Wow, it's almost been a month since I last posted. Well, better late than never!
Choo, what inspired you to main Kirby shortly after Brawl's release (I think you've answered this before but I forgot) and why have you stuck with him for so long? He's fairly average, and I feel like someone of your level could have had a lot more success in the big tournies with a better character.
Thanks! I tried a lot of different characters out. Ivysaur, Sonic, Ness, and even Falco because he was top tier. None of them felt right. I met Gonzo at a tournament and we started playing. He showed me how to use Kirby, and I was like "wow, Kirbys pretty good". A week later, I went to another tournament and saw an Ike player by the name of DT. It's the same Ike player that beat me at that Gamestop tournament. I used Kirby on him and beat him pretty solidly. It was a lot of fun using the gonzo combo on everyone because no one knew how to get out of it.
As of now, Kirby's still fun because he can copy peoples abilities, transforming Kirby into a new character. I'm never bored with him because I have a lot of options.
What combo rankings should be most accurate on each and every character?
Whith lucario, I can only fgrab and uair, I can't utilt because he's out of reach from the hitbox.
So I was guessing which combos are the right ones for each character in order to make things more smoother.
Tough question but I'll give it some thought.
MK -
1. Read what I said in one of my earlier posts.
2. This one is hard. If they are at about 12%, Grab --> Forward Throw --> Wait --> Upair + Fast fall --> Full jump --> Upair. This works vs. Kirby and lots of other characters. I think I'll call this the Chu combo for now. Conceptually, what you are doing is you're predicting their second jump and upairing them for it.
3. At higher percents, you can Down throw --> Up-Air. This will only work on Metaknights that like to jump after you down throw them. Sanoscy, a MK player, had a bad habit of jumping every time I down threw him. I noticed this and punished with an up-air. He never broke that habit which led to me beating him pretty solidly.
Snake -
1.Gonzo combo.
2.Pro snakes will grenade when you are combo-ing them . After the forward throw, re-grab them and if you have controller port priority, down throw snake into the grenade. Snake will get hit by the grenade, fly into the air, and should be in up air range. So that's forward throw --> do nothing --> grab --> downthrow --> grenade --> upair. That's about 50%.
3. If you don't have priority, forward throw again after the first forward throw. The grenade should be sitting right below you. After the second forward throw, use an upair, then immediately SHIELD. The grenade should blow up here, and with the right timing, snake will get hit and you'll be safe from damage.
4. At low-lowermid percent, down throw --> up tilt --> up air
Diddy -
1. Gonzo combo
2. If they get out of the Gonzo combo, do the Chu combo. You can then be creative with your follow up here. Fall down with another up air, fastfall and uptilt, wait to grab him, neutral air while both of you are still in the air and forward smash. I'll post up a video of me doing this to a Diddy later.
Wario -
1. Gonzo combo
2. Grab release --> upsmash
3. Chu combo
G&W -
1. Gonzo combo, but only the first two parts (forward throw to up-air)
Falco/Fox/Wolf -
1. Forward throw --> up air --> forward throw --> Side B. It's been tested to work almost 100% of the time on Falco, but I haven't fought a Fox or Wolf in a long time, but I imagine this should work.
Quick note - When you Side B, make sure you are mashing the B button so that Falco/Fox/Wolf can't jump out. If you're pro, then buffer the side-b

Dedede -
This one is tough
1. First two hits of the Gonzo combo
2. Try the Chu combo, it'll probably work the first time but not the next time. It's all about mind games here. Watch for his air dodge.
3. At high percent, if you forward throw and they DI up, then you can up air them. They should be in stun long enough to hit them.
4. Forward throw at low-mid percent will sometimes combo into a Forward air string depending on DI. So it's forward air--> forward air --> Fair --> Fair --> Uair
Nothing works here because of ZSS's down B.
1. It's been a while, but you could try Forward throw --> Wait for her Down B --> Jump, turnaround, air hammer.
2. Maybe you could try down throw --> uptilt? ZSS can down B out of anything.
Olimar -
1. First two hits of the gonzo combo
DK -
1. Fthrow --> Uair --> Forward throw --> Uair --> Anything. Grab again, reverse up tilt, aerial hammer instead of up air.
Rob -
Most of the rob players I've fought are below average players so I don't have pro experience.
1. Gonzo combo, might not work on pro players but first two hits should be guaranteed.
2. Chu combo
Pikachu -
1. Look at Metaknight #1
2. First two hit of Gonzo combo
Marth - This one is tricky. Combo-ing Marth out of a grab is about mind games. A Marth that knows the match-up will Up-B after forward throw. A Marth that doesn't know the match-up won't Up-B, so you should
1. Gonzo combo - First two hits should work, try the full combo though because people will still fall for it.
Lucario -
1. First two hits of Gonzo Combo. You can probably pull off the whole Gonzo Combo here if they are inexperienced.
Too many characters but just remember forward throw --> up air should work on almost everyone as well as downthrow --> up-tilt (I'm pretty sure this will work when the opponent has about 12%. Too low, and the opponent will be able to hit you. Too high and the up-tilt won't work. Some players like to downthrow --> up-tilt --> sheild --> grab --> downthrow --> ect. I've never tried it my self, but you can try it out. Ask me if you want me to cover a character I haven't covered.
Also, unless I didn't catch it right, I noticed you played with tap jump off. I don't think you used to play with it off, did you? What caused the change?
haha so you noticed? Well, I've never been really trying to get good at brawl up until now so playing with it off allows me to up-tilt out of shield, which is really good. Also, sometimes pressing up makes me accidentally jump =(. I hated that so I'm playing with it off now.
Btw, thanks for the help with Smash DI! I can Smash DI now =).
How do you fight MKs now? I always was good against fighting idk what happened lol
Against MK at 0%, I like to run in and shield. I'll always go for the grab here unless I'm getting punished. After I get the grab, the fun starts

