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The 949 Smash Thread: RIP PacWest


Master of Caribou
Aug 24, 2007
Claremont, CA
I began writing about my background about an hour ago, but it started getting really long and I still have a lot to say.

I know that nobody particularly cares about my background, but I'm sufficiently narcissistic to write a ****load of stuff about myself and scrolling past it shouldn't be too much of a pain.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2010
Irvine, CA
I guess I'll do my version before I go to bed.

The only melee I can ever recall playing was with Paul back in the days. I mained fox, he mained falco. I remember playing with some of my other friends casually just at birthday parties and other random friend-gatherings(I'd do okaaayy). So during the summer WUFUUUU, Paul and I played Brawl. It was the ****. I still have some urges to play Brawl sometimes. As Paul said one day, we were about to play Brawl when Wufu suggested melee. I personally thought melee was trash compared to Brawl(LOL).

After more melee and being able to wavedash in triangles, I decided to use a combination of sheik and samus. So during the earlier days of my junior year, Paul, Wufu and I began to play melee more and more. Because Paul, Roger and I thought we were the **** because we knew how to wavedash and shffl, we decided to make a facebook event inviting all of our friends. Anthony posted and then Paul showed me smashboards; as well as the 949 thread. I saw JDM post about how people from his high school thought they were the best at his school and how you b****es told him to mm us. We went to our first smashfest the day before SCSA 5(?).

During my first smashfest, I remember heavily staying in the other room playing teams friendlies with jkun, paul, and someone else that I can't remember. My first impression of smashers came from jkun..LOL. I was using Sheik for a little bit first and after we started playing Jason says, "man, there are so many things that I wish you would L-cancel". Then the smashfest went on, I played some friendlies with Stab and Incronaut. The first person who I really thought I could be friends with was probably Kangix whom I spent a majority of time with at the tournament the following day.

SCSA 4 was alright, I remember thinking that it was mad dark. I saw Kangix before registration and after we(Paul and I) registered, we played a bunch of friendlies with him. He showed me the yo-yo glitch and I was pretty shocked. Paul and I entered doubles and our first match was against Mango and Alex19 LOL. Good times were had, we left early and I didn't go to another smashfest/tournament for another 2 months probably because I was on a leash.

She dumped me, I found a new girl. Samus.


Smash Hero
Nov 18, 2008
in Makai
calling it a leash is harsh, man.

I would do a background, but it could honestly be summed up as:

early days: scrub
middle days: friends got kinda technical, but we're all still scrubs
later days: came to irvine, scrubbed the floors
now: scrub


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2010
Irvine, CA
She actually didn't mind me going to smashfests or tournaments even, I guess I just wasn't interested in smash for a while. :D


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2009
Irvine, SoCal
During my first smashfest, I remember heavily staying in the other room playing teams friendlies with jkun, paul, and someone else that I can't remember.
That was me u ***. Though I have a similar memory, playing doubles with Seng/practice Man and some dude who I forget in probably my first legit doubles matches lol

calling it a leash is harsh, man.

I would do a background, but it could honestly be summed up as:

early days: scrub
middle days: friends got kinda technical, but we're all still scrubs
later days: came to irvine, scrubbed the floors
now: scrub
Side note: Spenser knocked me out of my first tournament. Another side note: We were the dubz partners for the longest time (kirby/falco lol), until he went back to norcal for the summer. ***


Smash Ace
Oct 21, 2007
sup anto. your story brings good times back to me.

i remember when jdm posted about some guys in his high school thinking they were the ****! LOOOL :D


Master of Caribou
Aug 24, 2007
Claremont, CA

My pre-tourney days scene story isn't that interesting, although since I am a human and thus like talking about myself, I have a lot to say about it anyways.

When the game came out in 2001, I initially didn't like the feel of it. I became more comfortable with it in about a week, after which I loved it. I mostly played the one-player modes since I had roughly three friends at the time and I would only see them on weekends; my use of spot-dodges impressed them greatly. I started high school around 2002, and I still didn't play people very often, but I did get a few more friends whom I would play with once in a blue moon. At this point, I played Mario and Luigi, with the occasional Jigglypuff here and there because I thought Puff was cool.

Over the course of the next several years, I learned CPU habits on all of the stages exceedingly well and had fun impressing my friends by saying exactly what the CPUs would do next and also by screwing around with the CPU immobilization glitch. I did outperform my friends in VS mode, too, but that wasn't saying much. Around 2004, I had realized that short hop aerials were pretty good, as were ledgehop aerials. In 2005, I discovered wavedashing/wavelanding while doing All-Star Mode with Luigi; I was trying to figure out the fastest way of getting out of the rest area, and air-dodging into the ground towards the light seemed like a natural way of cutting the distance down. I remember being surprised by just how fast I could go if I air-dodged into the ground and I then realized that since you can airdodge as soon you jump, there was no reason I couldn't do the same right after leaving the ground. I initially found this excruciatingly difficult and deemed it impractical, but after a month of practice, gradually going from 1/4th speed to normal speed (a terrible way of learning it that made it take way too long to get down than it should have, but I was stupid and didn't know any better), I got it down pretty well, after which point I beat all of my friends with Luigi doing pretty much nothing but short hop aerials, wavedash -> ftilt, wavedash -> dsmash, and when I anticipated an attack or wanted to pass through a projectile, wavedash -> spot-dodge -> grab/dsmash/up-B.

