Woahh... how did that happen? forum bug I guess. My post:
Thanks for the lists, I really needed something like that.
Just to be balanced:
Obviously I'll be voting for obama just because the GOP is insane. (Ron Paul is insane too but he's a better kind of insane then the rest.) But I still dislike some of the things he's done. Specifically in increasing the Military and TSA budgets. (Military budget has reached ww2 levels)
alot of his actions also seemed to be eroding the rights of the american people such as;
extending the patriot act,
dropping charges against the CIA for destroying videotapes documenting torture of detainees,
cracking down the harder on whistleblowers than any president before, government immunity in prosecutions for domestic spying,
trying to get government immunity in prosecutions for domestic spying.
anti war activists raids.
So I'm really not liking this trend of giving more power to the federal government.
I'm also bothered by some of the ****ty people who he appointed to his offices. Like the guys from Monsanto.
But he's done some good things, despite having a ****ty senate and congress and he needs to be credited for that. I just don't think we should forget the bad stuff he's done and push him to do better. Just because he isn't bush or santorum doesn't mean he's amazing. We should hold our politicians to the highest standard. I'm excited to see what good he can do in the next four years.
edit: @blazedaces: that video seems interesting, watching it now. The ted talk that he shows early on is really good and I definitely suggest it.
edit2: I definitely learned alot from that interview with Haidt. It reinforces some ideals that I've come to believe in over the last few years. That people need to learn how to see things from other people's perspectives. I think empathy is one of the most important traits and we need to constantly try to put ourselves in the other persons shoes and try to understand where they're coming from. Haidt says that one of our biggest issue in politics that we can't understand the other party and so instead we demonize them. Which leads us (specifically the republican party in america) to be so unwilling to compromise.
I do think Haidt might be overgeneralizing a little bit, and that what he says doesn't really account for all the issues current politics has. Specifically I think there are those who don't have nobel reasons for thinking the way I do but are instead using the system to their own personal benefits. But at the Haidt acknowledges that, and states that their are those who don't fit the bill. He says we should sacralize purity and mobilize against corruption. And I agree wholeheartedly, it goes inline with what
Larry Lessig says is the core issue plaguing government. I do think that those sorts of people who are corrupting politics tend to use the GOP as a vehicle for their personal gains. Which is why I think conservatives aren't really be represented strongly in current American politics.