Forward throw --> up-air then stop since the full gonzo combo doesn't work anymore. The MK is usually at about 14% here. The MK will usually jump away and down air. When you see him fall to the ground, run in and shield again. Grab him, then you can start another combo. Downthrow --> uptilt --> upair. You have to buffer the up-tilt AND up-air for it to work. MK should be at 50% here. Now, it's all about mind games and spacing.
When you're spacing against MK, you want to space with back air since it's Kirbys best move. Make sure you are fast falling those back airs for speed. If he blocks the back air, he'll probably start up-bing you. When you see this, instead of back airing his shield, you should jump in front of him and grab. Remember to always down throw since it does the most damage. One more tip you can do against MK is when is at kill percent, back air his shield. When his shield gets back aired, he'll try to grab you. That's when you FORWARD SMASH for the kill!

. Rinse, wash, and repeat.
Here are some tips -
1. Kirbys back air can beat MKs forward air when MK doesn't space correctly (which 90% of MKs don't)
2. Use up-air against MK when he's in the air. Up-air will usually hit because MK's don't know the spacing for their down air against Kirbys up-airs.
3. Predict MK's second jump with an up-air.
4. If the MK is aggressive, he'll try to run at you. If you see this, grab him immediately.
5. Punish tornado with forward smash.
6. Up-air is REALLY GOOD in this match-up.
Also, any tips for the ICs matchup? I mean i know you're supposed to not get grabbed, but its near impossible to avoid getting grabbed at all for the entire match, and a single grab is pretty much 1 less stock for u.
I second that so much. The chain grabs are just killing me.
Ice Climbers
Ok, so the last time we left off was the Ice Climbers match-up. Here are some more random thoughts about it.
- If you separate them and you see Nana coming your way, charge a forward smash to kill her. Nana will always try to run towards Popo if separated. If Popo is on the left side of the stage and Nana is on the right, she'll most likely run across the stage to be with Popo again. If you see Nana running towards you, charge a smash attack and kill her.
- Spaced back airs out range most of Ice Climbers moves but don't abuse it because IC's can power shield back airs pretty easily which leads to a grab.
- If you grab Popo (the main one), then you should down throw. Down throw will not only hit Popo but it'll hit Nana as well, and it's the throw that is least punishable. If you grab Nana, you should probably pummel until she breaks out so you don't get grabbed. Pummeling will also hit the main one.
Advanced: If Popo is behind you and you grab Nana, try your best to not get punished. Noob IC players will probably do a dash attack, so down throw so it hits Popo as well. If you're fighting a good ice climber player, then up throw so he can't grab you (you will take damage here, but it's better than being 0-death).
- Don't use laggy moves that could get you punished by a 0-death. (Dash attack, ect..). - If you somehow separate them, make sure you kill nana if you can, but watch out for popo. (If nana is in the air, get her with an aerial hammer. Back air is good too)
- If none of this works, you might want to ask Y.B.M. on this match-up since he beat Lain in tournament.
I beat toonlinks 100% of the time
Wait, what about your match with ToonLeo at MLG Orlando?!
That was probably a friendly. I'll have to fight him in tournament sometime

Chu, why i love your kirby?
And do you play WiFi?
Can we pls togehter play wifi PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Unfortunately I don't =(. If you ever see me at a tournament, feel free to ask me to play!
Also, why do you think Kirby beats Marth? I always feel like it's a major uphill battle against good Marths.
what @ kirby beating marth, care to explain?
How do I fight Marth with Kirby =(
I second that. He's hard to defeat.
OK it seems like a lot of you are having trouble with Marth. This is what you do.
Roll behind him a lot, especially if he uses dancing blade because you can punish with a grab or forward smash. Marth surprisingly has a hard time against rolling.
Down tilt has a lot of range against marth for some reason, and can sometimes beat Marths moves. After a trip, grab, but if you are in range, forward smash!
Back air pushes him back when he's in sheild which gives marth a hard time punishing. This can give Kirby more control of the game.
RUN UP AND SHIELD. If you don't know what I'm talking about, here's a small explanation. Marths like to throw out moves like fair, down tilt, and dancing blade. If you run towards him and shield his attack, you'll be in a good position to
grab him. For example, if a Marth is double forward air camping you, run towards him and shield the first hit. Marth will be in stun for a little bit which gives you enough time to drop your shield, run towards him again (he'll retreat with another forward air at this point) and shield the second forward air. Now you are in a position to grab him. So do it and profit $$$$$$.
- You can try to
smash DI his dancing blade so that you appear behind him.
Here are videos of me vs. the best marths in the US.
Is there a way to consistently hit with the spike box of final cutter on recovering opponents as seen at 2:06 in this clip I usually hit with the blade and then the shock wave prevents the spike from taking effect.
Unfortunately, I don't have an answer for that. I'll look into it and let you know what I find!
I'm sorry about the late response guys. Don't worry though, I haven't given up on the thread and I look forward to answering all of your questions!