In 2006, I graduated high school. During that summer, on a whim, I decided to venture onto to the internet to see how other people played the game. I heard about Ken, went to Youtube and searched for something like "Ken SSBM", and found a Bombsoldier vs. Ken match. I was blown away and realized that I wasn't as inconceivably amazing as I thought I was. Shortly thereafter, I found Wak's "How to Play" videos and SWF, and I somehow also came across Nsider's SSBM board. I frantically tried to learn all the major ATs before college started since I had a reputation for being good that I felt I must preserve, and I became technically proficient by the end of 2006.

I arrived at Harvey Mudd sometime in late 2006. I quickly found a couple groups of SSBM players. One was a casual group that I felt was a community that I fit in well with and the other was a competitive group that partied harder than a nerd like me was comfortable with. Nonetheless, I went over to play with them often anyways since I never had good competition before and there were two people notably better than me there, as well as a couple others around my level. The two best were Charlie and Richard, a DK/Puff/Fox/Ganon and Marth/Falcon/Falco/Doc, respectively. Charlie impressed me by just being a pretty smart player with good reads; Richard was HMC's best at the time, although we weren't sure what put him above the rest of us then. In retrospect, I realized that he was the best because he was the only one of us who had really good spacing and a good sense of stage control.

About a month after the school year started, there was a little tourney at HMC. I, to my surprise, took second, beating Charlie and Richard in winners, but losing to Richard in GFs. I actually had an edge on Charlie for the next several months since he didn't know how to deal with my ingenious run-away-and-pill strat, although he would surpass me again when he started using Fox more against me later on. Anyways, not long after that tourney, there was another tourney that Richard and Charlie invited me to go to in one of the neighboring cities. It was at a game store and it was terribly organized; the host initially tried to run the whole event, which actually had a lot of people, on one Gamecube in tournament mode. Somebody eventually knocked the Gamecube down while angrily removing his controller, at which point a lot of people left and the tourney started over as a slightly less bizarre single elimination tournament. As for the people at the event, there were a bunch of randoms and DSF. I had to play DSF, much to my chagrin. We did Doc vs. Marth on FD in a 5-stock round and he two-stocked me, which I was happy about since it was better than I expected to do, although it's obvious that he was sandbagging in retrospect.

Over the course of late 2006 and the first month or two of 2007, I gradually went from Doc/Luigi to Fox/Falco and I surpassed my HMC peers. A few months before the end of the 2006-2007 school year, Charlie told me about a Melee tourney at Pomona College. He couldn't attend, but he told me that he wanted me to go and beat somebody named Atul. He claimed that Atul was a CMC Sheik player who acted like he was really good, but wasn't that great, as Charlie had beaten him over and over again with Puff a year beforehand. I figured he was some random ego-freak and I would gladly satisfy Charlie's request, but he ended up not showing up to the tourney; I wouldn't meet him until a few months later. What I couldn't have possibly anticipated then was that Atul would become one of the most influential people in my development as a smash player.

The actual tourney was at a little eatery whose name I can't recall. A respectable number of people showed up, but it felt like a huge event since the venue was small and it was crowded as hell. The tourney had two events: singles and low-tier singles. While watching people play friendlies, there were four people in particular whom I was nervous about playing in tournament. One was a Fox player named Noah whose tag is Yomi. Another is a Peach player named Charlie who goes by Thor (some of you may actually know him!). The other two were Todd and Adam (the former never had a tag to the best of knowledge and the latter went by Squee), who evidently had some grasp of the game, although they didn't seem like as much of a threat as the other two.

I had to play against a DK player in the first round. At this time, my strategy against mid/low tier characters with bad traction was to go Fox and just drillshine "infinite" them, since nobody had a clue how to SDI, and this worked fine against him. If I recall correctly, I had to play Squee next, and beat him without too much trouble. At this point, I was in WFs/GFs (single elimination ftw) and waiting on the outcome of Thor vs. Todd. To my surprise, Todd's Sheik beat Thor's Peach pretty soundly. However, Todd's Sheik/ICs were no match for my amazing stationary laser camping with Falco, and I won the event. Noah congratulated me and gave me the great prize that was a Pitzer sweatshirt, which was a little odd since the event was at Pomona, but I had no complaints. He then told me about Pomona's smash club, which was actually intercollegiate, IIRC, and I gave him my email address so he could notify me of future tourneys/smashfests. All in all, it was a really fun time for me.

