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The 2006-2008 Tier list

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Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2005
Rolla, MO
Going from that, I say Peach should move up a spot or two, Pika over Ness, and Kirby should be lower. And I'm no Zelda expert but I would think she should be higher than G&W.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 21, 2007
Your list kinda looks like mine spike, but I noticed that you put Kirby at the top of the bottom tier... Kirby is bad, he's arguably one of the top 3 worse chars in the game.

If you move DK up, than Link gotta stay above him...
I copied + pasted and then edited :)
Exactly what I thought when I read that, moving DK means moving Link up. I'll edit mine.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 21, 2007
Does anyone want to make a tier list based off different things alone? Like Recovery, Tilts, Smashes, Singles, and Doubles? At Doubles Marth is top. Recovery would probably be Fox on top. Tilts Shiek on top.


Smash Ace
Feb 11, 2007
Does anyone want to make a tier list based off different things alone? Like Recovery, Tilts, Smashes, Singles, and Doubles? At Doubles Marth is top. Recovery would probably be Fox on top. Tilts Shiek on top.
Marth is not best in doubles lol
Fox is not best at recovery :laugh:
tilts MAYBE sheik
You got 1 right!!!


Edit: Roy needs to be moved down
Roy below Ness and Pikachu!!!


Smash Apprentice
Apr 21, 2007
Marth is not best in doubles lol
Fox is not best at recovery :laugh:
tilts MAYBE sheik
You got 1 right!!!


Edit: Roy needs to be moved down
Roy below Ness and Pikachu!!!
Who's best at Doubles then? I find it odd that Marth is used in nearly every team and not considered the best at doubles. Who would you say is best at recovery then. Kirby?


Smash Apprentice
Apr 21, 2007
Marth is not best in doubles lol
Fox is not best at recovery :laugh:
tilts MAYBE sheik
You got 1 right!!!


Edit: Roy needs to be moved down
Roy below Ness and Pikachu!!!
i think roy is better than both of them
meh they are pretty close but falcons better imo


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2007
Jigglypuff has the best recovery, hands down. It's got high priority, it can be delayed around for mindgames, and it can stall infinitely if not for the fact that using Rising Pound for stalling were banned.

Marth and Ganon are both pretty good in doubles, but double Marth and double Ganon... not so much. Oddly enough, Marth and Ganon team works well.

JBM falcon08

Smash Master
Jan 24, 2006
glenwood iowa
No reddragon, falcon is much better than peach, plays better against marth and marth is 2nd best, and it seems lately that fox/falco aren't much of a counter nowadays because everyone is finding ways around their gayness, granted that fox is still uber gay to falcon.


Smash Ace
Feb 11, 2007
No reddragon, falcon is much better than peach, plays better against marth and marth is 2nd best, and it seems lately that fox/falco aren't much of a counter nowadays because everyone is finding ways around their gayness, granted that fox is still uber gay to falcon.
Peach is better my friend!!!
Peach has no big weakness: she is a great edge guarder, has a great projectile, great camper, one of the best recovery's, float cancel, cc to downsmash, loads of damage VERY easy, can chaingrab many characters(Including C. FALCON!!!) quick grab, good amount of killing moves, great priority, etc etc

C. Falcon on the other hand has a big weakness(and a few other weakness's) \
His recovery sucks like crap!
first off he is a fast faller so that hurts his recovery but his up-b cant sweet spot the edge. A falcon of the edge is a dead falcon(if you are fighting a decent player)



Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
Peach doesn't have a kill move, and your reasons sound so biased. down smash = lots of damage who the **** cc's against peach LOL

also you forgot to mention the other weakness's if recovery was such a bad weakness explain why falco is good? LOL

CF has one of the best combo games in the game.


Smash Ace
Aug 9, 2004
Ann Arbor, Michigan
peach has lots of kill moves. uair, bair, nair, fair all kill. dair sets up for fc dsmash or nair or bair. all her smashes kill. turnips can be pretty nasty for edgeguarding. she can chain grab fast fallers. oh, and she can also combo pretty decently.


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv
peach has lots of kill moves. uair, bair, nair, fair all kill. dair sets up for fc dsmash or nair or bair. all her smashes kill. turnips can be pretty nasty for edgeguarding. she can chain grab fast fallers. oh, and she can also combo pretty decently.
Cough, her supposedly called kill moves don't kill a decent player who can DI before 180%. >_> Her upsmash sweetspot could be called kill move, since it's very powerful finisher, but has no setups at all unlike Falcon has for knees. Her fsmash is a joke when speaking of kill moves and even her dsmash doesn't kill below 180% with DI. >_> And her comboes are all situational and mostly can only be done on fast fallers or semi-fast fallers.

