I tested which characters can no longer run over Lloid Trap as shown in this video by ZodiacX10:
I tested each character multiple times, but something might still be incorrect if the conditions to get over the trap are very specific, so even if I state something as definite, it might not be. If you've made different observations, please let me know.
Could sometimes run past before, but can't anymore:

Could always run past before, but can't anymore:

Could always run past before, but now only sometimes:


still sometimes gets past it and sometimes falls out of the multihits early.

couldn't run past even with Limit.

with Monado Speed seems to always run past, but otherwise never.

can get over with a perfectly timed dash attack. Other timings may result in destroying the trap, getting caught in the move or only getting hit by the first multihit.

sometimes falls out of the multihits.

sometimes fall out of the multihits.

sometimes gets past with and without Deep Breathing.

can't get past even with the thinner tail hurtbox.
Characters not in the video:

can get over with a well-timed dash attack, but not otherwise it seems.

can't normally get past the trap, but with Acceleratle he always makes it past.

can't run past the trap, but well-spaced Burning Dropkick and Suplex allow him to get past.

can't run past the trap, but a well-spaced Skyward Slash Dash allows him to destroy the mine with minimal hitlag and without a noticeable reduction to the move's range.

can't run past the trap. Not that it's a good option, but a sideways Arm Rocket allows her to get past without activating the trap. Angled diagonally down, the trap activates but doesn't hit her.
If we assume this data is correct, the only character who can
run over the Lloid Trap 100% of the time, not relying on buffs, attacks or chance is

, which I'd honestly be fine with.
Note that I didn't do a comprehensive test on which moves could get past the trap. I only tested ones I got curious about for whatever reason.