There was another tourney at Pomona a month or two later; I did have to play Thor this time and the set against him was close, but I managed to pull of a victory. Somewhere right around that time, Adam/Squee mentioned Atul and said he was amazing. Thor also said this, which seemed to contradict the impression I had gotten from HMC's Charlie. Always hungry for new competition, I intended to contact him shortly thereafter, but he actually contacted me first and invited me to come over and play at his dorm room. He was notably better than the other 5Cs players I had played against and he won more rounds than I did; his brother, a Samus player named Aseem (not to be confused with Azeem) also gave me a hard time. Atul told me that he was holding a tourney in his dorm soon that would have big names like Ken, Chu Dat, DSF, etc. At the time, I didn't really believe this since I couldn't comprehend a bunch of world-class smashers convening in a lowly dorm room, but I was excited to attend it anyways.

When the event rolled around in early 2007, I showed up early with HMC's Charlie and James, a Peach player from HMC whom I felt was decent, although he became increasingly drunk over the course of the tourney and ended up going Game & Watch when the bracket started. Before the actual tourney, Charlie and I sat down at a TV with a Fox/Luigi player who repeatedly stomped us. I noticed the letters "ROFL" on his controller and asked him if he was ROFL (I actually pronounced it letter by letter, i.e. Ar Oh Eff Ell). He said yes; Charlie thought it was ridiculous that I knew who he was and called me a nerd. Anyways, I first had Aseem in the bracket, but he wasn't there, so I advanced to play DSF again. The first round was my Fox vs. his Falcon on Dreamland and he 1-stocked me. I CPed FD, he went Doc, I went Falco, and he 3-stocked me. I was thoroughly demoralized, but he was actually pretty encouraging and my spirits were somewhat boosted. Next, I was against James, but he had left because he was too intoxicated to play. I then advanced to play Fabian, who 1-stocked my Fox on FD first round and 2-stocked my Falco on FD the next. Being out of the tourney, I spent most of the rest of the time just watching matches. Ken had really entertaining sets with DC and DSF. He 2-0'd DC, but both rounds were really close and exciting. In his set against DSF, he actually lost the first round. It looked like he would lose the second one, too, but Ken landed a clutch tipper to take it. Ken then procedeed to 4-stock him on Dreamland, which seemed a little surreal after seeing the first two rounds. Meanwhile, Charlie pointed out a Puff player to me, saying "Hey, this guy looks pretty good." It was a player I didn't recognize, but he was absolutely trouncing DC. I later heard that this unknown player's tag was Mango. As the tourney drew to a close, I played a few friendlies with a Sheik player whose name I didn't catch and Dodger, the Kirby player. Although I was beating both of them, I ended up feeling depressed as the day drew to a close. I felt utterly far behind the pros and that I couldn't possibly catch up before the next iteration in the smash series came out, so I told myself that I would just wait for Brawl to start seriously competing.

I didn't play all that often near the end of the school year. When I did, it was usually with the casual group at HMC. I still enjoyed their company, and their light-hearted approach to the game was fun. I continued to dabble in a few other characters around this time, although not with any serious intention of becoming competent with them. I was really impressed with how Chu Dat was doing so well with ICs whereas nobody else was, and I also just found ICs to be a really neat character, so I started playing them a bit. On the few occasions that I would play with HMC's Charlie, he'd always get upset whenever I used ICs since he had a scrubby, anti-CG'ing mentality, which I just found amusing. He was also upset about my tech-chasing with Sheik and proclaimed me to be the "gayest smasher at Mudd," which also amused me to a certain extent, but his unpleasant attitude eventually drove me to stop playing with him and Richard altogether for the school year.

In one of my last months at Mudd, I was eating at HMC's dining hall by myself; Atul also happened to be there and he came over and we talked about smash a bit. I didn't mention my plans of waiting for Brawl to start seriously competing, but I do believe I mentioned how I felt so far behind the good players. He told me something along the lines of "If you want to get good, you have to go tournaments. That's how you improve." Although I still didn't plan on competing in Melee anymore, those words stuck with me and I vowed to myself that I wouldn't repeat the same mistake of waiting too long to get into the tournament scene when Brawl came out. Incidentally, this would be the last time I ever saw Atul.

Most of my college friends weren't in the area for the summer. With less to do in real life, I became more active on Nsider's smash board. I became a regular there and was decently well-respected for my knowledge of the game and my tiny bit of tourney activity. The visitors of that board fell into four main categories:

-Clueless randoms
-Moderately knowledgeable and competent smashers who enjoyed mocking the idiots
-Stadium players
-Legitimately good players

The first category was far and away the most common category; the second was slightly larger than the third and the last group was the smallest. I only really recall Ultra Luigi and Nintendude1189, the former being a mod and the latter being somebody who at one time contributed regularly, but eventually became sick of the board and would pop in once every several months to troll. Anyways, there were a few threads there featuring goofy challenges for the stadium modes, which I started to become more fond of. On one occasion, there was a challenge to do Falco's BTT with only B-moves; I won that competition over Pokefantom, a very strong BTTer, which got me start practicing the single player modes a little more seriously, although HRCOGuy's influence eventually got me into HRC rather than BTT. All I really did for the rest of the summer was HRC, although it cost me the controller I used up until that point; fortunately, I had a very similar controller, but it was different enough to render me unable to do a lot of HRC strats/tactics with the precision and constistency I used to be able to, at which point I started to break free from my HRC trance. It also kind of hindered my tech skill with my space animals initially, so I figured that if I started to play people again, I'd main Marth and second Sheik; I also felt that their more relaxed styles better fit my attitude towards the game at the time.