Moves that can kill you at very low% and are very powerful moves in general, mostly with reliable setups can be called kill moves, such as Falcon's knee, Marth's fsmash, fox's uair and upsmash ect. Peach has nothing like that. >_>


Smash Ace
Feb 11, 2007
Peach doesn't have a kill move, and your reasons sound so biased. down smash = lots of damage who the **** cc's against peach LOL

also you forgot to mention the other weakness's if recovery was such a bad weakness explain why falco is good? LOL

CF has one of the best combo games in the game.
LOL What do you call her f-throw, d-smash, f-air, b-air, u-smash, and her great edgeguaring??? those are killers my stupid friend LOL

recovery is a horrid weakness fool, watch some videos, if C. Falcon gets off the stage he is most likely dead....LOL

Falco is very good because he has great combos, laser, speed, power (do i need to continue?)

AMAZING!! Cf has one of the best combo games in the game?????? YOU ARE SO FRKIN SMART!!!!!:psycho::psycho:



Smash Ace
Aug 9, 2004
Ann Arbor, Michigan
actually, falcon does have one of the best combo games...

regardless of DI, those moves will definitely kill at percents much lower than that. plus, peach has enough of an edgeguard game that those moves can easily be considered KO moves at percents much lower than 180. Otherwise I'd like you to explain to me why you don't see top pros living against good peaches at that high of percents very often.


Smash Hero
Jun 4, 2006
Upstate NY
Peaches recovery is pretty fawful too reddragon.

cf has the best combo game in the game for shizzle. he has so many quirks of amazingness, best moonwalk, best DD, best vertical endurance, fastest dash/run speed (tie rs), etc.

and u say cg like its some amazing thing, like every cahracter can cg, falcon has tons of low mid and high % cg's.

he has tons of guaranteed kills at certain percents, and almost all of his moves lead to a finisher.

plus he also has a true spike.

and his recovery may be bad but at least it gets great distance.

and knee.

hes too good.


Smash Hero
Jun 4, 2006
Upstate NY
i like how ppl try to have intelligent discussions but then noobs come in with their ridiculous opinions and ruin the flow.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 15, 2007
Y. Link aint gonna higher. He has either good or bad matchups. Link should go higher..but too many even matchups. With Y. Link it's either you win or you lose. Link well..it's either you get lucky or you don't get lucky.
Lol, well said. How many more times can they/will they change the list?


Smash Ace
Feb 11, 2007
Peaches recovery is pretty fawful too reddragon.

cf has the best combo game in the game for shizzle. he has so many quirks of amazingness, best moonwalk, best DD, best vertical endurance, fastest dash/run speed (tie rs), etc.

and u say cg like its some amazing thing, like every cahracter can cg, falcon has tons of low mid and high % cg's.

he has tons of guaranteed kills at certain percents, and almost all of his moves lead to a finisher.

plus he also has a true spike.

and his recovery may be bad but at least it gets great distance.

and knee.

hes too good.
tell me my friend what his "true spike" is??? All i know is that his d-air is a meteor...which can be canceled.....
C. Falcon can also be combed easy and chaingrabed then get knocked off the stage which leads to his death about 90% of the time....
Peach has no HUGE weakness.......
I dont get why people dont see the truth: Peach>>>>Falcon


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2007
You're arguing for Peach more or less the same way you argued for Marth : \. Only reiterating your words, and not really addressing the GOOD points other people bring up.

Peach may have good recovery, but on a small enough stage that won't matter because she's both light and floaty, two things that make her extra easy to KO.

Captain Falcon's true spike is the upper hitbox of the dair, which sends at a 45° angle and cannot be meteor canceled. Falcon can be combo'd pretty hard, but he has, no dispute, the best combo game, as well. Just follow Isai's advice and you're good to go.


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2007
Northville, MI
CF is definately one of the best comboers in the game, as well as being one of the fastest characters in the game. He's really good for using speed mindgames, he has the knee for killing sideways and the stomp (w/ nipple spike) for killing downward. I don't even know what this thread is about, nor have i read any of it, i was just told to help defend Captain Falcon, something all of us should do. Besides, with a move as strong as the knee, and 99% of his other moves combo into it, what more could you ask for (besides a shine...)


Smash Ace
Feb 11, 2007
all right guess i have to bring out the ole matchup chart:
ok so in tourneys you mostly see Fox, Falco, Sheik, and Marth
Who is better against peach or Falcon:

Fox: Peach for sure. Its not so much that peach is good against him(cause its a hard matchup for peach) its more that Falcon can do so little against Fox and fox pwns Falcon

Falco: LOL Peach by a LOooooong run. Falcos only "true" contour is Peach, this is an easy one.

Sheik: Again a hard matchup for both, but still peach does better, because Sheik pwns Falcon harder.

Marth: Falcon by a loooooooong run. Not a horrid matchup for Peach but still, a VERY bad matchup for Marth.

So ther you have it: 3-1 peach wins!!!!11!! I can go into more detail but i think you all agree with me...



Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2007
What? I'm not sure how much you play of each character, but most of that seems inaccurate. The only things I really agree with you on are "Peach counters Falco" and "Marth is not a good matchup for Peach."


