Smash World Forums Metaknight Questions Thread
1. There seems to be an attraction between your Metaknight and DSF's Olimar. Is there any truth to this supposed liaison? Is there possibly an affair behind the scenes?
DSF's Olimar actually recently stopped seeing my Metaknight. Since then he has tried with metaknight and marth among any others, but there seems to be no consistent relationship brewing with any of the previously mentioned.
2. Please describe Metaknight as how good he would be if he had teh fire.
If Metaknight had teh fire (also known as t3h ph1r3 in some dialects) he would be uber pwn
sauce over 9000.
3. In relation to question 2, how does Metaknight do versus Roy? Does he counter Roy? Does Roy do better or worse than Marth?
Metaknight is actually countered by Roy because he does in fact have t3h ph1r3, where Metaknight does not. He also does better than Marth, simply because he is a better character.
4. When gliding with Metaknight, particularly underneath the stage, do you often personally emit a "vrrrrrrrrraaaawwwmmmm" noise reminiscent of a plane in flight? If so, why.
I always emit a "vrrrrrrrrraaaawwwmmmm" noise upon gliding. Not only does it do the mind games but it also makes me feel like a superior flying machine.
Smash World Forums Metaknight Questions Thread
1. There seems to be an attraction between your Metaknight and DSF's Olimar. Is there any truth to this supposed liaison? Is there possibly an affair behind the scenes?
DSF's Olimar actually recently stopped seeing my Metaknight. Since then he has tried with metaknight and marth among any others, but there seems to be no consistent relationship brewing with any of the previously mentioned.
2. Please describe Metaknight as how good he would be if he had teh fire.
If Metaknight had teh fire (also known as t3h ph1r3 in some dialects) he would be uber pwn
sauce over 9000.
3. In relation to question 2, how does Metaknight do versus Roy? Does he counter Roy? Does Roy do better or worse than Marth?
Metaknight is actually countered by Roy because he does in fact have t3h ph1r3, where Metaknight does not. He also does better than Marth, simply because he is a better character.
4. When gliding with Metaknight, particularly underneath the stage, do you often personally emit a "vrrrrrrrrraaaawwwmmmm" noise reminiscent of a plane in flight? If so, why.
I always emit a "vrrrrrrrrraaaawwwmmmm" noise upon gliding. Not only does it do the mind games but it also makes me feel like a superior flying machine.