At the start of the 2007-2008 school year, I was no longer at the Claremont Colleges, so I didn't see the smashers there much. I eventually heard from Noah, who told me about a tourney they were organizing. He said that Charlie/Thor and Adam/Squee had started attending tourneys and gotten a lot better; since I hadn't seen them in a while and since I didn't have anything to lose from attending a nearby event, I chose to go. In the first friendly of the day, Adam's Sheik 2-stocked my ICs, which unnerved me a little and made me drift away from the character(s) for a couple months. I then played Marth vs. Sheik against him for a while and did okay, although he still won the majority of the matches. In the actual tourney, I breezed through the mediocre players, but Noah beat me 2-0 in winners and I think Adam 3-0'd me in losers' finals. I felt reinvigorated and wanted to get back to their level. Although they never had any more tourneys, they held a few smashfests that I started to attend. To my surprise (and to a certain extent, chagrin), I found that I could still beat them the majority of the time with Falco, in spite of not investing any effort into him recently. More satisfyingly, I found that I could beat them with Sheik pretty consistently, so I had at least somewhat escaped the space animal world.

As I had mentioned, they had now gotten into the tourney scene and I started to go along with them, although they never traveled very far; I mainly recall going to the Shuffle & Cut tourneys with them. Although nobody in the actual smash community took the Shuffle & Cut events very seriously, I view them as the most important series of tourneys in my development as a smasher, as they were the first opportunity I had to play a wide variety of people. It also was easier to become aware of my biggest faults in an environment where I didn't reign supreme. I once again started feeling a strong urge to improve; I figured that Melee was in its last several months, but I wanted to see how good I could get before the end nonetheless. Oh yeah, it's also where I met P-Adam, who has provided good practice and advice ever since then.

Around this time, I started going to Noah's place to practice occasionally. It was at this time that I found out with much excitement that not only could I actually perform really well with ICs against the Claremont group, but I did about as well with them, if not better than I did with my mains. Noah actually recorded some friendlies with the Claremont smashers at these events; if anybody is interested in seeing lousy videos of me or the other guys at the 5Cs from late 2007, check out Noah's Youtube Channel.

A little after this time, the joystick of the controller I used started severely malfunctioning. I was forced to switch to a different controller, with which I couldn't play Falco very well since I could never shoot lasers in the direction I wanted to. I didn't actually mind much since this just gave me an excuse to use more ICs/Sheik. At the next Shuffle & Cut tourney I went to, I beat some people who had previously beaten my Falco with my ICs and I ended up placing 3rd. The competition wasn't exactly great, but I still was very happy with my performance and this event solidified my will to main ICs, which I've done ever since then. Oh, it was also at one of the Shuffle & Cuts around this time that I met Replicate and Embracethe12.

At the last several tourneys before Brawl's release, I placed decently well; not usually great, but better than most, and I was content with that. Once Brawl rolled around, I did start playing it and I did view it as my main game for a while, but I didn't have any desire to stop playing Melee and I saw no harm in attending the scattered events that were still being held for it, so I continued to play.

In the strange and quiet world that was the post-Brawl Melee scene, to my surprise, I was one of the stronger players left. Of course, this was mainly because most of ye olde players had vanished, and I was now mostly competing against people like me; people who had started getting into the Melee scene really late, but didn't want to stop with the advent of Brawl. I think we've all progressed quite nicely since then. :)


Smash Journeyman
Jan 12, 2010
Irvine, CA
Haha, you weren't kidding when you said you had a lot to say, Fly.

Since I got into Melee so late, all the research and instructions on how to achieve good tech skill and DI was laid out on a platter for me. I wonder if I'm somehow disadvantaged for not having to figure it out myself.

Nowadays, I mostly only have time for quick matches with my roommates who are purely casual players. The better of the three staunchly plays Ganondorf and nobody else. The other two tend to play Sheik or Marth because they can do non-techy things like spam ftilts and fsmashes.

None of them can safely avoid my approaches, and I feel like my approach is one of my weaker points. Instead, I've been trying to practice mindgames, survival DI, or low-tier characters whenever we play. It's beginning to feel stagnant though.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2010
Irvine, CA


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2008

Hey also, that dorm room tourney with a lot of elite smashers, it sounds familiar. Squee and Aseem are familiar, did the tourney end up being like 5 hours late? And did Ken "forfeit" to Chu to play DSF in losers? I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of smashers played each other before they knew each other; there's a picture at OC3 where Psychomidget is playing Pat (pat's house) in a friendly, but they didn't meet each other until much later lol.

My first impression of smashers came from jkun..LOL. I was using Sheik for a little bit first and after we started playing Jason says, "man, there are so many things that I wish you would L-cancel".

She dumped me, I found a new girl. Samus.
LOL @ both those statements. good stuff

Hey man I really thought that we were the ****. Then I went outside of my bubble.
HAHA dude when I went to my first tournament, the whole time I was thinking, "Man, what if I beat KEN. I could probably beat ken. No I shouldn't expect to beat the best player in the world. But dude I might beat KEN."