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2007
Northville, MI
Have you ever heard of the Tapion Punch? while not always a good idea, it just goes to show that CF can actually true combo fox/ falco into a faclon punch. Just throwing that out there. CF can tech chase / Isai stomp the hell out of Fast Fallers. Also, Falcon can combo the hell out of both sheik and marth. and sheik pwns peach just as hard. You've never actually played a good CF have you? Are you even familiar w/ the terms i'm using? like tapion punch & isai stomping. Plus, CF has the moonwalk>win combo. jk on that last.


Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2005
all right guess i have to bring out the ole matchup chart:
ok so in tourneys you mostly see Fox, Falco, Sheik, and Marth
Who is better against peach or Falcon:

Fox: Peach for sure. Its not so much that peach is good against him(cause its a hard matchup for peach) its more that Falcon can do so little against Fox and fox pwns Falcon

Falco: LOL Peach by a LOooooong run. Falcos only "true" contour is Peach, this is an easy one.

Sheik: Again a hard matchup for both, but still peach does better, because Sheik pwns Falcon harder.

Marth: Falcon by a loooooooong run. Not a horrid matchup for Peach but still, a VERY bad matchup for Marth.

So ther you have it: 3-1 peach wins!!!!11!! I can go into more detail but i think you all agree with me...

LOL WTF???? how did you defend your points at all... All you said was "HAY SHEIK PWNS FALCON, FALCO LOSES TO PEACH THATZ EAZYSAUCE, FALCON BEATS MARTH PURDY BAD" ... and then you repeated 'loooooooooooooooooong run' twice OBVIOUSLY making you the victor of this debate since you proved your points so well!

Since when was Peach a TRUE counter to Falco? At most she's a soft counter and not necessarily even then. Falco can control the air very well with his lasers and aerials, unless you are a noob you shouldn't get grabbed very often or stuck in dsmash because you are lasering the hell out of the peach and biding your time. I call this one even don't overexaggerate.

Falcon vs. marth isn't a horrible matchup for marth at all, though i would agree its in CF's favor.

Why can falcon do so little against fox? You mean falcon has no combos on fox, or that a good falcon doesn't know how to techchase and stomp a fox? I mean I don't know where you come up with this rediculously unbalanced assumptions about each character, and its not even that I think CF should be higher than Peach on the tier list (because I don't) its that you come here making the worst arguments I've ever seen and the sad part is that you are serious about them. On top of it all the tier list is supposed to be based on tournament results either way.... off the top of my head Jiano got 3rd at pound 2, and Darkrain got 2nd at INN V both beating notable foxes and falcos to get there and you make Falcon sound like he is a terrible character that is always worse than peach.


Smash Ace
Feb 11, 2007
LOL WTF???? how did you defend your points at all... All you said was "HAY SHEIK PWNS FALCON, FALCO LOSES TO PEACH THATZ EAZYSAUCE, FALCON BEATS MARTH PURDY BAD" ... and then you repeated 'loooooooooooooooooong run' twice OBVIOUSLY making you the victor of this debate since you proved your points so well!

Since when was Peach a TRUE counter to Falco? At most she's a soft counter and not necessarily even then. Falco can control the air very well with his lasers and aerials, unless you are a noob you shouldn't get grabbed very often or stuck in dsmash because you are lasering the hell out of the peach and biding your time. I call this one even don't overexaggerate.

Falcon vs. marth isn't a horrible matchup for marth at all, though i would agree its in CF's favor.

Why can falcon do so little against fox? You mean falcon has no combos on fox, or that a good falcon doesn't know how to techchase and stomp a fox? I mean I don't know where you come up with this rediculously unbalanced assumptions about each character, and its not even that I think CF should be higher than Peach on the tier list (because I don't) its that you come here making the worst arguments I've ever seen and the sad part is that you are serious about them. On top of it all the tier list is supposed to be based on tournament results either way.... off the top of my head Jiano got 3rd at pound 2, and Darkrain got 2nd at INN V both beating notable foxes and falcos to get there and you make Falcon sound like he is a terrible character that is always worse that peach.
gosh i feel bad for you...i said i would give you more details if you just asked....
oh well some of us have trouble reading the whole post...
i will write more tomorrow.



Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Sorry, I'm arriving late to the party. But boy golly do I love me some completely biased speculation! I'm not going to comment on much of anything relevant, only noting that Ganondorf is much lower then I thought he was.

Jeah, the list's old. I never really looked at it, knowing the top 6 or so spots would be, in some order, the same characters it's always been. I just never noticed Ganon was that low.



Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2005
gosh i feel bad for you...i said i would give you more details if you just asked....
oh well some of us have trouble reading the whole post...
i will write more tomorrow.

no you said "So ther you have it: 3-1 peach wins!!!!11!! I can go into more detail but i think you all agree with me..."

You didn't go into more detail because you somehow assumed that we would all agree with your blunt statements that outright claimed peach to be better through no reasoning what so ever. And let me reiterate for you like an adult holding a little kids hand that the tier lists are based on tournament placings, if falcons on the whole are doing better than peaches in tournaments then they should be higher.....

Maybe before commenting that I had a hard time reading your posts you should reread what you actually wrote since your short term memory seems to be failing you.
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