i accept those two mms, the rules are good, np.\, but i dont wanna use my marth at all, so it's all be all ic's, your pichu vs my kirby also? =o

I don't care about wobbling you weeble, even if you actually pull it off that's not a win for you, you're too bad have "wobbles win your matches". But no freeze glitch, because I'm not familiar with it even though I've seen UndrDog do it enough. :)

lol, you didnt go to fight club, so you wouldnt know, but just be careful. =) lolz <3


Smash Ace
Dec 19, 2006
Catonsville, MD
If there was a barometer of ghey attached to TAK's games, it would have broken by now.


What I mean to say is

Wobbles win his matches.

But he still lost. =)

I'm up for money matching, I just think it's stupid to not do it on-the-fly.

All I know is that I need to get better vs. Samus, as DOSV knows. .. . ... . Yeah man, I wasn't pissed at you during that tourny match, I was pissed at nightmare. He was being really annoying and I was playing like crap. <3

I need to play Btree's Samus too. I refuse to play Jasona's though, unless..Ah ha. I'll bring some Febreze. =P


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2003
Baltimore, MD
I sure will sir.

Edit: **** HAT posted when I did, he's too stealthy. But yeah I'll play you with Samus some more HAT.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 16, 2006
Brookville MD
If there was a barometer of ghey attached to TAK's games, it would have broken by now.


What I mean to say is

Wobbles win his matches.

But he still lost. =)

I'm up for money matching, I just think it's stupid to not do it on-the-fly.
If your up for MM..... $5 mabey, i'll do more or less if you want pika vs marth or whatever.
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