Luckily they ran pools at that tournament to test the format for OC2 (which I was sadly not able to attend). I got to play Azn Lep who was sandbagging and had to wobble my last 2 stocks to avoid losing a round. I played Dodger who I chaingrabbed with Marth's Fthrow across FD (but still lost).

Then I sat down at a TV to practice (btw I used a wavebird at this tournament). Just as I was about to start, someone came up behind me and said, "Hey, do you mind if I play?" I turned around and behold- It was the King of Smash himself.

Ken went Marth, either because he knew most people wanted to play his Marth because it was so epic or because he wanted to destroy me and show a noob how it was done. I picked Ganon, who was my 2nd best character at the time. I figured I would test Ken with my Ganon LOL. We randomed to Dreamland and I did pretty well, doing some nice things. I got 2 stocked, but in my mind, I thought I had done way better.

Ken turns to me and says, "Wow, pretty good." In retrospect he was encouraging me, but of course I didn't take it that way. I went Marth (my main), and expected to win.

He 4 stocked me.

He did combos I didn't even know were possible (but were easily do-able, especially since I DI'd towards him really hard every time). I was so amazed, he really did live up to the hype. Immediately afterwards my match was called. I was so depressed I couldn't even focus on the match.

And then some random Fox named Inks ***** me for 3 hours with upthrow upair alone.


Master of Caribou
Aug 24, 2007
Claremont, CA

Hey also, that dorm room tourney with a lot of elite smashers, it sounds familiar. Squee and Aseem are familiar, did the tourney end up being like 5 hours late? And did Ken "forfeit" to Chu to play DSF in losers? I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of smashers played each other before they knew each other; there's a picture at OC3 where Psychomidget is playing Pat (pat's house) in a friendly, but they didn't meet each other until much later lol.
The tourney did end up being really late. IIRC, everybody was kicked out right after it finished, too. I heard a few different stories about what went on between Ken and Chu Dat; at the event, I recall Ken saying that he lost because Chu infinited him, but it wouldn't surprise me if there was some bracket manipulation going on.

Yeah, I thought some people might remember a few of the Claremont guys since they were kind of active in the scene during the 2007-2008 school year. The scene there dissolved afterwards because Noah graduated that year and he organized pretty much everything, but I've seen Thor a few times since them. He continued to play, but could never go to tourneys due to other responsibilities on Saturdays.

Speaking of the Shuffle & Cut events, the first time I played you was at one of those. It was in doubles; you were with some Puff and I was with Mr. *****es. Do you remember that?


Banned via Administration
Jun 28, 2007
probably on a platform
all these stories make me wish i knew more from when i started

my first non modesto tourney, i remember being the only driver (like always :p) and i went all the way to stockton to get hmw, meep, tc1, and darkmike so we could to go a NCB

i was really scared cause i only met brandon once (i'm sure my parents were like super freaking but they didn't let it show) and then when they all come out of the house, i was scared to death. you got hmw who i only met a few times, tc1 tall black guy, darkmike another tall black guy, and meep with all his piercings and hard *** look. I was just hella scared for no reason, but i'd never met these people so i just took brandon's word. Of course, by the end of the tourney i find out how awesome they are. They would encourage me throughout the day, and meep even played some friendlies with me (he was amazing compared to me and i doubt he even got top 5 that touney).

I forget if it was this tourney (i'd assume so cause it was the first), but i didn't get return directions cause i figured how hard is it to get back to the freeway and take the opposite direction on whatever freeways. We end up getting lost and go on the wrong freeway, take a detour of the city and who knows what else. I stopped to ask for directions and still got lost :( I was really tired going home after like the extra hour plus of driving. I was falling asleep on the freeway. Thankfully there was no one else so I just stayed in the middle so if i drifted some it'd be ok. I forced myself to stay awake whenever i passed a truck/car lol.

We get back to stockton and i'm still dead tired, i'm in the right lane and i guess i feel asleep, i hit the curb going like 50 and the car just shakes and forces me back on the road. Meep woke up and was like dude what happened? I just played it off like i wasn't sure because I didn't want them to think ii was tired cause they might not want rides anymore (yea right). Then i have to take brandon back to modesto and it's not as bad, but i still am sorta drifting. After i get him home, i turn up the music and sing along, made it really easy to stay awake for the last 20 min. IDK if i've ever told anyone this story.

Probably got home at like 2am or something and my parents probably would have been freaking out but they were asleep. I remember having to call home saying we were leaving at like 10pm or earlier. XD

This was also the tourney i dsmashed a falco with peach once on yoshi's and he died (i thought it was totally broken and amazing, it's why i won that match). I also counter picked mute city and decided to switch to samus. I also won that lol.

Yay memories.


Smash Lord
Jan 15, 2010
Irvine, CA
Fly, you had an epic story. **** man.

And Anto is right, host another fusion man. I loved that tourney.
The most amazing thing that i can remember is Kira ****** face in draft crews in one of the Grevs.

Also when i choked in draft crews and when i choked against Jack of Blades.


Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2009
cool stories guys, especially Fly's. I just love reading/hearing stories of early stages of competitive communities, the "I met some players at this gathering and one of them was later to be known as <insert big name player>..." lines are always so epic.

so here's my story (like anyone cares):

I have two brothers, one of them a twin brother, and we constantly competed to see who was the better twin. If haven't heard what it's like being a twin, consider this: Both people have very similar genes, raised by the same people. Basically both have the same advantages/disadvantages in life. If one is worse than the other in any way, there can be no excuses, no other explanation than the fact that one is simply "better" than the other. It's much like playing a symmetric game, where both sides start with the same stuff. In this way, Tyler and I were born to compete.

So as we grew up, we played a wide array of sports, which was our main battlefield. We played street hockey, street basketball, street baseball, street football, and even street soccer with the many kids on our street. We all had N64s, and we played mostly 3D action/adventure titles. My first fighting game, Mace: The Dark Ages (3D weapon based fighter, go figure) was not popular among my brothers/friends because it really wasn't for kids (rated M, now that I look at it :O).... and Goldeneye was just too good when it came out.

But then IT came out. Super Smash Brothers. Best. ****ing. Game. EVER. We dropped everything for this game. My brothers and I still play this game together whenever we're all home. But before long, new games and consoles came out, so Aria Drive collectively moved on to Diablo II, Warcraft III, Xbox and Halo:CE came out and then Halo II, and that was everyone's main game for a while. Tyler got together a team and went to a couple MLG events with his team RIP, and placed decently. The next Blizzard installment was WoW, and that tied me up for about 2 years. Our street had regular poker games, and Tyler got good at that too. By now, he's made $10000 playing poker.

After I quit WoW, I was itching for a better competitive alternative to WoW Arena PvP. I started imposing this competitive mindset on my friends, and I went looking for a game of which we could all get good at. We went from Rock Band to Ultimate Frisbee to Soul Calibur II to Halo 3. Soul Calibur II was a lot of fun and I had played the first installment back in the day, so I picked up Soul Calibur IV when it came out. I began playing it online and got too good, so they stopped playing it. Okami would later give it another try, but it wasn't Melee, so, yeah. I read Playing to Win and I got hyped for joining the competitive community for it. When I found out Rob had SSBM I was like, wtf, why aren't playing this? Screw Battlefront and Greg Hasting's Paintball. They had MLG for this game. So it began... Rob you can tell the rest of the story.


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2009
Irvine, SoCal
Dude that part about atul giving you the long-lasting advice and that being the last time you ever saw him was some **** straight out of a movie Fly, LOLOL


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2008
The tourney did end up being really late. IIRC, everybody was kicked out right after it finished, too. I heard a few different stories about what went on between Ken and Chu Dat; at the event, I recall Ken saying that he lost because Chu infinited him, but it wouldn't surprise me if there was some bracket manipulation going on.
IF we are indeed talking about the same tournament then I remember that one really well. Still not 100% sure we are discussing the same tourney but here's what I remember:

Me, Ken, Mana, Chu (possibly arash?) drove there (don't remember where exactly), but we ended up getting there at like 5 or 6pm, really late. The host was a noob and actually delayed the tourney that long since Ken and Chu were coming. IIRC there was some OoS guy there too who smoked.

Now this may be controversial but I'm pretty certain of the following events:

Manacloud was not well liked at the time, I am fairly certain that the bracket was heavily rigged against him. He was matched up against 2 people that definitely disliked him, one of which was ROFL who he had recently banned from ken's biweeklies. He also had to play without warming up. In the end though, nothing came of it and Mike didn't mind too much.

Then when Ken and Chu were playing out Winners Finals, DSF was discussing with Hugo and DC who he should use against Chu since Ken only lost to Chu like once in his life. Alex thought he had a pretty good chance, but they didn't know Ken was taking 2nd at every tourney and letting Chu get 1st so he could pay off his plane ticket home.

So Ken comes in the room all happy like, "Aright Alex let's play!" And DSF is like "WTF U l0st?!" and Ken's excuse was, "Yea I got wobbled!" He said it with a big smile on his face as if getting wobbled was the most fun thing in the world. I mean DSF's face looked just like that tree in Dreamland, all the spirit went out of him. He was so pissed and johning up a storm during the whole match, saying things like, "Ugh why does that even work," and "WTF I grabbed you!" No disrespect to Alex I think he's a cool guy, he was just thrown off-guard and it was hilarious to witness.

Speaking of the Shuffle & Cut events, the first time I played you was at one of those. It was in doubles; you were with some Puff and I was with Mr. *****es. Do you remember that?
I somewhat remember playing against Mr. *****es, don't know who the puff would be though. Who played puff that wasn't Boss or Arash? I doubt either of them would go to a S&C, and I also don't think I've ever teamed with Atlus. Maybe Ajax? Probably Ajax.

But then IT came out. Super Smash Brothers. Best. ****ing. Game. EVER. We dropped everything for this game.
Dude... totally. I remember people asking me in 5th grade "Hey are you gonna get that new Smash Bros game?" And I was a huge gamer (albeit in 5th grade) and I was like, "Nah that game looks so stupid."

Then my friend rented it from Blockbuster, back when blockbuster was a little kid's haven, and we ended up pulling an all nighter, played NON STOP all day, probably from like 8pm to 8pm. We did like ten 99 stock battles with every character, we thought Puff's drill > rest combo was unstoppable and awesome and so cool, the game was too good.

Same thing opening Melee on Christmas Eve, I couldn't believe the game was actually BETTER than I could have imagined myself. It was the perfect sequel. I probably shiz'd myself 20 times while playing and didn't notice the smell.


Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2009
You have a twin Signia?! That is sick. Also how do you know okami?
Met him in trig class freshman year. Didn't know who he was until I joined his forum that he made so classmate could discuss whatever they wanted as opposed to using the school message board. Found out he was one of my friend's friends and he was in my class. I started hanging out with them and some other kids, and kept hanging out with them until the end of high school.
good times

Anyone want to do anything tomorrow, or this weekend? Or is everyone really gonna study all day every day for finals?


Smash Champion
Oct 31, 2007
Irvine CA
I was thinking of hosting something tomorrow but I want to finish my first semester strong and I have a full month to fool around after this week.


Master of Caribou
Aug 24, 2007
Claremont, CA
I'm about as positive as I can be that this was the same event since everything you say is consistent with what I remember.

IIRC there was some OoS guy there too who smoked.
That would be Chad, the GA Ganon.

Then when Ken and Chu were playing out Winners Finals, DSF was discussing with Hugo and DC who he should use against Chu since Ken only lost to Chu like once in his life. Alex thought he had a pretty good chance, but they didn't know Ken was taking 2nd at every tourney and letting Chu get 1st so he could pay off his plane ticket home.

So Ken comes in the room all happy like, "Aright Alex let's play!" And DSF is like "WTF U l0st?!" and Ken's excuse was, "Yea I got wobbled!" He said it with a big smile on his face as if getting wobbled was the most fun thing in the world. I mean DSF's face looked just like that tree in Dreamland, all the spirit went out of him. He was so pissed and johning up a storm during the whole match, saying things like, "Ugh why does that even work," and "WTF I grabbed you!" No disrespect to Alex I think he's a cool guy, he was just thrown off-guard and it was hilarious to witness.
Ha. I recall Alex saying something like "All he does is space!" afterwards, although I don't think I actually watched the second set.

I somewhat remember playing against Mr. *****es, don't know who the puff would be though. Who played puff that wasn't Boss or Arash? I doubt either of them would go to a S&C, and I also don't think I've ever teamed with Atlus. Maybe Ajax? Probably Ajax.
I'm also hazy on the details. I want to say it was that widely disliked Puff player who also had "Fly" in his name, but I could very well be wrong about that. All I remember is that you 2-0'd us, the first round being on FD and the second on Brinstar, both rounds being Sheik + Luigi vs. Sheik + Puff.


Smash Ace
Oct 21, 2007
hey, sorry to go off topic, but can someone explain why i always see people shielding, but when they get attacked the attack still hits them?

is its cause they jump out of shield like RIGHT before the attack? or is it because the attack goes through the shield somehow? if it goes through the shield, how exactly does that work?


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2008
sorry for the long rants, but in the end, these memories *****

I'm about as positive as I can be that this was the same event since everything you say is consistent with what I remember.

That would be Chad, the GA Ganon.

Ha. I recall Alex saying something like "All he does is space!" afterwards, although I don't think I actually watched the second set.

I'm also hazy on the details. I want to say it was that widely disliked Puff player who also had "Fly" in his name, but I could very well be wrong about that. All I remember is that you 2-0'd us, the first round being on FD and the second on Brinstar, both rounds being Sheik + Luigi vs. Sheik + Puff.
Yeah! Was that Chaddd? That's crazy, I can't believe you were at that tourney. That was soo long ago.. I remember ROFL would always do really well against Chu and me and McRustyJr both beat Lucky that tourney lol... joey was bad against sheik since forever.. until he ***** amsah. im gonna go watch that set again

btw i'm almost certain it was Ajax who I teamed with, I don't remember the other puff player at all. My first memory of you was a video of you losing to Fabian? LOL, at the time we were just amused because none of us were surprised that Fabian almost lost to a "random". Then you did amazing things at Connor's biweekly and were infamous ever since.

You did like dthrow, nana fair, iceblock reset, regrab, etc on Corneria (against P?) it was so cool. And you used ICs backwards upsmash to kill some puff and embrace was saying how he was the only one who knew about it until then loool. And then at a later Connor biweekly you destroyed Joe (-plicate) on Yoshi's story, doing like double bair wayy off the right side of the stage. If that match is on youtube I'd like to see it, it was awesome.

hey, sorry to go off topic, but can someone explain why i always see people shielding, but when they get attacked the attack still hits them?

is its cause they jump out of shield like RIGHT before the attack? or is it because the attack goes through the shield somehow? if it goes through the shield, how exactly does that work?
If you're watching good players, most likely they poked the shield. When your shield deteriorates there are certain parts of your character that protrude outside of the shield. Certain attacks will hit those parts of your character.

Falco's dtilt or auto-cancelled bair poke the bottom and top respectively, usually the parts that stick out the most. Really well spaced Falco fsmashes are good too, just wait a bit so their shield deteriorates.

Other moves that commonly poke are sheik's slap when someone's on a platform, marths dtilt, falco or ganon dairs that start way above the shielding character, some ftilts, etc. So if you've seen these hit then that's what's most likely happening.

Although if the shield is deteriorating, a lot of times people get scared so they try to move when it gets low. Waiting for their shield to go down is good for this reason too, because it forces an action from them and so that you CAN hit them JUST as they move.

You know how sometimes there are those awkward pauses where nobody is doing anything and both people are very vulernable? The better player can usually sniff this out and act just in time to beat the other player to it. So sometimes people do hit them just as they move, on purpose.


Master of Caribou
Aug 24, 2007
Claremont, CA
Yeah! Was that Chaddd? That's crazy, I can't believe you were at that tourney. That was soo long ago.. I remember ROFL would always do really well against Chu and me and McRustyJr both beat Lucky that tourney lol... joey was bad against sheik since forever.. until he ***** amsah. im gonna go watch that set again
Yep, that's the guy. That event was my first real tourney, although I wouldn't go to anything else for over half a year. Was Joey still an ICs main then?

btw i'm almost certain it was Ajax who I teamed with, I don't remember the other puff player at all. My first memory of you was a video of you losing to Fabian? LOL, at the time we were just amused because none of us were surprised that Fabian almost lost to a "random". Then you did amazing things at Connor's biweekly and were infamous ever since.

You did like dthrow, nana fair, iceblock reset, regrab, etc on Corneria (against P?) it was so cool. And you used ICs backwards upsmash to kill some puff and embrace was saying how he was the only one who knew about it until then loool. And then at a later Connor biweekly you destroyed Joe (-plicate) on Yoshi's story, doing like double bair wayy off the right side of the stage. If that match is on youtube I'd like to see it, it was awesome.
The first time I remember accomplishing something actually noteworthy was at your first Cal Poly tourney, which I think was a few months before Connor's tourneys. I obviously can't say when I started to get recognition since I was still pretty distant from the community at that point, but it's neat to hear what other people thought,
although said amusement is probably purely ego-related, which goes along nicely with me writing a huge wall of text about myself in the first place

I don't think that set against Joe was recorded. I didn't have much recorded from 2008 in general, IIRC, which is likely a good thing overall.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2006
Union City, CA

damn mccain u remember that?!?!?!

u hit that curb we were all freakin out, cuz we just got of a car accident hahaha

yo mccain use to be free as **** back then to

now he's like the best WC peach

damn yo, time flies LOL


Banned via Administration
Jun 28, 2007
probably on a platform
hahah of course i'd remember that

it scared the crap out of me and i almost killed everyone like every 5 min driving home

i need to stop having these close calls

Deleted member

I too remember when mccain almost killed me and mango

considering how trafficky that day was i can't believe that there were no cars in any of the lanes close to us at that one moment

we weren't meant to die on that day


Smash Master
Dec 4, 2008
Champ: them players got the $$$
jason lam: loooooool
Champ: holla if u hear me u know
Champ: haha
jason lam: yea now that i look at their paycheck
Champ: why marry a businessman who make 16k when u can marry a gamer who maeks 60k
jason lam: that's very true
Champ: i have no idea on their preference though
Champ: the progamer i mean
jason lam: same here
Champ: maybe they want peopel who look like kerrigan haha
Jason lam: I guess any girl that has big *** boobs/butts and cook them a nice *** meal
jason lam: and get some *****
jason lam: is fine for them
jason lam: >.>
Champ: haha
Champ: good at maknig sandwhiches
jason lam: or in korea case
jason lam: kimchi
Champ: haha i hate kimchi
Champ: it taste so bad
jason lam: same here
jason lam: i don't understand why people say it's good
Champ: i once saw a kimchi cake
Champ: i was like wow
Champ: who ever made that needs to be punish

Champ's too good


Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2010
the game aint in me no more
jason found someone to talk to that speaks the same language.

my first tourney was mlg anaheim and that was so tight
i met sheridan
i saw jeff moonwalk -> up-b kill someone
i saw him 3 stock wife on brinstar
i saw him falcon punch a little kid in doubles
i beat someone in tournament, which wouldn't happen again for another year+
i seem to have this memory of romeo holding a tv in rotation with DK, but it's possible that romeo was talking **** for the DK player
i saw aesis with his girlfriend (who was cute as ***) near the espnzone thing at disneyland
i think tink called me 'superf@gbrian' when he read my name off the pool sheet. i still don't know if it actually happened.
taj almost jv 4 stocked me in marth dittos (in a 3 stock match) and then 3 stocked me with pikachu the next game
ken and pc grand finals were so ****ing hype omg
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